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Make use of the following phrases:

Let me tell you about…

I would like to know…

Will you kindly inform us about…

Could you say a few words about…

I would add that…

I’m well aware about…

I’d like to sum up

Grammar exercises

I. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate articles.

1) Ann is...nice little girl.

2) Mr. Black lives in…flat.

3) Thank you for...trouble you took.

4) I like meat and my wife likes...fish.

5) I am...first-year student of...Law Institute.

6) ...friend in need is...friend indeed.

7). Ann is in...garden.

8) How did you like...film?

9) This is...house that Jack built.

10) Kopernik proved that...Earth goes round...Sun.

II. Copy out correct sentences. Mind the articles.

1) At that moment there was the knock at the door. At that moment there was knock at the door. At that moment there was a knock at the door.

2) Excuse me, I am in the hurry now.

Excuse me, I am in a hurry now.

Excuse me I am in hurry now.

3) I am as busy as the bee.

I am as busy as bee.

I am as busy as a bee.

III. Fill in the blanks with articles where is necessary.

1) All...best.

2) You are…very man I am looking for.

3) ...island of Great Britain is washed by...North Sea in…east and be...Atlantic Ocean in…west.

4) ...Browns were not invited for our party.

5) ...Thames is one of…main rivers of…Great Britain.

IV. Translate into English paying attention to the articles.

1) Будь ласка, перекажіть вашій дружині, що я дякую за подарунок.

2) Побачимось у суботу. Всього найкращого.

3) Як справи? - Добре.

4) Коли англієць зустрічає на вулиці товариша, він лише доторкається до капелюха.

V. Fill in with personal pronouns.

l) ...am a first-year student of the Law Institute.

2) My family is not very large,...consists of 3 persons.

3) My mother is a doctor...works at the hospital.

4) My friends study at the University...are in their third year.

5). Have...any relatives?

VI. Give short negative answers using words: nothing, nowhere, nobody , neither.

1) Where do your grandparents work?

2) What are you doing now?

3) Which of these two occupations will you train?

4) Who told you to do this work?

VII. Fill in the blanks with the words: any, some, much, little, many, few, a little, a few.

1) I have...relatives.

2) My sister can speak French...

3) My mother has...cousins.

4) He has…friends.

5) Have you…news? Yes, I have...

6) There is...light in my room.

VIII. Copy the following sentences. Underline personal pronouns in the objective case.

l) You see them in the club very often.

2) The man says he knows you and your family.

3) Please, give me a note-book.

4) Our English is poor.

5) Mr. Brown teaches us English.

IX. Put personal pronouns in brackets in the objective case.

l) My friends send (I) many letters.

2) His brother knows (he) well.

3) I often see (they) in the park).

4) Sometimes we meet (she) at the Browns.

5) Our mother greets (we) every morning.

6) Your son studies together with (she), doesn't he?

X. Insert possessive pronouns.

l) We have...English classes twice a week. 2) She likes...new dress very much. 3) Paul keeps...books in the bookcase. 4) I usually go to see...friends in the evening. 5) They often take...children to the park. 6) Do you help...parents? 7) The film is very interesting but I don't remember...title.

Xl. Use the absolute form of possessive pronouns instead of the conjoint in the following word-combinations according to the model.

Model: her advice-advice of hers; your cousin, her sister, our children, my daughter, their relatives, her son, his niece, our baby.

XII. Translate into English.

1) Той молодий чоловік-мій брат. 2) То були найшасливіші дні в моєму житті. Ця дитина – її син. 3) Я збираюся відвідати своїх рідних. Це порарунки для них. 4) Ті дівчатка – мої двоюрідні сестри.

Unit 3

Legal Professions in Ukraine

Task 1. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text

Legal Professions in Ukraine.

Law закон, право

law office юридична установа

lawyer юрист, адвокат, правник

to train specialists готувати спеціалістів

professional training професійна підготовка

court суд, склад суду

procurator прокурор

Public prosecutor (A.E.) прокурор

procurator's office прокуратура

the Bar адвокатура

notary нотаріус

notary office нотаріальна контора

Ministry of the InteriorМіністерство внутрішніх справ

Judge суддя

to investigate /thoroughly/ розслідувати / ретельно/

investigator слідчий

to deal with human destiny мати справу з людськими долями

to serve служити

servant слуга

in contrast to на відміну від

relations відносини

interrelation взаємовідносини

comradely cooperation товариське співробітництво

survive пережити

survival пережиток

mind розум, думка

to display oneself проявляти (себе)

to wage a /decisive/ struggle вести ( рішучу) боротьбу

to punish карати

punishment покарання

inevitability of punishment не уникнення/ невідворотність покарання

to educate виховувати, надавати освіту

to reeducate перевиховувати

root корінь

to root out викорінювати

crime злочин

to commit a crime скоїти злочин

to prevent a crime запобігати злочину

decline in crime зниження ( спад ) злочинності

criminal /n/ злочинець

criminal /a/ злочинний

criminal phenomenon /pl.-na/ – злочинне явище /a/

to guarantee гарантувати, забеспечувати

responsible відповідальний

to cope with упоратися з

level рівень

general education level загальноосвітній рівень

cultural level культурний рівень

to arm oneself with озброюватись (чимось)

legislation in force чинне законодавство

moral qualities моральні якості

true вірний

truth правда

truthful правдивий

honour честь

honest чесний

just справедливий

justice 1. справедливість, 2. правосуддя,

3. юстиція, 4. суддя (АМ)

guard варта, охорона

to stand on guard стояти на варті

law and order правопорядок

public order громадський порядок

to master the theory оволодіти теорією

Task 2. Read and translate the text, write down all the unknown words.

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