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Учебник по английскому.doc
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Applying for a job

Interviewer: Come in. Please, sit down. It’s Mr. Green, …?

Mr. Green: Yes, that’s right. Good afternoon.

Interviewer: Good afternoon. Well, I’ve got your application form here.

I just want to check the information. Is that all right?

Mr. Green: Yes, of course.

Interviewer: Now, you are 21, …?

Mr. Green: Yes, I am.

Interviewer: And you are not married, …?

Mr. Green: No, I’m not … not yet.

Interviewer: You went to secondary school and technical college, …?

Mr. Green: Yes, I did.

Interviewer: But you didn’t go to university, …?

Mr. Green: No, I didn’t. I started work after finishing school.

Interviewer: I see. You can speak French and Russian, …?

Mr. Green: Yes, I can, but not fluently. I can speak French better than Russian.

Interviewer: But you can’t speak Spanish, …?

Mr. Green: No, I am afraid I can’t.

Interviewer: And your hobby is travelling, …?

Mr. Green: Yes, it is. And I also like doing a lot of other things.

Interviewer: Well, thank you very much.

Task 21. Imagine you are going to get a new job and you are being interviewed by a Personnel Department officer (сотрудник отдела кадров). Complete the conversation.

Officer: Please, come in. Sit down.


Officer: Now, what’s your name?


Officer: Ah, yes. Now, when did you finish school?


Officer: Fine. And where did you go to school?


Officer: And what were your best subjects?


Officer: I see. And what subjects didn’t you like studying?


Officer: Why?


Officer: And hobbies… What do you like doing in your spare time?


Officer: What sort of job do you want to do?


Officer: Why do you think you’d like doing that?


Officer: Well, thank you very much.

Task 22. Read how these people introduce themselves and fill the chart with the necessary information; use the chart to tell about each member of the seminar.

At a computer literacy1 seminar

Bill: Well, good morning, everybody. Before we begin our seminar, let’s introduce ourselves. I’ll begin. My name is Bill Williams, and I’m from Los Angeles. I’m 39 years old, and I am married with two children. I work as a computer programmer, and I also teach computer literacy in seminars like this one. I’m interested in model trains and travel. OK. Who’s next?

Anna: I’ll go next. I am Anna Rosen. I am 28 years old. I am a journalist. I work for a national weekly TV magazine. I am interested in travel, like Bill, and also in photography. I am not married.

Bill: Where are you from, Anna?

Anna: Oh, yes. I live in Brooklyn, New York.

Bill: Good. Well, Pedro, I know you, but please, tell the others about yourself.

Pedro: Sure. I am Pedro Gomez from Houston, Texas. I am 32 and single. I am a nurse, but I am unemployed right now. I am interested in people and animals.

Bill: Thanks, Pedro. Who’s next?

Jolene: I’m Jolene Brown. I was born in Atlanta, Georgia, but now I live in Washington, D.C. where I work as a French teacher. I’m divorced2, but my two children live with me. I like all kinds of sports, and I read a lot. Oh, I am 41 years old.


1literacy /'lItqrqsi/- грамотность

2divorsed /dI'vLst/- разведенный







Number of children



Bill Williams

Anna Rosen

Pedro Gomez

Jolene Brown

Task 23. Practise the following for pronunciation.

Texas /'teksqs/ physical /'fIzIkl/

Los Angeles /lPs'xnGIlqs/ mental /'mentl/

police /pq'lJs/ ability /q'bIlqti/

academy /q'kxdqmi/ character /'kxrIktq/

department /dI'pRtmqnt/ dedication /"dedI'keISn/

service /'sE:vIs/ interview /'IntqvjH/

patrol /pq'trqVl/ motto /'mPtqV/

investigation /In"vestI'geISn/ motivation /"mqVtI'veISn/

Task 24. Read and translate the text.