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International Inter-Regional Organizations

The International Inter-Regional Organizations play an important role in the global framework of different international institutions.

The most universl and influential among them are: the European Union (EU); The Organization of the Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE); the Council of Europe (CE); The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD); the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN); the Organization of African Unity (OAU); the Organization of American States (OAS); the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).

The European Parliament (EP) is elected by the citizens of the European Union to represent their interests. Its origins go back to the 1950s and the founding treaties, and since 1979 its members have been directly elected by the people they represent.

Elections are held every five years, and every EU citizen is entitled to vote, and to stand as a candidate, wherever they live in the EU. Parliament thus expresses the democratic will of the Union's citizens (more than 490 million people), and represents their interests in discussions with the other EU institutions. The present parliament has 785 members from all 27 EU countries. Nearly one third of them are women. In principle, the number of Members of the European Parliament shall not exceed 736 from the next parliamentary term on (i.e. 2009 – 2014). Since Bulgaria and Romania joined the Union in the course of the 2004-2009 parliamentary term, the current maximum number of 732 seats in the EP will be temporarily exceeded.

Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) do not sit in national blocks, but in seven Europe-wide political groups. Between them, they represent all views on European integration, from the strongly pro-federalist to the openly Eurosceptic.

United Nations Organization

Task 5. Read and memorize the active vocabulary to the text

United Nations Organization.

at the invitation of – на запрошення

delegate – делегат

to admit – допускати

to recognize – визнавати

a founding member – країна-засновник

post - war government – післявоєнний уряд

to reserve – зарезервувати

signature – підпис

Charter – хартія

in tribute to – в данину

to convene – скликати, збирати

world body – світова організація

to accept by acclamation – приймати схвально

to affix signature – ставити підпис

to be devoted to – бути присвяченим чомусь

sin – гріх

to gain support – отримувати підтримку

to emerge from – виникати з

to preserve peace – зберігати мир

to be obligated to – бути зобов’язаним

to refrain from – утримуватись

to take preventive actions – застосовувати превентивні

/попереджувальні дії

to take enforcement actions – застосовувати примусові дії

to intervene – втручатися

domestic jurisdiction –внутрішня юрисдикція

maintenance of world peace – збереження миру у світі

to maintain – зберігати

to establish conditions – створювати умови

treaty – договір

sources of international law – джерела міжнародного права

to seek (sought, sought) – шукати

respect for – повага до

to promote social progress – сприяти соціальному прогресу

to promote better standards of life – сприяти кращим стандартам життя

to provide the means – забезпечувати засобами

to facilitate peaceful change – сприяти змінам /просувати зміни

with the exception of – за винятком

a renewable term – поновлений термін

to report to – звітувати перед

permanent member – постійний член

the General Assembly – Генеральна Асамблея

Security Council – Рада Безпеки

Economic and Social Council – Економічна та соціальна Рада

Trusteeship Council – Рада Опіки

Secretary-General – Генеральний Секретар

Task 6. Read and translate the text, write down all the unknown words.

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