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  1. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (від імені українського народу) adopted the Constitution - The Fundamental Law on June 28, 1996.

  2. The people (це єдине джерело влади) which is exercised directly and through the bodies of state power and local self government.

  3. Every person shall pay taxes and duties (в порядку та розмірі, визначеному законом).

  4. The Church and religious organizations (відокремлена від держави).

  5. Citizens of Ukraine perform military services (відповідно до закону).

  6. All citizens have equal Constitutional rights and freedoms (та рівні перед законом).

Task 8. Complete the following

The Constitution guarantees the rights to (життя, освіту, роботу, відпочинок, житло, медичну допомогу, соціальне забезпечення, особисту недоторканість, невтручання в приватне життя, вільний вибір помешкання, здорове та безпечне навколишнє середовище).

Task 9. Change each sentence by choosing an appropriate synonym from the list below for the underlined words.

Flag, free, hymn, property, fundamental law, obligation, help, mineral resources, to guarantee

  1. The Constitution of Ukraine consists of 15 chapters, 161 articles.

  2. The land, air space, water & other natural resources which are on the territory of Ukraine are objects of the property right of Ukrainian people.

  3. Ukraine is a sovereign & independent, democratic, social, legal state.

  4. There are no privileges or restrictions based upon race, colour of skin, political & other beliefs, gender, ethnic & social origin, ownership, position, place of residence, language, religion or other circumstances.

  5. Everybody has the right to legal assistance.

  6. A blue & yellow banner is made up from two equal horizontal stripes.

  7. Defence of the Motherland, of the independence & territorial integrity of Ukraine, & respect for the state’s symbols are the duty of citizens.

  8. Chapter II of the Constitution assures human & civil rights, freedoms & obligations.

  9. The State Anthem of Ukraine is the national anthem with the music of M.Verbytsky, the words of P.Chubynsky.

Task10. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. Use them in your sentences of your own..

1.guarantee a) musical composition to be sung in church or

in official level

2.freedom b) self-governing

3.power c) give promise with legal obligation

4.independent d) right, control, authority;

5.anthem e)condition of having personal rights and social

and political liberty

Supplementary tasks

Task 1. Read the dialogues and act them. Make up your own dialogues on the following topics with your partner:

  1. Structure of the fundamental law of Ukraine.

  2. State Symbols of Ukraine.

  3. Privileges and restrictions under the Constitution.

  4. The rights of Ukrainian people.

  5. Duties of the citizens of Ukraine.

Dialogue 1.

- Hi! Where are you?

- Hi! I’m in the library. I’m working on my report on English.

- What is the topic?

- “The First Constitution of Ukraine”.

- Have you found anything interesting?

- Oh, yes. You can’t even imagine that the Constitution of Ukraine is the oldest constitution in the world.

- Really? When was it written?

- In 1710.

- It seems to me that the author is Pylyp Orlyk.

- That’s right.

- But why is it called Bendery Constitution?

- Because it was written in Bendery and that’s why it got such name.

- Are there so many chapters and articles as in present Constitution?

- The document is made up of a preamble and 16 articles.

- I can’t even imagine what can be written there?

- It separated the powers in government between the legislative, executive, and judiciary branches. The Constitution also limited the executive authority of the hetman, and established a democratically elected Cossack parliament.

- Was this Constitution unique for its historic period?

- Yes, it was. I highly recommend you to read this document. I’m sure you will be proud of the fact that it was one of the first state constitutions in Europe.

Dialogue 2.

- Where have you been?

- I helped Max prepare his home assignment. We discussed what rights the citizens of Ukraine had according to the Constitution and how they were fulfilled in our society.

- It’s so boring!

- Nothing of the kind. The discussion was so hot!

- I hope you didn’t quarrel about any statements.

- Oh, no. I think that everybody is equal before the law and has the right to education. But Max stresses that this right is only declared

- In my opinion he is completely right. Does every person have the same possibility to get education of high quality? All these courses, clubs aren’t free. There are even private schools and universities. And it’s no secret that not all parents can afford to pay for studying there or visiting different clubs.

- I agree with you. But if you work hard and do your best you can enter the university and study free. And even get a scholarship. Well, your family lives in the country and mine in the city. Your parents are farmers and mine are lawyers. But we both are trained at this university. Both live in the dormitory and both pay for education.

- Well, but almost half of the students study free.

- I don’t think they are luckier than we are. Maybe they worked harder at school and we didn’t.

- Are you sure? There are so many students who have privileges. And you are speaking about equality!

- To be equal before the law doesn’t mean to be equal in real life.

- I think there’s no use to continue. We have different views of point.

Task 2. Topics for discussion.

a) Say what kind of document the Constitution of Ukraine is; what principles of our country’s policy, rights and duties of the country’s citizens it proclaims. You may use the following: a written document; to consolidate the country’s position; to proclaim the principles of our home policy; to determine the country’s policy; basic rights of every person; to enjoy rights; to fulfil duties toward society; to obey the country’s laws.

b) Speak about the role of the Constitution in the life of the country and its importance for society.

c) The 28th of June, Constitution day, is marked as our country’s national holiday. Say how it is celebrated in Ukraine.

  1. Give examples from your own life and from the life of your family to show how the rights guaranteed in the Constitution are enjoyed by you.

  2. Give facts from the life of your family, the families of your friends, the people you know to prove that a lot has/hasn’t been done in Ukraine to improve the living and working conditions of its citizens, to guarantee the basic human rights, women’s equality with men, social justice.

Task3. Express your agreement or disagreement. Use: “In my opinion. I think. I guess. I agree. I can’t agree. How can one say that?”

  • The Constitution establishes the country’s political system, assures rights, freedoms & duties of citizens, but it can’t be the basis for its laws.

  • According to one of the theories, the three points of the Trident symbolized Might, Wisdom and Love.

  • All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.

  • Constitutional guarantees are necessary only when people think they have good reasons for violating them.

  • Liberty given is never so precious as liberty sought for and fought for. Frederick Douglass

  • The more corrupt the state, the more laws. Cornelius Tacitus

  • Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech. Benjamin Franklin

Task 4. Compare national symbols of Ukraine with those of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

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