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Text 12. Motor vehicle accidents

Every year a great number of people all over the world die in accidents. The most common cause of accidental death is motor vehicle.

Motor vehicle accidents occur for many reasons, including driving while under the influence of alcohol and other intoxicating drugs; failure to observe traffic rules, such as speed limits and stop signs; poor judgment in driving; mechanical failures; darkness; and bad weather. In many cases, several reasons combine to cause an accident. Drivers under 24 years of age are involved in about 40 per cent of all accidents in the United States, even though they account for only about 22 per cent of all drivers.

In the United States, nearly one of every five persons killed in motor vehicle accidents is a pedestrian. In the cities pedestrians account for 33 per cent of the death total. And nearly half of these are killed while jaywalking or crossing streets at a place other than a proper crossing. Careless drivers are also partly to blame.

Unit 7 text 13. Police Training in New York State Police

No individual can receive a permanent appointment as a police officer in any municipality in the state until he has taken and passed a minimum 285-hour basic course approved by the Municipal Police Training Council.

A supervisory course of 70 hours must be taken and passed prior to receiving any permanent appointment to a first-line police supervisory position.

Additional “in-service” type training is available under auspices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in conjunction with the New York State Associations of Chiefs of Police and the New York State Sheriff’s Association. Also, service organizations such as the Red Cross are in a position to and will provide specialized training on request (e.g. Red Cross courses in first aid and life saving).

The FBI also offers training at the FBI National Academy in Washington, D.C., and Quantico, VA, for selected police officers who are recommended for it by their Chief or head of their law enforcement agency. The National Academy is designed to train police executives and administrators. Its courses require 12 weeks and are free.

Text 14. Requirements for the fbi National Academy Candidates

The primary purpose of the National Academy has always been to train outstanding officers as instructors and administrators. Although candidates are chosen without regard to race, creed, color, sex, or national origin, certain qualifications must be met.

  1. The candidate must be a full-time officer employed by a law enforcement agency, with at least five years of experience in law enforcement.

  2. The candidate must be at least 25 years of age.

  3. The candidate must be in excellent physical condition. Weight requirements are maintained and are based on height and build.

  4. The candidate must possess outstanding character and reputation, and must have demonstrated unimpeachable moral conduct and integrity. To ensure that these standards are met, the FBI will conduct an investigation of each officer nominated.

  5. The candidate must have a serious commitment to law enforcement as a public service. He must possess leadership qualities and enjoy the confidence and respect of fellow officers.

  6. The candidates must possess at least a high school diploma or equivalency certificate. Although this minimal educational background is deemed sufficient to ensure that the candidate will be successful in his studies at the National Academy, the program is an intensive one and requires a high level of performance. Accordingly, the candidate should show aptitude and interest in academic achievement.

  7. The candidate must be nominated by the head of his agency. If the candidate is the agency head, the nomination may be made by his mayor, or other superior, or he may nominate himself.

  8. The candidate, and the head of the candidate’s law enforcement agency, must be willing to certify that he will remain in law enforcement for a minimum of three years following graduation from the National Academy.