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Unit 2 The System of Education in Ukraine and Abroad

Task 1. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text

Our University.

to graduate from the University закінчити університет

teaching staff викладацький склад

an acknowledged centre визнаний центр

exchange program програма обміну

to carry out research проводити дослідження

book depository книгозбірня

distinguished (outstanding) видатні вчені


training in Law викладання (навчання) права

a postgraduate course аспірантура

a postgraduate student аспірант

Full Professor професор

to maintain Candidate theses захищати кандидатські дисертації

the instructional language мова викладання

educational institution of вищий навчальний заклад

higher learning

rector ректор

dean декан

department (chair) кафедра

a full-time student студент денної форми навчання

a part-time student студент заочної форми навчання

to attend lectures відвідувати лекції

a body of state administration орган державної адміністрації

state security bodies органи державної безпеки

bodies of local органи місцевого

self-government самоврядування

law-enforcing bodies правоохоронні органи

the Ministry of Justice Міністерство Юстиції

the Bar адвокатура

Task 2. Read and translate the text, write down all the unknown words.

Khmelnitsky University of Management and Law

The University is an acknowledged centre for training specialists in spheres of Law and Management. It was founded in 1992. At present the teaching staff and student body amount to 2000 persons, among them there are full-time, part-time students and post-graduates; they are trained at the departments of Management of Economy and Law.

The faculty of Law trains highly-qualified lawyers who work in the bodies of state administration, in the state security bodies, in the bodies of local self-government, in the bodies of judicature and prosecution and also in justice, in the law-enforcing bodies; they successfully work in the Bar and in the notary’s offices, in the Ministry of Justice.

The teaching staff consists of Full Professors, Doctors of Law, Associate Professors, senior lecturers and staff lecturers. The staff is engaged in academic research and educational activities at the departments (chairs). Among them there are the following chairs: the department of Theory and History of the State and Law; the department of Constitutional, Administrative and Financial Law; the department of Criminal procedure and criminalistics, etc.

The students of the University attend lectures and tutorials in the Fundamental Laws of Ukraine, Theory of the State and Law, Psychology, Foreign languages, Latin, Management, Marketing and many other subjects.

The University has the highest, the fourth level of accreditation. The University carries out training according to the following educational levels: a) Bachelor degree level; b) the Specialist level; c) Master degree level.

Task 3. Answer the following questions.

  1. When was the University founded?

  2. How many faculties are there?

  3. What institutions does the Law faculty train specialists for?

  4. What do you know about the composition of the teaching staff?

  5. What is the staff engaged in?

  6. What are the majors of students?

  7. What levels is the training divided into? Name them.

  8. Why have you chosen this very University?

  9. Share your first impressions.

Task 4. Pick out from the text all the word combinations with the following words and give their Ukrainian equivalents.

To amount to; to be engaged in; full-time students; to consist of; to attend tutorials; to carry out; according to; to seek opportunities

Task 5. Complete the following expressions choosing a suitable preposition; find the best way of expressing them in Ukrainian.

  1. The student body amount … 2000 persons.

  2. They are trained … the departments … Management and Law.

  3. The teaching stuff consist … a skilled personnel.

  4. The University carries … training according… the levels.

  5. The knowledge … the area … teaching.

To (2), at, of (3), out, in

Task 6. Translate the following sentences and pay special attention to the underlined words.

  1. The imposing building of the main premises of the University is located close to the city centre.

  2. Many distinguished scholars lecture at the University.

  3. The University maintains and extends links with many educational establishments abroad.

  4. The university is considered to be one of the most prestigious higher educational establishments.

5) The curricula and structure of the University correspond to the best Universities.

Task 7. Make the following sentences complete by translating the phrases in brackets.

1) A new statute of the University (було затверджено Вченою радою).

2) (Приміщення книгозбірні) has been repaired.

3) I am very (гордий) to be a student of the University which is (один з найкращих університетів).

4) The University (заснований) in 1992 (складається) two faculties.

5) The University has a wide and (розвинутий) system of (підготовки юристів).

6) (Повний курс навчання на стаціонарі) lasts five years.

7) The University has its (власні наукові традиції).

Task 8. Give synonyms to the words in bold type.

Prominent, fulfil, scientist, chair, establish, increase, raise.

  1. Teachers and students carry out an academic research at the departments.

  2. Distinguished scholars lecture at the University.

  3. The University was founded in 1992.

  4. The teachers constantly elevate and expand their knowledge in the area of teaching methodologies.

Task 9. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right. Use them in the sentences of your own.

1. to graduate from

a) go regularly to (educational establishment)

2. book depository

b) the administration of the law or authority in maintaining this

3. scholar

c) a collection of books and periodicals held in a library

4. to attend

d) successfully complete an academic degree, course of training

5. Law enforcing bodies

e) government of a city, village by its own people

6. self-government bodies

f) agencies or officials are responsible for catching people who break the law

7. justice

g) specialist in a particular branch of study

Task 10. Topics for discussion.

    1. The University’s customs and traditions.

    2. Conditions for study and recreation.

    3. The students’ first impressions

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