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V2.What's the meaning of the following words and phras­es as they are used in the text?

(1) hard-up students (2) sophisticated (3) to whisk away

  1. for a modest outlay (5) insulated tent (6) conversely (7) to put up a tent (8) surly (9) to mope around (10) to hump great weights (11) tedious (12) to adopt a completely different way of life (13) essence

  1. Find the following sentences in the text. Explain the words and word-combinations in italics:

  1. ... was considered a poor wayof spending a holiday.

  2. ... the boy scouts have been on a good thing...

  3. ... it no longer means that...

  4. ... no surly staff to tip.

  5. And there is sheerfun of it— ...

  6. ...and start getting a meal ready.

  7. ... of true recreation and real enjoyment.

  1. Give synonyms to the following words:

To discover, to suffocate, outlay, tremendous, conversely.

  1. Form antonyms with the help of negative prefixes:

(1) comfort (2) sophisticated (3) modest (4) comfortable

  1. attractive (6) active

  1. Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

  1. to ramble a. a way planned or followed from one place to


  1. hardship b. a place where people stay in tents on holiday

  2. route c. go for a long walk in the countryside

  3. to trek d. great difficulties, problems

  4. camp e. go on a long and difficult journey, especially on foot

  1. Agree or disagree with the following statements using appropriate phrases.

  1. The adults have at last discovered that the boy scouts have been on to a bad thing all these years.

  2. For a modest outlay, you have a comfortable, insulated tent.

  3. The portable furniture is light and comfortable.

  4. You see, camping hasn’t so much to offer.

  5. For a large sum you can enjoy comforts which few hotels can provide.

  6. Low-cost holidays make camping an attractive proposi­tion.

  7. And there is sheer fun of it — especially if you haven’t a family.

  8. You are active all the time and you are always close to na­ture.

  9. Nothing is nice and peaceful.

  10. Camping provides you with a real change for everyday life.

  1. Give derivatives to the following words:

(1) camp (2) love (3) to discover (4) comfort (5) proposition

  1. Fill in the prepositions where necessary.

(1) The adults have... last discovered that the boy scouts have been ...... a good thing all these years. (2) No wonder the great

rush is ... . (3) You have none ... the headaches ... advance ho­tel booking or driving ... and ... a city looking ... a room.

  1. Modem camp sites are well-equipped ... hot and cold run­ning water. (5) It’s so exciting to arrive ... a camp site, put ... your tent and start getting a meal ready. (6) I’ve never suspect­ed that you are so keen ...hiking. (7) Have you decided where to go ... your summer holiday? (8) Besides it poured ... rain for 3 days running. (9) We camped ... the foot... some hills. (10) A hiking holiday depends ... enjoyment... the weather.

  1. A: Construct the argument or part of the argument by

referring to the key-words:

  1. Camping once considered poor way of spending holiday; boy scouts; students; no longer so.

  2. No inconveniences (e.g. mosquitoes; brackish coffee; corned beef; freeze; suffocate in sleeping bag; hump great weights).

  3. Pursuit of motorists everywhere: no discomforts.

  4. Modest sum: insulated tent.

  5. Large sum: portable bungalow; three bedrooms, kitchen, etc.

  6. Portable furniture: gas stove; coffee, steak; refrigerator: beer, ice-cream.

  7. Sleep on air.

  8. The great rush is on: camping offers absolute freedom.

  9. No advance hotel booking; driving round cities at mid­night.

  10. Low cost holidays; many comforts at modem sites: e.g. hot, cold water, even dance floors.

  11. Great mobility: go or stay as you please.

  12. Sheer fun of it: especially with family.

  13. No moping round hotel rooms wondering about dinner.

  14. Exciting to arrive at site, put up tent, prepare meal.

  15. Always active; always close to nature.

  16. Imagine clear stream; mountains; chops sizzling in pan.

  17. A real change: get up early, go to bed early; hearty appe­tite.

  18. Great opportunity to meet people; everyone relaxed, friendly.

  19. Adopt completely different way of life: essence of relax­ation, enjoyment.

B: Construct the counter-argument by referring to the key-words:

  1. Argument doesn’t mention any inconveniences.

  2. What about rain, cold, mosquitoes, boring diet or fried food?

  3. What about packing and re-erecting a wet tent?

  4. What about a vast number of things to be carried? Large car necessary.

  5. Frequently setting up and disbanding house: enormous­ly inconvenient and tedious.

  6. Most real beauty spots are inaccessible by car: everything must be carried.

  7. The real beauty spots have no amenities, not even run­ning water.

  8. Camping sites are not beauty spots: primitive living con­ditions, like ugly slums; each camper has little space.

  9. Many official sites haven’t even primitive amenities.

  10. Camping sites can be just as crowded as hotels.

  11. Camping is not a real holiday for the family.

  12. Wife has to cook, etc., under primitive conditions; no change for her,

  13. Husbands must drive long distances; children get tired.

  14. Even cheapest and simplest hotel provides rest and free­dom from care for everyone in the family,

  15. You get what you pay for; when camping, you don’t pay much arid don’t get much.

  1. Give the detailed retelling of the text.


  1. Reproduce the following in the Reported Speech.

Helen: I can’t make out how you can go hiking, Paula.

