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Учебник по английскому.doc
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I am a decisive person. I make decisions quickly.

Task 22. Match the words with their opposites.

  1. industrious a. dishonest

  2. kind b. agreeable

  3. honest c. cruel

  4. irritable d. hesitant

  5. resolute e. lazy

  6. intelligent f. mean

  7. talkative g. stupid

  8. generous h. reserved

Task 23. Put the words from the list under the following headings:

- positive - neutral - negative

Stupid, selfish, witty, reliable, tolerant, mean, cheerful, generous, moody, helpful, pessimistic, optimistic, bossy, lazy, callous, tactless, industrious, talkative, kind, reserved, resolute, sociable, modest, hot-tempered, shy, intelligent, cruel, honest.

  • Choose three adjectives from the list to describe the qualities you like most in a friend.

  • Choose another three to describe someone you don’t like.

Task 24. Answer the questions.

  1. What kind of people do you choose to be your friends?

  2. What kind of people do you try to avoid?

  3. What kind of people would you like to work with?

4. What kind of people deserve your respect?

5. What kind of people would you like your children to be?

  1. What positive qualities do you consider necessary to anyone?

  2. What negative traits can’t you put up with?

  3. What traits of character would you try to develop in yourself?

  4. Which ones should be rooted out?

Task 25. Study the information.

Prepositions in, with, of (used to describe people and clothes)


Meaning. Usage.



Употребляется со всеми предметами, которые может носить на себе человек (одежда, украшения и т.п.)

a man in blue shirt

a woman in red dress

a girl in gold earings


Употребляется а) при упо- минании черт внешности или физических особеннос-

тей; б) с предметами, кото- рые можно носить с собой

a boy with red hair

a man with a stick

a girl with a handbag


Употребляется а) с названи-

ями присущих черт, посто- янных черт характера б) при обозначении возраста

a man of quiet temper

a woman of thirty-five

Task 26. Fill the gaps with “in”, “with”, “of”.

  1. We saw some soldiers … uniform.

  2. A small boy … dark hair came into the shop.

  3. A young man … a moustache was driving the car.

  4. He showed me a photo of a woman … blue eyes.

  5. He was a young man … pleasant appearance.

  6. There were a lot of businessmen … dark suits on the train.

  7. John was walking down the street with a woman … about 25.

  8. One of the children was a girl … long dark hair.

  9. He arrived for the meeting … grey jacket.

  10. His father is a man … strong habits.

  11. A man … a hat came into the cafe.

  12. Near the shop I saw a woman … black … a red handbag.

  13. He is known to be a man … optimistic views.

  14. A beautiful girl … about 18 was sitting at a table in the café.

Task 27. Read and translate text A, then fill the gaps in text B.

Police Notice:

  1. Maria Roberts, a 15-year-old schoolgirl, left her home in Leeds last week and nobody has seen her since. She was wearing a blue raincoat, green trousers and black shoes. She has blonde hair and blue eyes.

Please telephone: 0202-17414 with any information.

  1. Tim Cook, a fifteen … schoolboy … home … Chester … month and nobody … since. He … a blue shirt, black shoes and … . He … black … and … eyes.

Please …0244 – 110389 with …

Task 28. Make up your own police notice similar to those given in task 27.

Task 29. Read and translate the text; ask your partner the details of the boy’s and the suspect’s descriptions.

Police have stepped up1 their hunt for eight-year-old Neil Graham who’s been missing since Friday when he left St. Mark’s Primary School to walk home. Neil was wearing blue jeans, a dark blue pullover and a red anorak and was carrying a yellow satchel. The police have issued a description of a man they would like to interview. The man, who was seen in Castle Street getting into a yellow car with a child answering Neil’s description shortly before half past four on Friday, is described as being in his early forties, white, balding and of medium height and wearing a leather jacket, dark shirt, jeans and metal-framed spectacles. Police are appealing for anyone with information to come forward2.


1to step up /"step'Ap/ - продвинуться

2to come forward /"kAm'fLwqd/ - откликаться

Task 30. Read and translate the dialogue; describe the man seen by the witness.