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Getting the profession of a law enforcement officer

Chelyabinsk Law Institute is one of the Law Institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. It aims at training highly qualified law enforcement officers. While studying at the Institute the students may choose either to become an operative (a detective) or an investigator. They are also trained in the law and upon graduation they are qualified as lawyers.

Crime is one of the most vital problems facing the society. Militia officers are guardians of law and order and have the greatest responsibility in the society.

Solving a crime is not an easy matter today. Militia officers need a great variety of professional skills to deal with modern crimes. They should possess broad knowledge, proper law enforcement professional education and such personal qualities as common sense, courage, resourcefulness, initiative, good memory, patience, decision-making judgment and some others.

The work of both the operative and the investigator is very difficult and very important. To solve the crime quickly and accurately operatives and investigators work in close cooperation. The success of their work also depends on forensic science and the help of forensic science specialists.

The operative is responsible for crime detection. He is to find out the information that would lead to catching the criminal. He should trace, locate and apprehend suspects and criminals, identify and discover witnesses and eyewitnesses, search for the stolen property and instruments of the crime. His task is to get as much information about the crime and the criminals as possible. The operative works in civilian clothes.

The investigator is to find out all the facts about the crime, to inquire about the reasons for committing the crime, about the people involved. When the investigator arrives at the crime scene he should examine it properly in order to find, collect and protect all the evidence and to reconstruct the events constituting a criminal offence. It is also important to preserve the evidence for court presentation. The investigator should also know how to interview witnesses and interrogate criminals. A good interrogator must know how to use psychology and have the ability to inspire confidence.

Another important task of a militia officer is to improve the image of militia and maintain a favourable public attitude. If people trust the militia force they are more likely to report crimes and are more likely4 to be law-abiding.

1 resourcefulness – находчивость, изобретательность

2 patience – терпение

3 judgment – рассудительность, умение правильно разбираться

4 likely - вероятный

Task 40. Find the English equivalents for the following words and word combinations; memorize them.

  1. одна из наиболее жизненно важных проблем, с которой сталкивается общество

  2. умение принимать решение

  3. работать в тесном сотрудничестве

  4. зависеть от чего-либо

  5. быстро и точно раскрыть преступление

  6. выследить подозреваемого или преступника

  7. обнаружить и задержать подозреваемого или преступника

  8. причины/мотивы совершения преступления

  9. найти, собрать и сохранить улики

  10. опрашивать свидетеля

  11. допрашивать преступника

Task 41. Read and translate the derivatives.

Crime (n)  criminal, criminality, criminology.

Law (n)  lawful, lawfully, lawfulness, lawless, lawlessness, lawyer.

Detect (v)  detection, detective, detector.

Investigate (v)  investigation, investigative, investigator.

Qualify (v)  qualifying, qualified, qualification.

Task 42. Match the verbs with the prepositions they go with; some prepositions may be used more than once.

to aim with

to train at

to deal in

to depend on

to be responsible for

to search about

to inquire into

to arrive to

to study

to lead

Task 43. Complete the following sentences.

  1. Law Institutes of the Ministry of Internal Affairs aim at …

  2. I am a student of Chelaybinsk Law Institute and upon graduation I will be…

  3. Crime is one of the most vital problems …

  4. To deal with modern crime militia officers need …

  5. To be a good professional a militia officer should possess…

  6. The operative is responsible for …

  7. It is the duty of the operative to trace …, to identify and …, to search for …

  8. It is the duty of the investigator to find out …, to inquire about …

  9. At the crime scene the investigator should …

  10. A good interrogator must know …

  11. It is very important for militia officers to improve …

  12. If people trust militia force they …

Task 44. Read and translate the list of personal qualities. Choose your best qualities; say what you should learn to be in order to be successful in your job. Use the following pattern: