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Учебник по английскому.doc
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  1. My father works as a … 2. My brother is a …

Task 13. Say to what part of speech the following derivatives belong; translate them into Russian.

1. usually usual (a) - обычный

2. casually casual (a) - периодический, нерегулярный

3. probably probable (a) - вероятный, возможный

4. exactly exact (a) - точный

5. definition define (v) - определять

6. generation generate (v) - порождать

7. relation relate (v) - иметь отношение; связь

be related - быть в родстве

8. statement state (v) - заявлять, утверждать

9. usage use (v) - употреблять, применять

10. marriage marry (v) - жениться, выходить замуж

11. different differ (v) - отличаться, различаться

Task 14. Translate the text.


When we talk about family, we usually mean a household made up of parents and children. But the definition of a family is broader than that.

The word “family” is used casually to describe a number of different groups. For example, the statement “Jack looks after his family” probably means that Jack is a conscientious (сознательный) and caring husband and father. If someone says, “My family comes from Idaho,” he (or she) is likely to mean that his parents were from Idaho, or perhaps his father’s parents, a generation earlier. Somebody may say, perhaps at a party, “This is a family occasion”, meaning that only relations are present. These relations may include uncles, aunts, cousins, and in-laws (people married into the family). Still, these usages of the term “family” have something in common in that they refer to relationship that are based on marriage or on decent (происхождение) from a common ancestor (предок).

In its widest sense, the term “family” includes all relations. In fact in some societies, family members may recognize hundreds of relations. They know exactly how they are connected to each other and understand that they have special duties towards one another.

Task 15. Find the English equivalents for the following word-combinations; memorize them.

  1. семья, состоящая из …

  2. заботиться о семье

  3. заботливый муж и отец

  4. семейное событие

  5. иметь что-то общее

  6. быть связанными родственными узами друг с другом

  7. иметь обязанности по отношению друг к другу

Task 16. Fill the gaps with the words from the box; translate the text.

members generation families children people

unit consisted of change including

An american family

The American family is the basic … of society, but it has undergone significant … in the last few decades – and it continues to change. A … ago, the average family … a mother, father, and two or more …. The nuclear family often maintained important ties to … of the extended family … grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and in-laws. Families are very important to Americans. Nine out of ten … in the United States live as members of … and they value their families highly1.

1to value highly – высоко ценить

Task 17. Practise the following for pronunciation.

businessman /'bIznIsmqn/ serious /'sIqriqs/

attractive /q'trxktIv/ drawing /'drLIN/

gentle /Gentl/ wrinkled /'rINkld/

design /dI'zaIn/ gardening /'gRdnIN/

prefer /prI'fE:/ extremely /Ik'strJmli/

skating rink /'skeItIN"rINk/ generous /'Genqrqs/

Task 18. Read and translate the text.