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2.Переведите письменно текст с английского языка на русский, обращая внимание на придаточные предложения.

2. Broadcasting

We know that BBC was established in 1926. BBC has four national radio channels which designed to cater for people of different interests. Radio 1 offers rock and pop music. Radio 2, apart from providing music and light entertainment, is the main channel for the coverage of sport. Radio 3 broadcasts classical music and operas, classical dramas, poetry as well as documentaries and special talks. Radio 4 provides news programmes and current affairs service covering all main fields, as well as plays, features and games.

The BBC also has 32 local radio stations which concentrate on local news and local affairs. There are 47 independent local radio stations throughout Britain.

The BBC External Services regularly transmit programmes in English and 36 other languages by radio world-wide in order to give news, present British culture and developments in science and technology as well as to provide lessons in the English language. The BBC World Service broadcasts by radio through the whole day in English.

3. Time for fun

He must go.

Two men were going in a train. One of them asked the other:

-“Are you going to Brown's lecture today”?

-“Yes, I am”, said the other.

-“Take my advice and don't go”, said the first. “I heard that he is a very bad lecture”.

-“I can't help it”, said the other, “I must go, I am Browns”.

The main difficulty

At a college examination a professor asked:”Does the question embarrass you”?

-“Not at all, sir”, replied the student, “not at all. The question is quite clear. It is the answer that bothers me”.

III.Supplementary reading

Nuclear Radiation

Nuclear radiation is not a new phenomenon. From the beginning of time, man has always been subjected to natural, or background, radiation from radioactive elements such as uranium, thorium, radium, and other substances which are everywhere in the earth. This radiation is present in small amounts in the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, and the earth under our feet.

Cosmic rays are also part of this natural radiation to which everyone is constantly exposed. Cosmic rays are nuclear particles of very high ener­gy which strike the earth from outer space.

Man-made radiation, while highly beneficial, can be extremely dange­rous if not used under careful control. But in this respect, it is not essen­tially different from man-made electricity, a familiar and indispensable household and industrial servant, but one which can be a formidable ene­my when out of control. One easy way to understand radiation and its place in our economy, as a matter of fact, is to continue this comparison with electricity. Nuclear radiation cannot be seen, heard, felt, tasted, or smelt. Electricity, though it can be felt, likewise cannot be seen, heard, tasted, or smelt during its normal operation and use.

Nuclear radiation is a new force in our daily lives, as electricity was less than a century ago.

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