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Helminthiasis called Schistosoma mekongi

S. mekongi occurs on the coast of the Mecong rever in the countries of Indochina (Laos, Cambodja and Thailand). The intermediate hosts are the aqueous molluscs Т. aperta. The eggs are similar to eggs S. japonicum, but of more spherical form and a little smaller, size is about 56 - 64 microns. The dogs and man are most often subjects of natural infection. The clinical signs are similar to those of the infection S. japonicum.


PRASICVANTEL has the high effectiveness in all the shistosomiasis. The drug has to be given from 20 to 40 mg/kg 1 - 3 tames within 1 day. The efficiency of its effect is noted at 90 — 100 % of patients.

Vanzil is applied in 15 mg/kg in one dose during or after meal.

Niridazol (ambilgar) is applied in a daily dose of 25 mg/kg divided into 3 times for 5 - 7 days.

Miracil nominate at genitourinary schistosomiases in dose 15- 20 mg/kg during 3 - 5 days.

Hyganton (atrenol) is prescribed in one dose intramuscularly of 2 - 3 mg/kg or 2 ml of 10 % of the solution. The efficiency of the drug is noted in 40 — 80 % patients.

Metryphonat if taken by a single dose of 7,5 mg/kg 1 time in 2 weeks, only three doses. The treatment is effective in 40 — 80 % patients.

Ocsamnicdin is prescribed per os and intramuscularly in the dose 10 mg/kg 2 times a day for 2 days or 15 mg/kg 2 times within 1 day. The drug is effective in 50 - 80 % of patients.



The agent - the larval stage Echinococcus multilocularis or Ech.vogeli and Ech. oligrthrus. Endemical centers are located in Central Europe, Alaska, Northern Canada.

In Russia the disease is registeted in Western Siberia, on Far East and Kirov area sometimes. The final host – a fox, a cat, a dog. The man (intermediate host) is infected at hunt, care of dogs.


1. Liver pain/

2. Dyspeptical disorders.

3. Hepatomegalia.

4. Plots of petrous density in the liver.

5. Eosinophilia, rising of the blood sedimentation rate.

6. In the roentgenogram – there is a lot of shallow petrificates in the liver.

7. The diagnosis is confirmed by IFA method.


Symptomatic drugs and surgical methods are used.


The agent - the larval stage of Echinococcus granularis. Endemical centers are located in Southern America, Northern Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Sometimes the disease is registed in Moldova, Central Asia, Kirgizia, in Ukraine, in Byelorussia and in the Caucasus. The final host – a dog, a wolf, white fok. The man (intermediate host) is infected at hunt, care of dogs, collecting of berries and grass, after drinking of raw water.


1. Weakness, nausea, vomiting.

2. Loss of body mass.

  1. Diarrhea.

4. Dermal allergy.

5. Hepatomegalia.

6. Leukocytosis, eosinophilia.

7. Main significance in diagnostic of the disease are immunological methods and the results of ultrasonic investigation.


Surgical treatment is indicated. Albendazol (Nemozole) is prescribed 400 mg 2 times a day by three cycles of 28 days. The interval between the cycles is 14 days.


The agent – broad fishworm (Diphillobothrium latum). Endemical centers are located in Northern Europe, on Easten coast of the Mediterranean sea, in Canada and Alaska. In Russia the disease is registrated in Kareliya, Krasnoyarsk and on Kola peninsula. The man is infected if eating raw and not enough salted caviar and fish.


1. The use of raw or not enough salted fish.

2. Paleness of skin, rash urticaria, loss of body mass.

3. Pains in the middle part of the abdomen, enlargement of the liver and spleen , moderate


4. Excretion of some long sections of a helminth.

5. Uterus of rosette form.

6. Anemia hypochromia, rising of blood sedimentation rate, lymphocytosis, eosinophilia are present.

7. Rising of the level of indirect bilirubin, rising alpha-2-globulin and scale - globulin fractions, hypocholesterinemia, the increase of copper, magnesium.


1-st stage. Preparation of the patient l (2 days). The purpose — to ensure the best contact between the medicine and the head of the fishworm, in which there is a center of movement to cause paralysis of the fishworm. In this period the patient follow the diet dispossessed of fat. The sulphate magnesia is taken in 25,0-30,0 gr in 3 hours after supper within 2 days of preparation. For removing of the intestine from fecal masses the cleansing enema after 2 days of preparation on the day of ejecting is made.

The single dose of Phenasalum of 2,0 is taken up to meal in 3 hours after light supper. In the morning of the next day 2 hours prior to breakfast it is recommended to give 1,0 of Phenasalums. In the day of treatment the light diet is used. PRASICVANTEL is prescribed in a single dose of 25 mg to 1 kg of mass of a body.


The agent is Taeniarhynchus Saginatus. Tapeworm infection is spread in all the countries. Especially it widely-spread in Africa, in Australia, Southern America. The disease is registrated in the Caucasus and in Central Asia. The man is infected during eating of raw beef or meat products prepared with wrong cookery technology.


1. Weakness.

2. Unusual increased appetite, but the loss of body mass.

3. Enlargment of the tongue size.

4. Dermal allergy.

5. Strobile parts independently leave the anal sphincter.

6. Leucopoenia, eosinophilia.

7. Presence of ova in feces and from 18 up to 24 lateral branches of proglotide uterus.


It is similar to the treatment of broad fishworms infection.