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Supplementary tasks

Task 1. Translate the words and word combinations into English. Make up your own sentences with them.

Практик, прокуратура, монографія, підручник, уродженець, процедура, тези, дисертація, криміналіст, державна установа, наукові праці, правнича термінологія, вчений-демократ, колектив факультету, Академія наук, видатні правники (теоретики)

Task 2. Read the text and translate it.

Some University Customs

British universities usually keep to the customs of the past. At Oxford University, for example, all the students wear long black gowns2 and students' caps — mortar-boards3. Without his or her gown no student is allowed to call on a tutor, to have dinner in the college dining-hall or to attend a lecture — where the gowns are rolled up and used as cushions.

It is interesting to know that in the past especially in the 14th century there were a great number of quarrels between townsmen and students, so-called "Town and Gown" battles.

The University was anxious to be independent of the Town, and the Town was anxious for authority over the new student population. The biggest quarrel broke out in 1354 which turned into a three day fight during which many students were killed.

A story is told from generation to generation at Oxford University, it is a story of an old custom which is kept up to now. Every Christmas day a roast boar4 head is carried with great ceremony to the table at which the tutors sit. The story of this custom goes back to the early years of the 16th century and celebrates the fight between a student of the college and a wild boar near the college. The student killed the boar by thrusting down its throat a copy of Aristotle5 which he was reading at that time, saying as-he did so, "That's Greek!"

At some Cambridge Colleges there is a curious custom in relation to dining in hall. It is known as "sconcing"6. If a student should come late to dinner or not be correctly dressed, or if he should break one of the little unwritten laws of behaviour, then the senior student present may order him to be "sconced". The Butler7 brings in a large silver cup, known as "Sconce Cup", filled with beer which he places in front of the offender who must drink it in one attempt without taking the cup from his lips (it holds two and a half pints8). If he succeeds, then the senior student pays for it, if not, the cup is passed round the table at the expense of the student who has been "sconced". No one seems to know the origin of the custom, but one can notice there is a sporting side to this rather odd punishment.

1. credit – залік

2. gowns – мантії

3. mortar-boards – академічні шапочки з плоским квадратним

верхом (в англійських студентів та


4. boar – кабан

5. Aristotle Аристотель (видатний грецький філософ,

384-322 pp. до н. е.)

6. sconcing – штрафування (за порушення правил


7. Butler – старший черговий

8. pint – пінта (міра ємкості близько 0,5 літра)

Task 3. Express your attitude to the sconcing tradition. If you know more about University traditions in Ukraine, GB, USA, tell your group-mates.

Task 4. Read and translate the text System of Higher Education of Ukraine. Write down the unknown words and make comments on the new information.

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