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Учебник по английскому.doc
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The Trooper Pledge

Humbly recognizing the responsibilities entrusted1 to me as a member of the Department of State Police, an organization dedicated to the preservation of life and property, I pledge myself2 to perform my duties honestly and faithfully to the best of my ability and without fear, favor or prejudice. I shall3 aid those in danger or distress, and shall strive4 always to make my state and county a safer place in which to live.

I shall wage unceasing war against crime in all its forms, and shall consider no sacrifice5 too great in the performance of my duty. I shall obey the laws of the United States of America and of the Commonwealth of Virginia, and shall support and defend their constitutions against all enemies whatsoever, foreign or domestic. I shall always be loyal to and uphold the honor of my organization, my state and my country.


1to entrust /In'trAst/ - возлагать

2to pledge oneself /pleG/ – давать слово

3shall – (зд.) модальный глагол (выражает решимость ,обещание)

4to strive /straIv/ – стараться, стремиться

5sacrifice /'sxkrIfaIs/ – жертва

Task 21. Answer the questions.

    1. When did you take your oath of office?

    2. Do you recognize the responsibility entrusted to you as a militia officer?

    3. Did you pledge yourself to perform your duties honestly and faithfully?

    4. In what way are you going to enforce the laws of the land?

    5. Being a militia officer, what will you strive to do?

    6. In what way are you going to be loyal to your militia organization?

Task 22. Practise the following for pronunciation.

loyalty /'lOIqlti/ kidnapping /'kIdnxpIN/

employee /Im'plOIJ/ identification /aI"dentIfI'keISn/

eliminate /I'lImIneIt/ previous /'prJviqs/

corruption /kq'rApSn/ forward /'fLwqd/

politician /"pPlI'tISn/ equipment /I'kwIpmqnt/

tapping /'txpIN/ typewriter /'taIp"raItq/

bugging /'bAgIN/ tire /'taIq/

leadership /'lJdqSIp/ expert /'ekspE:t/

Task 23. Read and translate the text.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is the branch of the United States federal government in charge of enforcing federal criminal laws. These are laws relating to crimes for which people can be arrested even if they have left the state in which a crime was committed. The FBI also helps local police departments, and investigates the loyalty of government employees.

The FBI was founded in 1908 as part of the Department of Justice. In 1924 J. Edgar Hoover was appointed director in order to eliminate corruption. Under Hoover the FBI was recognized and its service increased. The FBI was later criticized for using illegal means to get information and for investigating persons who simply opposed government policies. After Hoover’s death it was revealed that he had used his power to silence his critics. Extensive files had been kept on politicians and his enemies, and illegal telephone tapping and bugging had taken place. Under new leadership some reforms were introduced.

A big task was given the FBI in 1930s. Local police departments often found themselves unable to stop criminals who disappeared over a state line. To help this situation Congress passed a number of laws that broadened the powers of the FBI. Kidnapping and bank robbery were made federal crimes. FBI agents were permitted to carry guns and make arrests. Following this a number of criminal gangs were broken up. Several dangerous criminals were shot while resisting arrests. Many others were arrested and sent to prison.

An important part of the FBI work is to help other law enforcement agencies. One such service is the Identification Division, which was established in 1924. This office has over 170 million fingerprint cards in its files. When a local police department wants to investigate a person, they send his or her fingerprints to the FBI. Within a few minutes, the FBI can tell whether the person has a previous criminal record. If this is so, the record is forwarded to the police in the case. This office also exchanges information with many foreign nations.

The FBI forensic laboratory also helps local law enforcement agencies. The laboratory has the latest scientific crime detection equipment. With it, FBI scientists examine documents, blood, hair, soil and other subjects. Sometimes a small piece of evidence traps a criminal. Other FBI files include tire markings and types of paint. After examining evidence, FBI experts will testify in local courts on what they have found.

The FBI also provides training for local police departments and keeps local police officers informed of the newest methods in crime detection. There are between 6.000 and 7.000 special agents who must have a high standard of education.

Task 24. Find the English equivalents for the following word-combinations; memorize them.

  1. выяснять преданность, лояльность государственных служащих

  2. ликвидировать коррупцию

  3. использовать незаконные средства для получения информации

  4. незаконное прослушивание телефонных разговоров

  5. незаконное использование электронных устройств для тайного наблюдения (подслушивания)

  6. расширить чьи-либо полномочия

  7. дактилоскопические карты

  8. иметь уголовное прошлое

  9. новейшее научное оборудование для оперативно-розыскной деятельности

  10. давать показания в суде

Task 25. Match the words from the columns to make word-combination; translate these word-combinations into Russian.

  1. to enforce a. information

  2. to resist b. a criminal

  3. to arrest c. laws

  4. to make d. reforms

  5. to introduce e. a person

  6. to broaden f. a crime

  7. to pass g. the powers

  8. to investigate h. an arrest

  9. to forward i. a record

  10. to trap j. evidence

  11. to examine k. the loyalty

  12. to exchange l. a suspect

Task 26. Fill the gaps with the words from the box; translate the text.

dangerous national created directed

safety criticized present illegally

The FBI is a US government police organization that investigates … crimes. It is also responsible for the … of the country from international enemies. It publishes a “10 Most Wanted List” of the most … criminals. The FBI, which is part of the US Department of Justice, was … in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation, and took its … name in 1935. J. Edgar Hoover … it from 1924 to 1972 and was … during his last years for … gathering information on ordinary citizens.

Task 27. Answer the questions.

  1. What is the FBI in charge of?

  2. When was this organization founded?

  3. What task was Edgar Hoover given when he was appointed director of the FBI?

  4. What was the FBI criticized for?

  5. Why were the powers of the FBI broadened?

  6. What services of the FBI aim at helping other law enforcement agencies?

  7. How does the Identification Division help local police departments?

  8. What kind of help is rendered by the FBI forensic laboratory?

  9. How large is the number of the FBI special agents?

  10. What kind of education must they have?

Task 28. Translate and make the summary of the texts in writing.