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III. Choose the proper tense form of the verbs (a,b,c variants). Choose the proper variants from the given multiple choice.

  1. After his five novels…, he became a recognized writer.

  1. were being published; b) will be published; c) had been published

  1. We were so glad to find out that a lot of our students … … … to the international conference.

    1. will be taken; b) would be taken; c) have been taken;

  2. The policeman asked George where he … … so early in the morning.

  1. is running; b) was running; c) runs;

  1. The President has power to approve or veto any bill which … previously … … by the Congress.

  1. has been passed; b) have been passed; c) had been passed;

  1. The house … … … for a couple of years before our family bought it and moved in.

    1. was locked up; b) had locked up; c) had been locked up;

  2. Don’t worry! Your computer … … … by the end of this week.

    1. will have been repaired; b) will be repaired; c) is being repaired;

IV. Change the sentences from direct speech into the reported one.

  1. The teacher of Philosophy said: “You will fail at the examination if you don’t work hard”.

  2. His father said: “I don’t understand Spanish, I studied English at school.”

  3. An old woman asked: “Could you bring me a cup of tea please.”

  4. The secretary asked: “Who is the author of the amendments?’’

  5. The workers said: “We shall try to finish the repair work in a month.”

  6. The doctor told the children: “Will you stop talking and listen to me?”

  7. My friend asked me: “Are you invited to the party?”

  8. Some people from the crowd advised me: “Go and help the children!”

  9. Don’t touch this object, it’s dangerous”, the officer cried to the boys.

  10. “What are you driving at?” the client asked impatiently.

V. Make the sentences complete choosing the right form of the verbs. Comment on your choice.

1. I am sure - you are a true friend

you were a true friend

you will always be a true friend

2. I was afraid - you were frightened

you are frightened

you had been frightened

you will be frightened

you would be frightened

3. I guess - you are coming

you were coming

you will be coming

you didn’t come

4. She thought - we are late

we were late

we have been late

we had been late

we should be late

5. Somebody told that - he is an artist

he was an artist

he would be an artist

he would become an artist

6. My mother believes - I will be successful

I am successful

I have always been successful

I would be successful

Unit 9 How a Bill Becomes a Law

Task 1. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text

How a Bill Becomes a Law.

act акт

to adjourn відкладати

to adopt laws приймати закони

to amend вносити поправки

amendment поправки

to approve схвалювати

closure rule правило припинення дебатів

committee комітет

to iron out відсторонювати

to issue видавати; питання

legislation законодавство

lawmaking process процес прийняття законів

to override відхиляти

to pass проходити;приймати

pocket veto “кишенькове вето”

(не підписання Президентом США законопроекту до розпуску конгресу)

Reading читання

to refuse відмовляти

to regulate регулювання; правило

rejection відмова

resolution резолюція

to retain утримувати

roll call vote поіменне голосування

rule of law норма права

senator сенатор

to sign підписувати

signature підпис

to stipulate обговорювати (умови)

to substantiate обґрунтовувати

to submit виносити на розгляд

to table відкладати

title назва

Task 2. Read and translate the text. Write a list of words, unknown to you. Use your dictionary to check their meaning.

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