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Conference requirements

Main room — theatre seating for 150 ....

3 syndicate rooms video recorder ..... back projection....


secretarial help ....



  1. Look at the conference facilities in the word-bank and make up a dialogue similar to the given above.


  1. Read the passage in which the Yorkshire and Humber­side tourist Board promote conferences in the region. Then summarize the extract by writing notes under the headings below:


  • Best time of year:

  • Types of venue on offer:

  • Other attractions:...

• Getting there:

YORKSHIRE - HUMBERSIDE We’ll welcome you in style!

The location of your conference can play an important role in its success and failure.

The Yourkshire and Humberside region is an all-year-round location for conferences, business meetings and seminars of any size and any duration. It is an area which can truly claim “It’s all here!”

The conference organizer can choose from a superb range of venues and accommodation, from peaceful country-house settings to large, but never impersonal, luxury hotels; from pur­pose-built conference centres with the most modem facilities and equipment, to highly individualized locations.

Wherever you go, you will find a warm Yorkshire welcome, a concern for the comfort of your delegates, and a personal com­mitment to ensuring the success of your conference.

Away from the conference floor, delegates and their partners can relax and enjoy the many attractions that Yorkshire and Humberside has to offer.

Serviced by a network of major motorways, a high-speed British rail link, two airports and a major ferry port, it is easier than you think to bring your conference to Yorkshire and Hum­berside. A conference that really will be a “Breath of fresh air”.

  1. Work in pairs, one as the conference organizer for Gre­sham International, the other as the conference man­ager of the Panorama Palace Hotel.

Conference Organizer, Gresham International.

You are trying to arrange a conference for Gresham Inter­national. Study the company’s requirements, then find out about the conference facilities at the Panorama Palace Hotel. Conference Manager, Panorama Palace Hotel.

Study the table showing conference rooms and facilities at the Panorama Palace Hotel. Try to persuade the conference organizer from Gresham International to hold his company’s conference in your hotel.

1 Meeting room for 200 theatre-style — 5 days

  1. meeting room for 40 classroom-style — 3 days

  2. rooms for board meetings (15 each)2 days

  1. Video recorders




















    Board room





    Price per day





    Equipment: We can supply stages, lecterns, overhead pro­jectors, 35 mm slide projectors, video recorders Support services: Full support services, including photog­raphers and interpreters, are available

    cordless microphones 1 stage

for main room

  1. overhead projector and screen

  2. secretaries

DIALOGUE 2 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

  1. Read the dialogue about preparation for a tourist fare.

  2. Draw a chart with all the stages mentioned.


Allan: One of the things I have to do is to look after a stand

at exhibitions and fairs and I’m responsible for seeing that everything is coordinated properly and goes to plan.

Bennie: And what does that involve?

Allan: Well, first of all we spend four to five days discussing

all the requirements and also how much money we can spend and once a decision has been made on what we need and the budget then I start to draw up a plan of action and set myself a time scale for doing things. Generally, I would say it takes about 12 to 13 weeks to get everything organised from start to finish. So I draw up a little chart of all the tasks that need to be done and put them into some sort of sequence. Then I make enquiries with all the people who will be involved and try to work out how long each stage will take. So, for example, I know that they need 90 days’ advance no­tice to book the stand.

Bennie: 90 days?

Allan: That’s right. But in fact I don’t need to book the stand

straight away. The first thing I do is talk to the copy­writer of the catalogue we produce and brief her on what should go into it. Then it will normally take her 20 days to write all the text and produce the copy.

Bennie; I see.

Allan: At this stage I also brief the art department and the de­

sign team will do specimen layouts. As soon as they have the final copy they produce final lay outs. I set them a deadline of 25 days. On the whole they’re very good, they keep to the time scale but I monitor progress and deal with any problems that might crop up.

Bennie: What sort of problems?

Allan: Well, normally everything goes smoothly but there

could be a software problem or possibly someone hav­ing to be transferred to another assignment or some­one off sick.

Bennie: Uh-huh.

Allan: If they are running behind schedule 1 gently remind

them that we need to respect the dates.

