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2.Переведите письменно текст с английского языка на русский, обращая внимание на Participle I and Participle II.


We know different kinds of metals. The heavy metals include iron, copper, tin, lead and some others. Some met­als are light (aluminium), some are hard (iron) and others are soft (tin, lead). Aluminium is a metal found in clay. It is the most abundant metallic element found in nature only in the form of compound. Aluminium is a very impor­tant metal used in many industries. It has white colour, does not corrode and is resistant to all inorganic acids except hydrochloric. Aluminium things are in wide use. Aluminium combined with steel and other melals forms a mixture of metals called an alloy. Alloys formed in combi­nation with aluminium are better for various purposes than the basic metal itself. Engineers often use combined metals in industry.

  1. Time for fun

Youth: I sent some suggestions telling you how to make your paper more interesting. Have any of my ideas been carried out?

Editor: Did you meet the office boy carrying the waste paper-basket when come to the building?

Youth; Yes, yes, I did.

Editor: Well, he was carrying out your ideas.

III.Supplementary reading

Lake District National Park

The National Trust is a charity founded nearly 100 years ago by three people anxioused that the natural beauty of the British countryside could be spoiled by the increasing industrialization of the country.

The Lake District is the largest national park in England. The lakes and the mountains surrounding it were formed millions of years ago in the ice age. The largest lake is Windermere, often used for sailing, water-skiing and other sports. The deepest lake, thought to be the oldest, is Wostwater, over 60 m deep. One fairly new "lake" is Haweswater reservoir. This is a man-made lake created by flooding valley waters.

The English lakes is a popular area for outdoor activities; very often you can see here hiking, camping, climbing people and water sports are also very popular. It is more popular for families to visit in the summer and the only real industry in the region is tourism. One can spend hours in the towns of Windermere, Ambleside, Penrith or Keswick just looking at the clothes made from lakeland wool, sweets made from lakeland farms or drink the special lakeland beer, brewed by Marstons. The only three mountains in England are all found in the Lake District; they are Scafell Pike (977 m), Helvellyn (949 m) and Skiddaw (931 m). They can each be climbed easily in a day and very little specialist equipment is needed. If the weather is fine, one can see almost to the coast of Ireland from the summits.

УЭ – 8

Герундий gerund

(неличная форма глагола, которая сочетает в себе свойства глагола и существительного - отглагольное существительное – reading-чтение)

Формула образования: v + ing

Герундий употребляется после следующих слов:



nouns + prepositions

сущ.+ предлог

adjectives + prepositions





the idea of

to be famous for

to mind


the method of

to be sorry for

to result in


the way of

to be sure of

to object to


the purpose of

to be capable of

to use for

instead of

the necessity of

to be tired of

to insist on


the technique of

to be good at

to rely on

in spite of,


the importance of,


to be surprised at, etc.

to prevent from, etc.

-Walking, talking and thinking like a human being will soon become possible for robots. Походка, речь и мышление, подобные человеку будут вскоре присущи роботам.

-Without gathering data it is impossible to prove the theory. Без сбора данных невозможно доказать теорию.

-The new technique of compiling programmes accelerated our work a lot. Новая технология составления программ значительно ускорила нашу работу.

-Robots are capable of doing difficult tasks. Роботы способны выполнять трудные задачи.

Aspect / Voice




He likes telling the truth.


He likes reading.


He likes being told the truth.

чтобы ему говорили


He is proud of having spoken to this person.

что поговорил

He is proud of having been spoken to.

что с ним поговорили

  1. Grammar Practice Section

1. Прочтите предложения, переведите их, обращая внимание на герундий

1. Painting is an art. 2. He likes playing chess. 3. Thank you for your coming to my house. 4. She loves meeting people because she can't bear being along. 5. She enjoys being photographed. 6. Go on with your writing. 7. Tell me this word meaning. 8. We have heard of the air hav­ing been polluted badly. 9. After having read the text I translated it.

2. Замените глаголы в скобках герундием. Переведите предложения

1. We thanked him for (to help) in our work. 2. (to chose) a present for a girl of 17 was not an easy matter for us. 3. We were waiting for her (to come) to the station. 4. She is fond of (to read) English books. 5. Do you like (to play) tennis? 6. He dreams of (to take part) in the Olympic Games. 7. Before (to leave) our city he rang me up.

3. Закончите предложения, используя герундий

What is your idea of..?

He finished

He takes every opportunity of

I enjoy

Не stopped

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