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  1. Criminal investigation

The next biggest job in policing after patrolling is criminal investigation. Criminal investigation is done by detectives. Detectives rarely anticipate crime and prevent it from happening. Criminal investigators are usually responsible for the collection of information about crime potentials (intelligence). Undercover penetration of criminal conspiracies is rare. A more common tactic is for detectives to pose as people willing to do something illegal, such as buying drugs, receiving stolen property, offering a bribe or even killing someone.

What do the vast majority of detectives who investigate crime do? Basically they talk to people – victims, suspects, witnesses – in order to find out exactly what happened in particular situations and whether there is enough evidence to arrest and prosecute suspects with a reasonable likelihood of conviction.

In most cases detectives make very quick judgments about whether an investigation should be undertaken. It depends on two factors: first, whether a credible perpetrator has been fairly clearly identified and, second, whether the crime is especially serious or repugnant – the sort that attracts public attention. Detectives quickly formulate a theory about who committed the crime and then set about collecting the evidence that will support arrest and prosecution.

Perhaps the most demanding part of a detective’s job is developing expertise in the legal requirements for collecting and reporting evidence. Few detectives have had formal legal training, yet they need to understand how prosecutors will use their evidence in court.

Unit 11 british police


  1. effect (n) /I'fekt/ - эффект, впечатление

effective (a) /I'fektIv/ - эффективный,


effectiveness (n) /I'fektIvnIs/ - эффективность

  1. resist (v) /rI'zIst/ - сопротивляться,


resistance (n) /rI'zIstqns/ - сопротивление,


  1. jurisdiction (n) /"GVqrIs'dIkSn/ - 1. юрисдикция

2. подведомственная

область, сфера полномочий

have jurisdiction over - обладать юрисдикцией в

something отношении кого-либо/чего-либо

  1. authority (n) /L'TPrIti/ - власть, полномочие

authorities (n) /L'TPrItiz/ - власти

  1. recruit (v) /rI'krHt/ - вербовать, комплектовать

recruit (n) /rI'krHt/ - новичок, новобранец

  1. response (n) /rI'spPns/ - 1. ответ

2. отклик, реакция

responsible (a) /rI'spPnsIbl/ - ответственный

be responsible to somebody - быть ответственным перед


be responsible for something - быть ответственным за


responsibility (n) /rI"spPnsI'bIlIti/ - 1. ответственность

2. обязанность

  1. serve (v) /sE:v/ - служить, работать

service (n) /'sE:vIs/ - 1. служба, работа

2. служба,

сфера деятельности

3. услуга

  1. decline (v) /dI'klaIn/ - уменьшаться, идти на убыль

  2. constable (n) /'kAnstqbl/ - 1. констебль, полицейский

2. низший полицейский чин

constabulary (n) /kqn'stxbjVlqri/ - полиция

  1. derive from(v) /dI'raIv/ - получать от, извлекать

  2. cover (v) /'kAvq/ - 1. покрывать

2. охватывать, относиться

  1. run (v) /rAn/ - 1. бежать, бегать

2. руководить, управлять

  1. comprise (v) /kqm'praIz/ - включать, охватывать

  2. efficient (a) /I'fISqnt/ -1. действенный,


2.умелый, квалифицированный

  1. consent (n) /kqn'sent/ - согласие

  2. operate (v) /'PpqreIt/ - работать, действовать

operational (a) /"Ppq'reISnql/ - 1. оперативный

2. относящийся к работе

  1. subject (a) /'sAbGIkt/ - подчиненный, подвластный

be subject to - быть подвластным


  1. supervise (v) /'sHpqvaIz/ - наблюдать, надзирать

supervision (n) /"sHpq'vIZn/ - наблюдение, руководство

under the supervision - под наблюдением,

под руководством кого-либо

  1. truncheon (n) /'trAnSqn/ - 1. дубинка полицейского

2. жезл

  1. rank (n) /rxNk/ - звание, чин, служебное


  1. appoint (v) /q'pOInt/ - назначать, определять

  2. retire (v) /rI'taIq/ - уходить (отправлять) в

отставку, увольнять(ся)

  1. volunteer (n) /"vPlqn'tIq/ - доброволец, волонтер

voluntarily (adv) /'vPlqntqrili/ - добровольно

  1. arm (v) /Rm/ - вооружать(ся)

be armed with - быть вооруженным чем-то

firearms (n) /'faIqrRmz/ - огнестрельное оружие

  1. circumstances (n) /'sE:kqmstxnsIz/ - обстоятельства, условия

  2. deceive (v) /dI'sJv/ - обманывать, вводить в


  1. guard (v) /gRd/ - защищать, охранять

  2. competence (n) /'kPmpItqns/ - 1. способность, умение

2. компетентность

competent (a) /'kPmpItqnt/ - компетентный, знающий

Task 1. Read and translate the sentences.

1) They tested the effectiveness of the security arrangement.

2) The committee put up a lot of resistance to the chairman’s plan.

3) The British police has no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.

4) I shall have to report this to the authorities.

5) The police are trying to recruit more black and Asian officers.

6) It is unfair to the police officers who have served their country well for many years.

7) His influence declined after he lost the elections.

8) Miss Jones is one of those happy people who derive pleasure from helping others.

9) Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees.

10)The United Kingdom comprises England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

11) Someone had to give orders and take responsibilities for mistakes.

12) The new law doesn’t operate in our favour.

13) The work was done under my supervision.

14) He was also charged with illegal possession of firearms.

15) I trust him because I know he will never deceive me.

16) We’ve always regarded him as a man of integrity and high professional competence.

17) You might say that we’ve been victims of circumstances.

Task 2. Fill the gaps with the words from the box; translate the sentences.

incompetent circumstances service retire armed

efficiently jurisdiction comprises responsible cover

authority guarded resist appointed voluntarily

1) I am making inquiries about the … of Mary Dean’s murder.

2) The man was shot outside his house as he tried to … arrest.

3) I am … to judge on such an issue.

4) The court cannot deal with this matter, as it is outside its … .

5) The judge had no … to order a second trial.

6) You may need the … of a lawyer.

7) This sum of money may not even … the cost of damage.

8) The committee … people of widely different views.

9) He is being … by a platoon of police.

10) He works very … and he is decisive, and accurate in his judgment.

11) Police say the man is … and dangerous.

12) Parents should be … for teaching their children the difference between right and wrong.

13) The commission … a special investigator to conduct its own inquiry.

14) Judges should … at 65.

15) I didn’t have to ask them to leave; they went … .

Task 3. Practise the following for pronunciation.

nickname /'nIkneIm/ legislation /"leGIs'leISn/

occasionally /q'keIZnqli/ exclude /Ik'sklHd/

familiar /fq'mIliq/ province /'prPvIns/

objection /qb'GekSn/ authority /L'TPrIti/

considerable /kqn'sIdqrqbl/ recruit /rI'krHt/

permanent /'pE:mqnqnt/ inherit /In'herIt/

ineffectiveness /"InI'fektIvnIs/ immediately /I'mJdiqtli/

Metropolitan /"metrq'pPlItqn/ infringement /In'frInGmqnt/

compromise /'kPmprqmaIz/ pseudo /'sjHdqV/

jurisdiction /"GVqrIs'dIkSn/ prototype /'prqVtqtaIp/

Task 4. Read and translate the text.