When the layouts are ready the artwork is commis­sioned, and at the same time, we do any necessary photography. 1 try to persuade colleagues to pose for photographs because an agency is expensive. And it’s round about now that I get people to start work on designing the stand, because that can take three weeks. Then I get my secretary to make any corrections to the catalogue proofs and she does that within the next ten days. While she’s doing this I order any equipment that we will need for the stand because the supplier will need 30 days’ advance notice for it to be delivered. At the same time the disks are sent to the printer’s and the printing is done over the next 28 days, and if all goes well comes back in time for us to ship everything off if the trade fair is being held abroad. And if every­thing has gone to plan, this coincides with the deliv­ery of the equipment I’ve ordered and it goes off to­gether with the catalogues.

Bennie: That sounds very complicated but you seem to be ex­tremely efficient.

Allan: Well, I don’t like leaving things to the last minute —

you can’t afford to because if you did, nothing would be done on time and the whole thing would be chaos, wouldn’t it?


  1. Make a list of the conference facilities and write an ad­vertisement of some hotel to attract visitors and orga- nizators for a conference.

  2. Using the text "Yorkshire-Humberside— We'll wel­come you in style!" as a model write a passage promot­ing your town or region as a centre for conferences. Start by making notes about any special features you want to mention.

  3. Make up and write a passage of a cultural programme for conference participants.

  4. Translate into English:

  1. Зал конгресса находится на расстоянии 5-10 минут ходьбы от гостиниц, в которых будут размещены участники.

  2. Очень важно, чтобы рядом с комнатами для заседа­ний имелись удобные помещения для неофициаль­ных научных дискуссий.

  3. Зал заседаний вмещает 800 делегатов и 500 наблю­дателей. Он полностью оборудован для синхронно­го перевода на шесть языков и для показа слайдов.

  4. К залу примыкают кабины для прессы. Работа, про­исходящая в этом зале, транслируется по телевиде­нию на 23 помещения в здании.

  5. Несколько небольших помещений будут предостав­лены в распоряжение желающих организовать не­официальные дискуссии по узким темам.

  6. Помещения для стендовых докладов обеспечивают­ся следующим оборудованием: столом, дисплеем, письменной доской с белой поверхностью.

  7. Регистрация участников будет проходить в вестибю­ле гостиницы.

' 8) Полная информация о работе транспорта из аэро­портов и по городу имеется в холле гостиницы.

  1. Место для проживания можно забронировать на тер­ритории университета.

  2. Бронирование номера необходимо сделать одновре­менно с выбором гостиницы.

  3. Стоимость проживания одного человека, включая ужин, номер, завтрак и обед, составляет $ 70,

  4. Подробная информация о мероприятиях, связанных с конференцией, и предоставляемых услугах вклю­чает сведения о месте и времени регистрации участ­ников, справочном бюро, бюро переводов, бюро по передаче сообщений, продаже билетов, обществен­ных мероприятиях, организации питания, транспор­та, экскурсий, а также о секретариате, банке по об­мену валюты, месте проведения дружеских встреч и о времени оплаты за гостиницу при выезде из нее.

  5. Конгресс создает предпосылки для расширения дру­жеских контактов и знакомства с культурной жиз­нью принимающей стороны.

  6. Для проведения общественно-культурных меропри­ятий для участников конгресса будет выделен специ­альный транспорт.

  7. Будет подготовлена разнообразная программа обще­ственно-культурных мероприятий для членов семей участников конгресса и сопровождающих лиц.

  8. В связи с проведением конференции будет органи­зована выставка-продажа книг.

  9. Участников конгресса, желающих принять участие в банкете, просят указать свои пожелания в регистра­ционной карточке.

  10. Банкет состоится в гостинице «Россия» в среду. Цена билета, включая стоимость вина и крепких напит­ков, $ 150.

  11. Максимальное число участников экскурсии — 24 человека.

  12. Официальные прием планируется на время с 19.00 до 21.00.

  1. A letter of Convocation. Write a letter of convocation for some conference using the given pattern:

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