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Времена группы perfect Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect

Общее значение группы времен Perfect – выражение совершенного действия, которое закончилось к определенному моменту в настоящем (The Present Perfect – настоящее совершенное время), прошедшем (The Past Perfect- прошедшее совершенное время) или закончится к определенному моменту в будущем (The Future Perfect – будущее совершенное время).

  1. Present Perfect:

( действие, совершившееся в прошлом, но связано с настоящим)

Индикаторы времени: just, already, never, ever, lately, recently, since, for 2 years…

Формула образования: have (has)+v+ ed

Неправильные глаголы образуют Perfect путем изменения корневой гласной. Эти формы следует заучивать наизусть. (3-я форма глагола).

E.g. I have (I've) performed (done).

I have not (haven't) performed (done).

Have I performed (done)?

  1. Past Perfect:

(действие уже совершится к определенному моменту в прошлом)

Индикаторы времени: by 6pm yesterday, by the end of the week, before + Past Simple …

Формула образования: had +v+ ed

E.g. I had prepared (written).

I had not (hadn't) prepared (written).

Had I prepared (written)?

  1. Future Perfect:

( действие уже совершится к определенному моменту в будущем)

Индикаторы времени: by 5 o'clock tomorrow, by the end of the next year, before + Present Simple …

Формула образования: will(shall)+have+v+ ed

E.g. He will have tested.

He will not (won't) have tested.

Will he have tested?

  1. Grammar Practice Section

1. Назовите три основные формы следующих глаголов

To go , to be , to see, to write, to break, to find, to lose, to catch, to drive, to have, to bring, to take, to buy, to send, to become, to tell, to understand, to win, to run.

2. Переведите предложения. Объясните употребление Perfect Tenses

1. I have done my work. You may look at it. 2. Don't buy this book, he has already read it. 3. Will he go to the cinema? - No, he said he had already seen it. 4. Have you ever been to England? 5. Has he come yet? No, he has not finished his work yet. 6. She said she had come from a small town and nobody knew her here. 7. Tomorrow I will have finished the work by five. 8. After we had had breakfast I phoned you.

3. Переспросите и не согласитесь с утверждением вашего собеседника


-I have found a new work

- Have you found a new work?

- I have not found a new work.

1. I have never been to Paris. 2. He had done this task yesterday by 5. 3. He has got a higher education. 4. We have heard this news on the radio. 5. They had done all the exercises when the teacher came in. 6. I shall have written the essay till the end of the lesson.

4. Раскройте скобки, заменяя инфинитив нужной формой глагола

The children (to pack) everything. Soon they (to take) their costumes downstairs. Simon (not to pack) his records yet. But he (to bring) already them into the room. He (to put) them in the middle of the bed where he could see them. Then he went downstairs. His little brother did not notice the records and (to sit) on them. Before Simon came back he (to break) all of them.

5. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Он был счастлив, что написал сочинение. 2. Я помню, что забыл статью дома. 3. К середине лета они уже сдадут экзамены . 4. Дождя не было с конца весны. 5. Они женаты уже 20 лет. 6. Он прождал ее вчера 2 часа. 7. Завтра к обеду делегация прибудет на завод.

II. Work with the text

1. Прочтите текст. Найдите в тексте глаголы группы Perfect, объясните их употребление. Переведите текст и ответьте на вопросы после него.

Americans and their automobiles

The daily chaos on American roads costs the US economy many millions of dollars a year.

Like television, the automobile is firmly rooted in modern American life. Over 80% of American workers commute daily to their jobs in private cars, and a large number of American families own two or more cars. The automobile have noticeably affected the landscape of the United States. Stores, restaurants and whole towns are usually planned to accommodate large numbers of cars. Even in a densely populated urban area, a grocery store can look absurdly small in comparison with the huge parking lot designed for its customers. Recently many Americans have felt extremely critical of the traditional altitude towards the automobile as a symbol of freedom and democracy. Some families have tried living without their cars - at least temporarily. Quite surprisingly, for many people the change was easy and unexpectedly enjoyable. Some Americans clearly feel that the time will come - possibly in the not very distant future - when the automobile will have become socially and economically obsolete (устарелый). Others are not so sure...

  1. How have cars affected the landscape of the United States?

  2. Why have some people taken a decision to live without cars?

  3. Will the automobile have become socially and economically obsolete in future?