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Grammar exercises

I. Give the plural of the following nouns.

Freshman, law, lecturer, news, lady, wife, roof, proof, half, foot, hero, language, money, child, grown-up, deer, thief, class, crisis, phenomenon, month, radio, thesis, advice.

II. Circle the possessiveness and underline the short forms.

Look! This is Mary Broom. She’s famous pop star. Mary’s group’s name’s “The Bank”. This is the Bank new album. It’s called “The Fortune”. Look at Mary. She’s got long green hair. Ben’s hair is red but David’s bold.

III. Translate into English.

Український уряд, сонячні промені, світовий клімат, досхочу, незначна відстань, студентські канікули, сімейні традиції, урядові рішення, місячна поверхня, голоси актрис, зібрання минулого тижня.

IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets.

  1. Foreign … are necessary for the … of all … . (language, languages, representative, representatives, profession, professions)

  2. We had to read and to translate a new … to give some … for a certain grammar … and to answer several … in English. (text, texts, example, examples, rule, rules, question, questions).

  3. I like to study English very much, so it is very pleasant for me to answer all teacher’s … (question, questions).

  4. We have to explain the …of all the … in the passive … . (formation, formations, tense, tenses, voice, voices)

  5. Our University choir sang several English … . (song, songs)

V. Complete the following sentences using nouns in the singular or in the plural.

When did you have your English … ? dictionary

I am fond of all Jack London’s … . task

I had to translate a … from class

“Martin Eden” by Jack London. girl

The first … was to read and translate examination

a new …with the help of a … . evening party

We repeated all the grammar … text

before the … . rule

I was asked by the … to tell some … family

about my … in English. passage

I heard that you had had an interesting word

English … . poem

A … recited the … “To the Men of book

England” by Shelly. teacher

VI. Translate these sentences into English.

1. У наш час мільйони людей у всьому світі розмовляють англійською мовою.

2. Іноді буває легше зрозуміти деяких іноземців, ніж тих, для кого англійська є рідною мовою.

3. Найбільшою проблемою для мене у вивченні англійської мови є вимова слів.

4. Мені дуже подобається слухати англійські пісні та дивитися англійські фільми, що є кращим засобом засвоєння нових слів.

5. Мій батько – бізнесмен, він весь час користується англійською мовою.

6. Пожити в Англії – це найкращий спосіб вивчити англійську мову та ознайомитися з традиціями англійського побуту.

7. Мій брат хоче, щоб я досить добре розмовляв англійською мовою, для того, щоб потім я зміг працювати у його юридичній фірмі.

  1. Translate these sentences into English.

  1. Звичайно ми розмовляємо англійською на практичних заняттях з англійської мови.

  2. Вона вступила до університету минулого року.

  3. Я впевнений, ми вийдемо з кризи в наступному році.

  4. Вивчати латинь важко, але студенти юридичних вузів роблять це з великим задоволенням.

  5. Якщо я буду хорошим спеціалістом, я зароблятиму досить грошей, щоб подорожувати.

  6. Правильний вибір професії – дуже важлива річ для кожної людини.

  7. В наш час хороші спеціалісти користуються великим попитом, а зі знанням іноземної мови – вдвічі.

  1. Choose one of the verbs for each gap. Underline them.

Example: We usually … dinner at 7 o’clock.

We usually have dinner at 7 o’clock.

  1. She’s very clever. She … four languages. boil

  2. I … films. I often … to the cinema. cost

  3. Water … at 100 degrees Celsius. close

  4. The City Museum … at 5 o’clock every evening. cost

  5. Food is expensive. It … a lot of money. go

  6. Tina is a teacher. She …

mathematics to young children have

  1. Your job is very interesting. You … a lot of people. like

  2. Peter … his hair twice a week. meet




  1. Arrange the following group of words into sentences.

  1. at/the/rarely/weather/is/this/time/cold/year/the/of.

  2. to/my/little/sister/do/not/cold/give/water.

  3. mother/often/to/theatre/not/the/go/my/does.

  4. it/November/often/in/rains.

  5. school/the/generally/do/at/their/children/homework.

  6. old/can/what/say/you/understand/that/hardly/man.

  7. arrived/Jean/last/Spain/in/week

  8. Annie/Robert/phone/minute/in/will/a

  9. to/last/David/parents/wrote/night/his

  10. mother/not/his/today/well/is/very

  11. the/will/Browns/a/have/year/holiday/this

  12. Boris/a/gave/Nadya/ring/wedding

  13. yesterday/restaurant/we/to/Indian/decided/go/an/to

  14. summer/she/in/visited/France/friend/her/last

  15. lot/ of/bus/get/work/to/a/by/people

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple.

  1. _____ you____ out last night or____ you too tired? (do/go/be)

  2. They____ able to come because they_____ so busy. (not/be/be)

  3. ______ the weather good when you ______ on holiday? (be/be)

  4. I _______ angry because they ______ late. (be/be)

  5. What ______ you_______at the weekend ? (do/do)

  6. ______you_______out last night? (do/go)

  7. We______them to our party but they_______ not to come. (invite/decide)

  1. Choose the word (a,b,c) that best completes the sentence.

  1. I … to the cinema last week.

  1. go b) went c) will go

  1. The boy usually … good marks when he was a first-year student.

a) get b) got c) will get

3. Mary and her sister … chess every evening but today they are going to the theatre.

a) play b) played c) will play

4. She … very early two days ago.

a) wake up b) woke up c) will wake up

5. He … a new TV film tomorrow.

a) see b) saw c) will see

6. Some years ago the trains … at this station.

a) stop b) stopped c) will stop

  1. Choose the word (a,b) that best completes the sentence.

1. When did they … to learn English?

a) begin b) began

2. Did the students … to the University yesterday?

a) go b) went

3. Who … here last year?

a) live b) lived

4. When did the girl … cold?

a) catch b) caught

5. Why did you … a teacher?

a) become b) became

6. The teacher repeated the question, … he?

a) did b) didn’t

7. The boy caught the cold,… he?

a) did b) didn’t

8. The students didn’t answer at once,… they?

a) did b) didn’t

9. In summer we picked berries and mushrooms, … we?

a) did b) didn’t

10. Nick … at home at that time.

a) was b) were

11. You … angry with me.

a) was b) were

12. The students …at the stadium yesterday.

a) was b) were

13. When … you born?

a) was b) were

14. What … on at the cinema?

a) was b) were

15. Where … you at 3 o’clock yesterday?

a) was b) were

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