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Supranational law

The European Union

European Union law (historically called European Community law) is a body of treaties, law and court judgements which operates alongside the legal systems of the European Union's member states. It has direct effect within the EU's member states and, where conflict occurs, takes precedence over national law. The primary source of EU law is the EU's treaties. These are power-giving treaties which set broad policy goals and establish institutions that, amongst other things, can enact legislation in order to achieve those goals. The legislative acts of the EU come in two forms: regulations and directives. Regulations become law in all member states the moment they come into force, without the requirement for any implementing measures, and automatically override conflicting domestic provisions. Directives require member states to achieve a certain result while leaving them discretion as to how to achieve the result. The details of how they are to be implemented are left to member states.

East Africa Community

There are ambitions to make the East African Community, consisting of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi and Rwanda, a political federation with its own form of binding supranational law by 2010.

Union of South American Nations

The Union of South American Nations is an organization on the South American continent. It intends to establish a framework akin to the European Union by the end of 2019. It is envisaged to have its own passport and currency, and limit barriers to trade.

Andean Community of Nations

The Andean Community of Nations is the first attempt the countries around the Andes Mountains in South America. It started with the Cartagena Agreement of 26 May 1969, and nowadays consists in four countries: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. It does have a supranational law, called Agreements, which are mandatory for these countries.

International Court of Justice

Task 4. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text International Court of Justice

to settle disputes – вирішувати суперечки

to submit – підкорятись, скорятись; подавати на


to give advisory opinions – давати поради

sufficient – достатній

competence – компетенція

in the event of – у випадку, у разі

sit as full bench – засідати у повному складі

to hear cases – заслуховувати справи

impartially – неупереджено

conscientiously – добросовісно

contentious issues – спірні питання

binding – обов’язковий

ruling – судове рішення

to exclude – виключати

to intend – мати намір, вдаватися

mandate – мандат

influential – впливовий

to embody – втілювати; здійснювати

to fail to heed – не зважати на

to call upon – звертатися, апелювати

to determine measures – встановлювати міри

liberty – воля, свобода

to grant – погоджуватися, дозволяти;

equitable decision – справедливий; неупереджений

pattern –зразок, взірець

to lodge – подавати касацію

applicant – прохач (що бажає одержати посаду,

роботу), позивач

to file a written memorial – складати (подавати) петицію

to set out – викладати ( у документі)

merits – заслуга, достоїнство

on the merits of the case – по суті справи

claim – вимога, позов, претензія

respondent – відповідач

Task 5. Read and translate the text, write down all the unknown words.

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