Paula: Why, what’s wrong? Fm run down, bored with every­

thing and everybody. Only a complete change of air and surroundings will satisfy me, I believe.

Helen: Are you ready to put up with hardships?

Paula: Well, I know for sure that I’m not going to make a

mountain out of a molehill. A fortnight of fresh air and exercise will do me a world of good, I suppose.

Helen: Good? You are subject to colds.

Paula: I need a bit of hardening, I think. That’s what makes

me go hiking.

Helen: Oh, that accounts for it.

Ann: Have you heard the news?

Nick: What news? Anything exciting? Out with it!

Ann: Irene is planning to go mountaineering.

Nick: Irene? She isn’t the one for camping out, I’m afraid.

Fancy her carrying ajieavy rucksack. She’ll never put up with any lack of comfort, if you ask me.

Ann: I don’t think she will. She is sure to complain of hard­

ships the very first day.

Nick: Well, I’ve never thought she is keen on mountaineer­


Ann: Keen on mountaineering? I think you are being very

silly. It’s Peter who is keen on mountaineering and she is head over hills in love with him.

Ann: Ah, that accounts for it.

  1. Render into English.


Как отдыхает молодежь в России? Если ответить на этот вопрос одним словом, то можно сказать: по-разному. Это значит, что молодежь ездит в дома отдыха, в пансионаты и спортивные лагеря, ходит в походы, ездит на экскурсии в другие города, отдыхает на море и в горах. Но если гово­рить о самом распространенном и любимом виде отдыха, то надо говорить о туризме. Это туризм особый: больше всего молодежь любит ходить в походы по стране, плавать по рекам и озерам, отдыхать на турбазах, откуда также можно совершать турпоходы. В походы ходят и на один- два дня в субботу и в воскресенье, и на 2—3 недели, уез­жая далеко от дома.

Маршруты путешествий разнообразны: одни едут на север страны и в Карелию, путешествуют по северным рекам и озерам, другие отправляются на Кавказ или Крым, где теплое море, горы и много солнца. Есть туристические группы, которые из европейской части страны едут путе­шествовать по Дальнему Востоку, на остров Сахалин и Камчатку.

Походы по стране — это всегда новые, часто малонасе­ленные места, это жизнь в палатке на открытом воздухе, в

2. Заказ № 2799 лесу или на берегу реки, это костер вечером и туристские песни.

Именно среди этих юношей и девушек, которые с не­терпением ждут каждый год отпуска и каникул, чтобы от­правиться в поход с рюкзаками за спиной, существует мнение, что туризм — лучший вид спорта.

  1. Write an essay on one of the following topics.

  1. My impressions of a camping holiday.

  2. A hiking holiday depends on enjoyment upon the weather.

  3. I (dis)like hiking more than anything else.

  1. Translate the following into English:

*1. Лагерь имеет прекрасный вид на море.

  1. Где мы разобьем лагерь сегодня? — В лесу.

  2. Мальчики решили провести отпуск в палатке этим летом.

  3. Никогда не думала, что ему нравится путешествовать пешком. — Многие молодые люди в наши дни лю­бят путешествовать пешком.

  4. Это место переполнено туристами круглый год.

  5. Наш переход через Гималаи оказался очень трудным.

  6. Я прогуливался по холмам Йоркшира.

  7. Мы разбили лагерь у подножия какой-то горы.

  8. Они собираются разработать маршрут.

-10. Какой тяжелый рюкзак! Ты действительно думаешь, что я его понесу?

  1. Жалуется ли Лена на трудности? — Да. Турист из нее никакой. Надя, наоборот, терпеливо сносит невзго­ды и даже мечтает заняться альпинизмом.

  2. Домой он добирался Мешком, так как плата за про­езд была слишком высока. Он не мог себе позволить ехать на поезде.

  3. Когда вы путешествуете на высоких скоростях, вы не успеваете увидеть что-либо интересное вокруг.

  4. Я люблю путешествовать пешком. Это дает мне чув­ство свободы и, кроме того, это лучший способ по­лучше узнать, что творится вокруг, не так ли?

  5. Автостоп не для меня. Я предпочитаю более комфор­тные способы передвижения.

TALKING POINTS■■■■■■■■■■■■■■

  1. In a paragraph of 70—100 words explain why the au­thor of the text thinks that camping is the ideal way of spending a holiday.

  2. Summer holidays are coming. You may go either to the mountains, as well as on excursion to St. Petersburg or to a holiday home. You are fond of mountaineering. At the same time you've never been to St. Petersburg. As to the holiday home your best friend is going there. What choice will you make? Why?

  3. Tell your friends about your impressions of a camping holiday.

  1. As you know a hike is a long walk or march in the coun­try for pleasure or exercise. What kind of pleasure and what kind of exercise?

  2. What is your attitude to hiking? Is hiking useful? Does hiking appeal to you? Why yes or why not?

  3. Did you go hiking at school?

  4. Do you like difficult routes? Who usually works them out?

  5. What do you think the success of a hiking holiday de­pends on?

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