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Crossword solution


2. country

4. law

5. independence

7. free

10. symbol

11. anthem

13. court

14. body


1. constitution

2. chief

3. power

4. legislature


8. trident

9. obligation

12. equal

Unit 2

Task 7. a) out b) in c) of d) from e) under f) to g)over h)on i)to j) to k) with

Task 12. 1.d 2.c 3.a 4.e 5.b

Task 14. 1.f 2.e 3.h 4.a 5.b 6.c 7.d 8.g



2. council

4. security

5. vote

6. referendum

10. presiding officer

12. budget

13. state

14. discharge

15. sovereign


1. suffrage

2. commander-in-chief

3. legal

7. appoint

8. foreign

9. justice

11. election

Grammar exercises

I. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple or Present Continuous.

  1. Jill is interested in politics, but she … (not to belong) to a political party.

  2. Don’t put these papers away. I … (to use) them.

  3. He always … (to make up) different stories. He is a dreamer.

  4. The English Chanel … (to separate) Great Britain from the continent of Europe.

  5. He … (to govern) that company now? – I’m not sure.

  6. They … (to guarantee) your security?

  7. A newly elected Prime Minister … (to perform) his duties as good as he can.

  8. Look! A policeman … (to chase) a thief.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into Present Simple, Present Continuous or Future tense.

Gary: What 1) are you planning (you/plan) to do after the

exams? 2) … (you /stay) in London?

Angela: No, I 3) … (leave) on Saturday. I’ve bought my tickets

already. I 4) … (visit) my brother in Wales. What 5)

… (you/do)?

Gary: I think I 6) … (start) looking for a job. I 7) … (need)

some extra money because my mum 8) … (come) here

in August. She 9) … (stay) with me for a month. I 10)

… (plan) to show her London.

Angela: When exactly11) … (she/arrive)?

Gary: Her flight 12) … (arrive) at Heathrow airport at 4:30

p.m. on August 3rd.I 13) … (meet) her there.

Angela: You’ve missed her a lot, haven’t you?

Gary . Yes. I 14) … (look forward) to seeing her.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple or Past Continuous.

  1. I (to wait) in the queue to pay for my groceries when I (to see) the man in front of me pull out a gun.

  2. They (to drive) to the airport when the car (to break down).

  3. Can you give this to Sheila? She (to leave) it in my office earlier.

  4. The police (to arrest) the thieves last night.

  5. Bobby (to walk) along the beach when a gust of wind (to blow) his hat off.

IV. Put the verbs into Past Continuous, Past Simple, was/were going to or used to form.

Policeman: What 1) were you doing (you/do) at 9 o’clock last night?

Witness: I 2) … (watch) TV while my wife 3) … (make) dinner.

We … (have) dinner at a restaurant but we 5) …

(not/have) enough money. We 6) … (go) out a lot but

we can’t afford to now.

Policeman: What 7) … (happen) then?

Witness: 8)I … (think) I 9) … (hear) a gunshot from outside. I

10) … (go) outside but I 11) … (not/see) anything

unusual. Then I … (realize) what the noise was. Our

neighbours 13) … (have) a party and they 14) … (set off)

fireworks in their garden. It 15) … (not/be) a gunshot

after all, officer.

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