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Set Work

I. Master the pronunciation of the words below. Learn and translate them.

Panacea, vaccine, caffeine, inhalation, therapeutic, methadone, nicotine, tissue, barrack, immune, polio, lockjaw, pharmaceutical, molecule, via, adverse, confer, engender, mucous, membrane, potency, megabit, anecdotal.

II. Explain the meaning of the following words. Say how they were used in the article.

To down sth, to lay off, compulsion, Jonesing, potent effects, nicotine patch, group therapy/talk therapy, to beat odds, to forgo a cocaine habit, to ambush, to prime the immune system, adverse consequences, to stay clean, relapse, to get high, to no avail.

III. Find in the article the English equivalents of:

заставить кого-л. бежать в магазин; неконтролируемое желание; потребность, которую невозможно заглушить; наркологические клиники; психотерапевт; анонимные встречи общества лечащихся наркоманов; сделать что-л. задачей первостепенной важности; подход, проверенный временем; пройти вакцинацию; испытать кайф от кокаина; тяга к наркотику; противостоять физиологическим/поведенческим факторам привязанности; не сдержаться; сильная иммунная система; подружка; в различных дозировках; последующий.

IV. State the difference between the given words. Give examples to illustrate their usage.

To shoot – to shoot up;

continual – continuous;

to compare with – to compare to;

injection – shot.

V. Think of the best Russian variant for:

mental house, residential treatment facility, rehab centre, long term treatment centre.

VI. What does the abbreviation NIDA stand for?

VII. Interpret the lines below and enlarge on them.

  1. Experienced addicts will tell you that you don’t re­ally know what jonesing is all about until you’ve tried crack.

  2. …a single hit can hook you.

  3. And once you’re hooked, you’re cooked.

  4. The success rates of these programs are sobering in themselves.

  5. Only 25 of every 100 residents are still completely clean three to five years after they leave.

  6. The cocaine vaccine works the same way other vaccines do: by stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies that bind to a foreign entity, preventing it from entering the brain or otherwise interacting with the body’s organs and tissues.

  7. The vaccine couples a piece of the cocaine molecule to chemical carriers that slow its release into the blood­stream and make it large enough to be recognized.

  8. But so far, these users are cocaine-addicted rats.

  9. There’s a catch to the treatment the rats can’t tell you about.

  10. Patients would have to be motivated, enough to continue getting boosters, probably at least once a year.

  11. A single, brief exposure to a disavowed drug ignites a compulsion in addicts more powerful than that engendered by continual use.

  12. Nobody wants polio, so you’re not trying to override the vaccine.

VIII. Give the gist of the article and say what you think of the idea put forward by the author.

IX. Points for discussion.

  1. How does the described vaccine work?

  2. Is it sure to combat addiction?

  3. What does the author think lies in the essence of addiction? Why does the author say that an addict who’s craving isn’t cured?

  4. What other approaches besides a vaccine one can help to alleviate the problem of drug abuse?

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