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Unit 7 professional education


1) independent (a) /"IndI'pendqnt/ - независимый

independence (n) /"IndI'pendqns/ - независимость

2) apply (v) /q'plaI/ - обращаться куда-либо

apply to a university/college /"jHnI'vE:sIti/ - поступать в университет

applicant (n) /'xplIkqnt/ - кандидат, абитуриент

  1. school (n) /skHl/ - школа

high/secondary school /haI/ /'sekqndqri/ - средняя школа

higher school /'haIq/ - высшая школа

  1. education (n) /"eGV'keISn/ - образование, просвещение

general education /'Genqrql/ - общее (неспециальное)


higher education - высшее образование

educational (a) /"eGV'keISnql/ - образовательный, учебный

educational institution /"InstI'tjHSn/ - образовательное учреждение

get education - получить образование

educate (v) /'eGVkeIt/ - обучать; воспитывать

  1. qualify (v) /'kwPlIfaI/ - 1. обучать(ся), приобретать


2. квалифицировать,


highly qualified specialist /'speSqlIst/ - высококвалифицированный


qualification (n) /"kwPlIfI'keISn/ - квалификация, подготовленность

gain qualification - получить квалификацию, право занимать какую-либо


  1. intellect (n) /'IntIlqkt/ - интеллект, ум

intellectual (a) /"IntI'lekCVql/ - интеллектуальный,


intellectual capacities /kq'pxsItIz/ - умственные способности

7) ability (n) /q'bIlIti/ - способность, умение

8) accept (v) /qk'sept/ - принимать

9) course (n) /kLs/ - курс (обучения, лекций)

10) examination/exam (n) /Ig"zxmI'neISn/ - экзамен

study for the exam /'stAdi/ - готовиться к экзамену

take/pass an exam /teIk/ /pRs/ - сдавать/сдать экзамен

fail an exam /feIl/ - провалиться на экзамене final examinations /'faInql/ - выпускные экзамены

11) enter (v) /'entq/ - 1. входить, 2. поступить

enter a university/college - поступить в университет

entry to a university/college /'entri/ - поступление в университет

entrance examinations /'entrqns/ - вступительные экзамены

12) interview (n) /'IntqvjH/ - 1. интервью

2. собеседование

to pass an interview - пройти собеседование

13) staff (n) /stRf/ - штат служащих, кадры

14) subject (n) /'sAbGIkt/ - предмет, дисциплина

take subjects - изучать предметы

15) term (n) /tE:m/ - 1. срок, период

2. семестр

terms of something - условия чего-либо

16) graduate (from) (v) /'grxGueIt/ - окончить (учебное


graduate (n) /'grxGuIt/ - выпускник

undergraduate (n) /"Andq'grxGuIt/ - студент/курсант

выпускного курса

postgraduate (n) /"pqVst'grxGuIt/ - аспирант/адъюнкт

graduation (n) /"grxGu'eISn/ - окончание учебного


17) tuition (n) /tjH'ISn/ - 1. обучение

- 2. плата за обучение

18) degree (n) /dI'grJ/ - звание, ученая степень

19) skill (n) /skIl/ - мастерство, умение

develop skills /dI'velqp/ - развивать умения

20) level (n) /levl/ - уровень

at a high level - на высоком уровне

21) admit (v) /qd'mIt/ - принимать

admission (n) /qd'mISn/ - приём, принятие

19) test (n) /test/ - проверка, тест

take/pass a test - проходить/пройти


20) lecture (n) /'lekCq/ - лекция

give lectures - читать лекции

lecturer (n) /'lekCqrq/ - 1. лектор

2. преподаватель вуза

21) department (n) /dI'pRtmqnt/ - факультет; отделение

22) class (n) /klRs/ - курс (обучения)

take classes (in) - проходить курс обучения

attend classes /q'tend/ - посещать занятия

23) instruction (in) (n) /In'strAkSn/ - обучение (по)

instructions (n) /In'strAkSnz/ - инструкция(и), указания

instructor (n) /In'strAktq/ - преподаватель

24) requirement (n) /rI'kwaIqmqnt/ - требование, необходимое


meet the requirements - отвечать требованиям,


25) curriculum (n) /kq'rIkjVlqm/ - учебный план

on the curriculum - в учебном плане

26) train (v) /treIn/ - обучать, готовить

27) provide (with) (v) /prq'vaId/ - обеспечивать,


28) technique (n) /tek'nJk/ - способ, метод, прием

investigative techniques /In'vestIgqtIv/ - приемы расследования

29) forensic (a) /fq'rensIk/ - судебный

forensic laboratory /lq'bPrqtri/ - криминалистическая


30) facilities (n) /fq'sIlItIz/ - (благоприятные) условия,

удобства, оборудование

living facilities - помещения с (благоприятными)

условиями для проживания

instruction facilities - помещения с (благоприятными)

условиями для обучения

31) firearms range, shooting range (n) /reInG/- тир

32) dormitory /hall of residence (n) /'dLmItri/ - общежитие для студентов

Task 1. Read and translate the sentences.

