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house п — дом, жилище, здание

v — вмещать(ся), поместить

Modern houses are comfortable.

The building houses a library, and

a reading hall.

5. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на перевод слов, образованных по способу кон­версии.

1. Do you know Ned's new address? 2. The letter was not addressed to him. 3. The telephone is the invention of the 20th century. 4. Sam didn't telephone me yesterday. 5. Nelly's visit has come to an end. 6 Why don't you visit her? 7. The city was in ruins. 8. That fact ruined John's career. 9. Have you got many mistakes in your test? 10. You have mistaken me for somebody else. 11. I don't know this girl's name. 12. The boy was named after his grandfather. 13. Pete wants to pilot modern airplanes. 14. He wants to become a pilot. 15. I haven't received an answer to my letter. 16. She didn't answer my last letter.


Работа с текстами

1. Просмотрите текст, определите по суффиксам части речи, к которым принадлежат выделенные слова, переведите их. Передайте содержание прочитанного на родном языке.


From the earliest times people used many methods of conveying messages (передавать сообщения) as quickly and as efficiently (effi­cient — эффективный) as possible.

In American history the pony express was one of the most heroic adventures (приключений). The discovery (открытие) of gold in Cali­fornia made it necessary to give important messages. The stage coaches (дилижанс) which regularly carried mail (почта) required months to reach California. The pony express carried urgent (to urge — настаи­вать) messages. It was a group of 80 young men of 18 years of age. These courageous (courage — храбрость) men carried mail in relays (по оче­реди). They used five hundred of the finest horses available (to avail — иметься в наличии). At each of the 190 stations along the route a fresh rider (to ride — ехать верхом) was ready. The management (to man­age — управлять) kept men under very strict (строгий) rules. Every rider was given a Bible and was not allowed to drink or swear (ругаться). The pony express had a remarkable (to remark — замечать) career. To deliver mail the riders had to overcome (преодолевать) great physic­al danger. On April 3, 1860 the first rider started from Missouri and ten days later the message arrived in California which was two thousand miles away. A huge celebration (to celebrate — праздновать) was held in honour of this magnificent (magnificence — великолепие) achieve­ment. But the pony express had a short life of 16 months only.

In 1861 the completion (to complete — завершать) of the first trans­continental telegraph line marked the end of the pony express.

2. Найдите в текстах слова, имеющие общий корень со словами данными перед текстом, определите части речи, к которым они относятся, переведите их, затем передайте содержание прочитанного на родном языке.


computer—электронновычислительная машина

abnormal — ненормальный

pollute — загрязнять

local — локальный

to detect — обнаруживать


to indicate— указывать


to predict — предсказывать


A computerized air pollution control system has been installed in Netherlands between Rotterdam and the North Sea. The area is densely populated and highly industrialized. Thirty-one detectors have been installed in the district. They are sensors (датчики) measuring levels of chemical substances considered to be indicators of general level of pollution. Signals of the sensors which also include meteorological in­formation are sent electronically to a warning centre computer. The computer then gives predictions based on information from the sensors as well as on more general meteorological information. An abnormally high source of pollution can be localized within a minute. Plant opera­tions are then curtailed (сокращать) or shut down through previous agreements with air pollution control authorities.


resemblance — сходство

quick — быстрый

to differ — различаться

extreme — крайний

to complete — завершать

to value — ценить

to encourage — поощрять

to assist — помогать

A new way of teaching five-year-olds basic words has been used in one of English schools.

Every day 29 boys and girls spend half an hour playing a game re­sembling lotto. But instead of using cards containing numbers each card has a different set of words used by the children in everyday life. The teacher calls out words such as "cat", "play", "ball" and the chil­dren look through their cards to see if they can find them. On comple­tion of a card another game begins. There is no prize, only a word of encouragement from a teacher. The children learn words more quickly by this method than by conventional (обычный) means. This method could also be extremely valuable because it offers certain assistance in teaching backward (отсталый) children from older age-groups.


to drive — водить машину

certain — определенный

to observe — наблюдать

subsequent — последующий

to collide — сталкиваться

to vary — различаться

to direct — направлять

to pave — мостить

to govern — управлять

to mark — отмечать

immediate — немедленный

to question — подвергать сомнению

determination — определение

In 1911 in Wayne County (округ), Michigan an automobile driver observed a collision on a narrow bridge between a horse and a buggy (повозка) and an automobile going into opposite directions. Each of the drivers was sure that he was on his own side of the road. The observer was Edward Hines, the governor of the county. Mr. Hines immediately decided that it must be possible for drivers to determine with certainty where their side of the road was. He ordered a white line painted (ри­совать) on the centre of every bridge and every curve (поворот) within his county. Subsequently he had his idea extended (распространять) to all the highways of the county. The centre line and various pavement markings have inquestionably saved many lives. They are now one of the most effective means of controlling traffic.