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Учебник по английскому.doc
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Role of Police Force

The police have many functions in the legal process. Though they are mainly concerned with criminal law, they may also be used to enforce judgments made in civil courts. As well as gathering information for offences to be prosecuted in the courts, the police have wide powers to arrest, search and question people suspected of crimes and to control the actions of members of the public during public demonstrations and assemblies. The mere presence of the police is a factor in deterring people from committing offences.

A just legal system needs an independent, honest police force. In countries where the public trusts the police force, they are more likely to report crimes, and it seems that they are more likely to be law-abiding.

Because of their wide powers it would not be difficult for corrupt police officers to falsify evidence against a suspect, to mistreat someone they have arrested, or to accept bribes in return for overlooking offences. In 1991, for example, the Osaka High Court ordered the review of a Hong Kong man’s case after finding out that the police had used a biased interpreter. In the Birmingham Six case1 British police officers obtained confessions from men suspected of bombing a pub by beating them up. In the United States, illegally obtained evidence is not valid in court. Legal systems usually have codes of conduct for the police, limiting the time and the methods which they can use to question suspects and guaranteeing the suspects access to independent lawyers.


1 the Birmingham Six case – дело о «Бирмингемской шестерке» (В 1974 году шестеро ирландцев были отправлены в тюрьму по обвинению в организации взрывов, в результате которых погибли 21 человек. В 1980е после проведения новых экспертиз было доказано, что улики, подтверждающие их вину, сфальсифицированы. В 1991г. ирландцы были освобождены.)

Task 22. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations; memorize them.

  1. иметь широкие полномочия для ареста, досмотра и опроса людей, подозреваемых в совершении преступления

  2. одно только присутствие полиции

  3. фактор, сдерживающий кого-либо от совершения преступления

  4. доверять полиции

  5. сообщать о преступлениях

  6. быть законопослушным

  7. фальсифицировать показания/улики против подозреваемого

  8. плохо обращаться с арестованными

9. брать взятки

10. получить признание от кого-либо

  1. 11. незаконно добытые улики

Task 23. Complete the following sentences.

  1. The police in Great Britain are not only concerned with …, they are also used to enforce … .

  2. British police have wide powers to … .

  3. It is a well-known fact, that the mere presence of the police is a factor in deterring … .

  4. A just legal system needs … police force.

  5. People seem to be more law-abiding in the countries where the public … .

  6. Corrupt police officers may falsify …, mistreat … or accept … .

  7. In many countries it has become the law that illegally obtained evidence …

  8. Codes of conduct for the police limit … and guarantee … .

Task 24. Use synonymous words and word combinations from the box instead of the italicized ones; read and translate the text.

question them illegal the person is charged with the crime investigate the case commits a crime innocent

prove arrest them evidence accused of the crime

The police do a number of things. When someone breaks the law and does something wrong the police must try to find out what happened. If they find the people responsible for the crime, they take them to the police station. At the police station they ask them questions to find out what they know and if they are sure the person committed the crime the police make an official statement that they believe the person committed the crime. This person must then go to court for trial.

In court, the people charged with the crime must try to provide facts to show that they did not commit the crime, in other words prove that they are not guilty. The jury listens to all the information about the crime, for and against the accused, and then makes their decision.

Task 25. Practise the following for pronunciation.

require /rI'kwaIq/ friendliness /'frendlInIs/

variety /vq'raIqti/ image /'ImIG/

guardian /'gRdIqn/ courteous /'kE:tiqs/

society /sq'saIqti/ knowledge /'nPlIG/

servant /'sE:vqnt/ welfare /'welfeq/

maintain /meIn'teIn/ sincere /sIn'sIq/

Task 26. Read and translate the text.