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Systems of Government

For the last century or so, the world has been divided into countries, each ruled by a government. Governments vary from harsh dictatorships to liberal …, but they are all intended to … in the particular way the country and its people and to … their affairs.

Every … has its own system but the government is usually split into … sections: the legislature, … and the judiciary. … usually amends laws and makes new ones; the executive puts them into effect, and the judiciary makes sure they are applied … .

the legislature, fairly ,country, control, three, democracies, run, the executive

Task 6. Read the texts and make the written translation of the texts into Ukrainian.

Systems of Government


In an autocracy, a single person or a small group holds all the power. In Iran, Islamic religious leaders hold power; in others, it belongs to the army. A dictator is someone whose word is law, like Hitler in Nazi Germany.

Modern Democracies

Today, democracy usually means an elected government made up of politicians voted into power every few years by all adults. Most democracies have a written set of laws called a constitution setting out how the government should be run. Britain does not have one. Some democracies, like France, are republics. It means (hat the head of a slate is not a king but an elected president. In the USA, the president is very much in charge.

In other republics, however, the president is just a figurehead and the country is run by a chancellor or prime minister. Britain, Spain and many other democratic countries are still monarchies - that is they have a king or a queen. But the monarch's powers are limited and the country is run by a government led by a prime minister. The government is made up from the party with majority of elected members.


People who stand for election are called politicians. Left-wing politicians aim to change things, perhaps to make government more democratic or to bring in socialist ideas. Right-wing politicians aim to conserve or keep the system without changes, which is why they are called conservatives. Usually politicians with similar views join a group called a party. In most democratic countries, the party with the majority of votes forms a government.

Political Systems

Most countries are capitalist, which means most things, including industries and businesses, are owned by small groups or individuals. In communist countries like China, the most of all property is owned by the community, or rather, by the government. Socialists believe a government should ensure equal rights to citizens as well, a fair share of money, and good health, education and housing. Fascists believe in army discipline and their country superiority to others.


In democracies, governments are chosen by election. In a general election, all adults in the country can vote for candidates (politicians) who want to be elected. People usually vote by putting a mark next to a name on a list called a ballot sheet. Just who is elected depends on the system.

Extreme Governments

Many countries have oppressive governments — governments that allow few people to force their will on the rest of the country. They do it in number of ways. Some use soldiers and tanks. Some use the power of money. Some use secret police and spies to stamp out opposition. Some use television and newspapers to fool people into thinking the 'right' way.

Task 7. Show your attitude towards the following sayings and proverbs. Use: “As far as I’m concerned, … . I believe … . It seems to me … . As I see it, … . That’s a very good point. I definitely agree with this saying. I’m not sure I quite agree with it. That may be true, but … I’m afraid I can’t agree.”

  • A president’s hardest task is not to do what is right, but to know what is right. Lyndon Baines Johnson.

  • A statesman is a politician who places himself at the service of the nation. A politician is a statesman who places the nation at his service. Georges Pompidou.

  • Democracy means government by the uneducated, while aristocracy means government by the badly educated. G.K.Chesterton.

  • Law makers should not be law breakers. Proverb.

  • Morality in government begins with officials using words as honestly as possible to describe the truth. David Gergen.

  • Power corrupts. Proverb.

  • That government is best that governs the least, because its people discipline themselves. Thomas Jefferson.

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