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Task 4. Read and translate the text. Judges

By contrast with many other European countries, the judiciary in England and Wales is not a separate career-Judges are appointed from both branches of the legal profession. They serve in the House of Lords (the final appellate court), the Court of Appeal, The High Court and Crown Court or as Circuit or District Judges.

The Circuit Judges sit either in Crown Courts to try criminal cases or in County Courts to try civil cases. There are also part-time Judges appointed from both branches of the practising legal profession, who serve in the Crown Court, County Court or on various tribunals, for instance, those dealing with unfair dismissal from employment.

There are a few hundred judges, trained as barristers, who preside in more serious cases. There is no separate training for judges.

In fact, most cases are dealt not by Judges but by lay people, who are appointed to various tribunals, because of their special knowledge, experience and good standing. For instance, the majority of minor criminal cases are judged by Justices of the Peace in Magistrates’ Courts. They are not legally qualified or paid, but are respected members of the community, who sit as magistrates part-time. The vast majority of judges are unpaid. They give up time voluntarily. They are called “Magistrates”, or “Justices of the Peace” (JPs). There are called 28,000 JPs in England; each of them works in the court on about 30-50 days a year.

Magistrates are selected by special committees in every town and district. Nobody, not even the Magistrates themselves, knows who is on the special committee in their area. The committee tries to draw Magistrates from as wide a variety of professions and social classes as possible.

The Lord Chancellor, who is a member of the Government and also Speaker of the House of Lords, appoints all members of the judiciary. The Lord Chancellor holds a function similar to that of a Minister of Justice, although some matters concerning the administration of justice are the responsibility of the Home Secretary.

Once appointed, Judges are completely independent of both the legislature and the executive, and so are free to administer justice without fear of political interference.

Task 5. Find out the meaning of the following words and words-combinations, grouping them in column A (“an official”) and column B (“a body”).

Justice of the Peace, the House of Lords, the High Court, a solicitor, Magistrates, the Crown Court, Circuit Judges, District Judges, the County Court, the Magistrates’ Court, Minister of Justice, a barrister, the final appellate court, the Home Secretary, the Lord Chancellor, the Court of Appeal, a coroner, a government, an advocate.

Task 6. Complete the sentence by translating the phrases from the right column.

Barristers are generally involved in...

  • розуміння та інтерпретування закону.

  • дослідження питань права.

  • написання думок та консультування солісіторів та інших професіоналів.

  • підготовку справ до судового розгляду.

  • підготовку правових аргументів.

  • представлення аргументів в суді.

  • проведення допиту та перехресного допита свідків.

  • консультування з питань права та свідчень.

  • складання юридичних документів.

  • обговорення врегулювання справ.

Task 7. Translate into English.

  1. Юридична професія в Англії та Уельсі поділяються на дві гілки, кожна виконує визначені обов’язки.

  2. Баристери мають вищу юридичну освіту.

  3. Баристери значно відрізняються від солісіторів.

  4. Солісітор може бути занятим не тільки у судовому процесі.

  5. Баристери - це фахівці в галузі тлумачення законів.

  6. Солісітор також має справи поза межами суду.

  7. Баристер - досить відособлена фігура.

  8. Деякі солісітори кваліфікуються за право виступати в вищих судах.

  9. Для того, щоб стати баристером, необхідно здати екзамени в Раді адвокатів.

  10. Солісітори традиційно булі здатні з’являтися як адвокати тільки в нижчих судах (тобто магістратських судах та судах графства) і трибуналах.

Task 8. Read the text and circle the correct answer for items 1 to 4.

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