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  1. Grammar Practice Section

1. Переведите предложения. Назовите модальные глаголы и их эквива­ленты и объясните их употребление.

1. a) My nephew can read and speak English now.

b) She could read but couldn't speak English last year.

c) This task is too difficult but the girls are able to do it, I think.

d) They will be able to finish their work in time.

2. a) May I take the dictionary to translate the text?

b) He was allowed to take a new magazine for two days.

c) Will you be allowed to take part in the conference?

d) He said that we might use his flat whenever we liked.

3. a) You must rewrite your homework again.

b) As she lives far from school she has to get up early.

c) I was so tired yesterday that I had to go to bed at 10 o'clock.

4. a) I am to meet him at noon.

b) They were to wait for me at the library.

5. a) We should do our morning exercises to be strong and healthy.

b) You should buy a new umbrella.

c) You ought to put on a coat, its cold today.

2. Поставьте следующие предложения в Past и Future Indefinite

1. The students have to work hard.

2. We can come back on Friday.

3. You can come to the gym at any time you like.

4. Are you able to walk 5 kilometers an hour?

5. I am able to solve some problems.

6. You have to do this exercise once more.

7. She may miss the class.

8. We have to call a doctor.

9. We must know the history of our country.

3. Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму

1. Не can skate well. My friend can play the piano. She could translate this text. They are able to work the whole light day.

2. You may borrow a bicycle for Sunday. I might go to the cinema after classes yesterday.

3. You must help your little brother. This morning I have to go to the doctor. We had to go there yesterday.

4. We were to see our friend at the hospital. We are to help him. He is to recover.

5. Athletes should train 6 times a week. You should have a rest.

4. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами

1. Mike is looking for a job. He _____ paint walls, he _____ fix motors and he _____ repair locks.

2. Nick _____ do his homework because he was very tired. Jane _____ to do her homework because she _____ take care of her baby sister.

3. Small children _____ play with matches.

4. My parents think that my hair _____ be shorter, my friends _____ be more polite when they come to our house and I _____ get better marks at school.

5. Jane doesn't go to school today and she _____ not go to school tomorrow. She thinks she _____ have pneumonia.

5.Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы

1. Можно мне взять вашу книгу? 2. На уроке английского языка вы должны говорить только по-английски. 3. Можно задать вопрос? 4.Я не могу сделать эту работу. Я устал. 5. Можно здесь курить? 6. Мы должны сегодня поехать за город. Мы договаривались. 7. Тебе следует навестить друга.