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Тренировочные упражнения

1. Переведите на русский язык. Ключ


1. Petrov and Ivanov are at the conference in Moscow.

Петров и Иванов на конфе­ренции в Москве.

2. Are Petrov and Ivanov at the conference in Moscow?

Петров и Иванов на конфе­ренции в Москве?

3. Petrov and Ivanov are not at the conference in Moscow, they are in Kiev.

Петров и Иванов не на кон­ференции в Москве, они в Киеве.

4. My aim is to master English.

Моя цель - освоить англий­ский язык.

5. Where is Bill? - He is working in the library.

Где Билл? - Он работает в библиотеке.

6. The students were asked to help the collective farmers.

Студентов попросили по­мочь колхозникам.

7. There are some interesting articles in this magazine.

В этом журнале есть не­сколько интересных статей.

8. The train is to arrive at 5.

Поезд должен прибыть в 5 часов.

9. I was to send him a letter, but I forgot.

Мне нужно было послать ему письмо, но я забыл.

II. Ключ

1. In our country all people have the right to education.

В нашей стране все люди имеют право на образование.

2. He has much work to do.

У него много работы.

3. We have not much time to get to the station.

У нас немного времени, что­бы добраться до вокзала.

4. I have got many books on this question.

У меня много книг по этому вопросу.

5. The participants of the con­ference have just discussed this problem.

Участники конференции только что обсудили эту проблему.

6. Have you any books on his­tory?

У тебя есть какие-нибудь книги по истории?

7. Did you have a good rest on Sunday?

Вы хорошо отдохнули в вос­кресенье?

8. The teacher had to explain this grammar rule again.

Учителю пришлось объяс­нить это грамматическое правило еще раз.

9. He had his watch repaired.

Ему починили часы.

2. Определите функцию многофункциональных глаголов и переведите предложения на русский язык. (см. Ключ)

1. The new tape-recorder is in the laboratory. 2. Germanium and silicon are two of the best known semiconductors. 3. In the last few decades 11 new radioactive elements were obtained. 4. Building engineers are looking for new methods in housing construction. 5. The conditions under which liquids are to be transported vary widely. 6. Electric engines have the highest efficiency. 7. Radio has found universal recognition and application in a comparatively short period of time. 8. In lifting the weight we have to do work against the force of gravity. 9. The capacity of a body to do work is called energy. 10. What does the result of the experiment depend upon? 11. A stationary magnet does not produce electricity. 12. The cooling pump in a diesel does perform a very important function. 13. The digital computer performs a much broader range of functions than the analogue computer does. 14. For hardening, steel should be heated to an exact temperature. 15. It is necessary that structural members should be big enough to withstand the stress in service. 16. He was asked to put the problem aside.