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At the Airport

Immigration officer*: What's the purpose of your visit to London, sir?

Borisov: It's a business trip.

Immigration officer: How long will you stay here?

Borisov: For a month.

Immigration officer: Your passport is in order. Please go through the customs in the next room.

Borisov: Thank you.

At the Customs House

Customs officer**: Is this your luggage, sir? Have you got any things to declare?

Borisov: I've got two blocks of cigarettes. Are they liable to duty?

Customs officer: You can have them duty-free.

Borisov: Shall 1 open my suit-case?1 I've only got my personal things in it.

Customs officer: No, that won't be necessary, I'll just mark it. Have a nice stay in Great Britain, sir.

* an immigration officer [ımı'greı∫n'ɔfisə] — служащий паспортного контроля

** a customs officer — таможенный чиновник

Getting about London

What is London?

We can say that it is one of the largest cities in the world, that it is one of the world's most important port and that it is the capital of Great Britain.

But all these answers do not give any idea of London.

London is more than two thousand and five hundred years old. About seven million people live there. There are more than 10 thousand streets in London.

Most of the streets are not very wide and most of the buildings are not tall, but multistorey buildings have also appeared in London and almost all of them are hotels and offices.

London Underground (or Tube) is the oldest an longest in Europe. There are eleven different lines wit more than 500 stations.

Although London is a crowded and noisy city you can find many pleasant parks and green squares there.

Regent's Park is the most beautiful park and Hyde Park is the largest, it is one of the most popular place of rest of Londoners on hot summer days.

There are three main parts in London: the City, the West End and the East End.

The oldest part of London is the City, the business centre. But the political centre is Westminster which is in the West End.

The West End is famous for its rich shops, hotels, restaurants, cinemas, museums and other places of interest. Only rich people live there.

The East End is another part of London. Many houses there are poor and many streets are narrow and dirty. The East End is famous for its docks but they have closed. Now people are building houses there.

There is so much to see in London that even Lon­doners can always find new sights. They like to say: "When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life."


К упр. 6 (V).

1. was, had

2. have (have got), is

3. had

4. were, had

5. had, has

6. has (got), has (has got)

7. have (have you got), have

8. has, - has

К упр. 2 (V).

1. Новый магнитофон находится в лаборатории. (Смысловой глагол). 2. Германий и кремний — два наиболее известные полупроводника (Глагол-связка). 3. За последние десятилетия было получено 11 новых радиоактивных элементов. (Вспомогательный глагол). 4. Инженеры-строители ищут новые методы жилищного строительства. (Вспомогательный глагол). 5. Условия, в которых должны перевозиться жидкости, очень различны. (Модальный гла­гол). 6. Электрические двигатели имеют самый высокий КПД. (Смысловой гла­гол). 7. Радио получило всеобщее признание и применение за сравнительно короткий период времени. (Вспомогательный глагол). 8. При поднятии груза мы должны совершать работу по преодолению силы тяжести. (Модальный гла­гол). 9. Способность тела совершать работу называется энергией. (Смысловой глагол). 10. От чего зависит результат опыта? (Вспомогательный глагол). 11. Неподвижный магнит не создает электричества. (Вспомогательный глагол). 12. Охлаждающий насос в дизеле все же выполняет очень важную функцию. (Усиление значения). 13. Цифровая вычислительная машина выполняет зна­чительно больше функций, чем аналоговая вычислительная машина. (Замес­титель смыслового глагола). 14. Для закалки сталь нужно нагреть до определен­ной температуры. (Модальный глагол). 15. Необходимо, чтобы строительные детали были достаточно большими, для того чтобы выдерживать эксплуатационные нагрузки. (Вспомогательный глагол). 16. Его просили не заниматься этим вопросом.