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IV. Language development

1. Fill in the gaps with the necessary words*

1. By about 8000 B.C. people in the Middle East had begun to depend on cultivated ... for most of their food.

2. The first scientists to observe the ... of plants included Marcello Malpighi from Italy and Englishmen Robert Hook and Nehemiah Grew.

  1. In the middle of the 18,ff century Swedish ... Carolus Linnaeus developed a system of ... that eventually became accepted as a standard classification system.

  2. Explorers disco\ ered many ... of plants and brought them to scholars to examine and identify.

  3. Experiments on the breeding of garden ... established the basic laws of heredity ; in the I900fs, scientists working in plant genetics and... made many spectacular discoveries.

  4. Linnaeus used a ... of nomenclature, in which each plant has a unique name consisting of two parts; this system has been modified and expanded mlo the ... system.

  5. Studying plant... can show people how to live in with the environment.

  6. German naturalist and geographer Alexander von Humboldt... plant... during his travels around the world in the late 1700 s and early 1800’s.

  7. During the 1600's, research on plant... began with the work of Johann Baptista van Helmont, a Flemish doctor and chemist.

  8. The study of plant ecology ... from the research on the geographical distribution of plants.

2. Fill in the word combinations from the list to complete the sentences.

annual plants, young capsules, delicate beauty, plant products, semi-synthetic dings, biological junction, secondary products, inactive substances, pharmacological action, chemically pure compounds, cellular structures, heterogeneous population, pharmacological effects

  1. The flowers of poppies are admired for their and gracefulness.

  2. Many poppies are that can be grown from seed.

  3. Opium come- from f of the opium poppy where seeds develop.

  4. Medicinal plants are important for many reasons: they provide us with natural drugs, active

constituents and intermediates for

  1. Besides their own essential principles, the so-called primary , plants produce other

principles, which apparently do not have any definite biological function. These are the so- called

  1. . Is often discussed but the fact is that many of them have a special importance

outside the plant because of their

  1. Plants that give drugs have both active and .

  2. The inactive substances include and pharmacologically inactive compounds.

9 .It is possible to use either the total principles or isolated and

  1. This situation may be complicated when there are synergistic or antagonistic principles or substances with other m the plant at the same time.

  2. Drugs in general arise from a of individual plants living under a variety of


3* Answer the following questions*

  1. When did people begin to depend on plants cultivation for most oftheir food?

  2. Who made the first scientific studies of plants?

  3. Is Theophrastus often called the father of botany?

  4. What is morphology?

  5. What is a chloroplast?

  6. How can plant life show people how to live in balance with the environment?

  7. During which period did European exploration of the worid greatly stimulate the study of botany and other sciences?

  8. How do plants and other organisms inhent their traits?

  9. Who developed the system of naming plants that was eventually accepted as a standard classification system?

  10. Would human beings and other animals suffocate without plants? Why?

  1. Translate the sentences into English

  2. Люди завжди цікавились рослинами та. їх використанням.

  3. Теофраст класифікував та дав назву усім відомим рослинам,.

  4. Без рослин концентрація вуглекислото газу в атмосфері зросте до позначки, коли люди та звірі можуть задихнутись.

  5. Рослини живляться матеріалами із землі та повітря, а потім переробляють їх у їжу.

  6. Поживні речовини перетворюються в енергію, яка необхідна для росту тіла.

  7. Хвороби рослин спричинені погодою чи відсутністю відповідних мінералів у фунті.

  8. Дослідники відкрили багато нових видів рослин.

  9. Процес фотосинтезу є необхідним для росту рослин.