    1. Barbara took twelve exams. She passed eight of them and she failed four.

    2. The public should be educated to respect the environment.

    3. The training course will qualify you for a better job.

4) The members of the committee described Gates as a man of keen intellect.

5) They agreed to discuss it on the last day of the term.

6) He seems to be a man of little education.

7) Offenders will be sentenced to a seven-year prison term.

8) She is on the staff of the new university.

9) In 1973 the first Open University graduates received their degrees.

10) In 1986 a record number of students graduated from American universities with degrees in computer science.

11) The profession of a policeman requires various skills.

12) Admission to university depends on examination results.

13) Professor Johnson is not lecturing this term.

14) He acquired a law degree by taking classes at night.

15) I knew that concentration was the first requirement for learning.

16) This book will provide you with all the information needed.

17) A specialist in forensic medicine was called as a witness in the murder trial.

Task 2. Fill the gaps with the words from the box; translate the sentences.

qualification failed staff exams universities

graduated ability applicants apply educated

lecturer curriculum forensic term class

  1. John’s parents were angry when he … his exam.

  2. Most children in Britain take … when they are 16.

  3. The function of our … is not just to educate.

  4. He has the … to solve complex technical problems.

  5. … will be called for an interview in April.

  6. He was … at a very good school.

  7. She has had the right … for the job.

  8. The school’s teaching … is excellent.

  9. She … from Harvard with a degree in law.

  10. During the summer … we have five examinations.

  11. He is a senior … in law at London University.

  12. I have an English … at 9 o’clock.

  13. Russian is the one compulsory foreign language on the school … .

  14. … experts searched the area for clues.

  15. Students … for admission to a particular college.

Task 3. Translate the derivatives; say to what part of speech they belong.

1. intellect (n) – интеллект à intellectual

2. transmit (v) – передавать à transmission

3. educate (v) – давать образование à education, educational

4. critic (n) – критик à critical, critically

5. depend (v) – зависеть à dependence, independence, dependent, independent

6. curious (a) – любознательный, любопытный à curiosity

7. accurate (a) – точный, тщательный  accuracy

Task 4. Practise the following for pronunciation.

exist /Ig'zIst/ graduate /'grxGuIt/

primary /'praImqrI/ capacity /kq'pxsIti/

purpose /'pE:pqs/ ability /q'bIlIti/

intellectual /"IntI'lekCVql/ curiosity /"kjVqrI'PsIti/

discipline /'dIsIplIn/ communicate /kq'mjHnIkeIt/

transmission /trxnz'mISn/ factual /'fxkCVql/

design /dI'zaIn/ accuracy /'xkjVrqsi/

Task 5. Read and translate the text.

Finishing school is the beginning of an independent life for millions of young people all over the world. It is not an easy thing to choose a profession out of more than 2 000 existing in the world.

Each year a great number of high school graduates go to universities. Choosing a university is a very important decision of their lives. What are the universities for?

The primary purpose of the university is the search for knowledge and fundamental understanding in all intellectual disciplines and the transmission of that knowledge and understanding.

It has also been a function of universities to give to young people from a relatively narrow age group (say 17 – 24) an education designed1 to develop their intellectual capacities, that is the ability to judge evidence critically, to develop independence of mind, the ability to communicate, curiosity, reasoning power2 and factual accuracy.


1design /dI'zaIn/ - предназначать

2reasoning power /'rJzqnIN'paVq/ - способность рассуждать

Task 6. Answer the following questions.

  1. Why do millions of young people every year apply to Universities, Institutes and Special Higher Schools?

  2. What are the functions of all those higher educational institutions?

  3. How can one become a highly qualified specialist?

  4. Are high standards in legal and general education necessary for a professional militia officer? Why?

Task 7. Practise the following for pronunciation.

noticeable /'nqVtIsqbl/ ratio /'reISIqV/

availability /q"veIlq'bIlIti/ allow /q'laV/

equal /'Jkwql/ language /'lxNgwIG/

status /'steItqs/ vocational /vq'keISnql/

reputation /"repjV'teISn/ accommodation /q"kPmq'deISn/

prestigious /pre'stIGqs/ proportion /prq'pLSn/

ancient /'eInSqnt/ campus /'kxmpqs/

nevertheless /"nevqDq'les/ surround /sq'raVnd/

supervision /"sHpq'vIZn/ atmosphere /'xtmqsfIq/

Task 8. Read and translate the text.