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Regulation of motor vehicle traffic

Another big job that police undertake is the regulation of motor vehicle traffic. Traffic regulation is important for two reasons. First, the number of people killed or injured in traffic accidents and the monetary damage1 to property are substantially higher than the result from crimes. Second, a larger number of people come into contact with the police through the enforcement of traffic laws than in any other way.

Traffic officers generally work in marked cars, patrolling major roads for the purpose of preventing motor vehicle accidents. They do this by enforcing laws against dangerous driving as well as defective vehicles and by controlling traffic flow in potentially hazardous2 situations such as those associated with accidents, spillage of toxic substances3, parades, sporting events, etc. Their work is more self-initiated than that of patrol officers or criminal investigators. They go where the traffic problems are. Traffic officers also conduct investigations of the causes of motor vehicle accidents.

Enforcing of traffic regulations, as well as directing traffic, is not done exclusively by traffic specialists. In most jurisdictions, people are as likely to be stopped by patrol officers as traffic officers. Britain may be an exception: patrol officers ignore all but the most serious driving offences, leaving traffic matters to the traffic police.


1 monetary damage – материальный ущерб

2 hazardous – опасный

3 spillage of toxic substances – утечка токсических веществ

Task 33. Complete the following questions on the text “Regulation of Motor Vehicle Transport”; answer them.

    1. What is …?

    2. Why is …?

    3. For what purpose do they …?

    4. In what way do they …?

    5. Where do they …?

    6. What else do they …?

    7. What country is …?

    8. What do the patrol officers …?

    9. To whom do they …?

Task 34. Practise the following for pronunciation.

personnel /"pE:sq'nel/ range /reInG/

recruitment /rI'krHtmqnt/ mobile /'mqVbaIl/

purchasing /'pE:CqsIN/ assignment /q'saInmqnt/

supervising /'sHpqvaIzIN/ license /'laIsqns/

confrontation /"kPnfrqn'teISn/ firearms /'faIqrRmz/

hostage /'hPstIG/ certify /'sE:tIfaI/

barricade /'bxrIkeId/ premises /'premIsIz/

rescue /'reskjH/ employee /Im'plOIJ/

Task 35. Read and translate the text.

Other work of the police

Patrol, criminal investigation, and traffic regulation are the largest areas of modern operational policing occupying about 85% of all police personnel. Most of the rest is accounted for by administration: 10% in Canada, 9% in the United States, 7% in Britain, and 6% in Australia.

Administration includes recruitment, training, public relations, and all the housekeeping functions of purchasing, paying, supervising, and so on.

All of the other operational units are very small, designed to support patrol, criminal investigation, and traffic regulations in specialized ways. The most well-known special units are probably the dog squad and the special weapons and tactic team – SWAT1. Although the SWAT acronym2 is a US invention, it is recognized around the world, and most police forces have some unit like it. These units are used in ongoing violent confrontations, such as hostage taking, barricaded suspects or suspected bombs. They are often responsible for rescue operations.

Large police forces may also have permanent formations of riot police like the Mobile Reserves in Britain or the Task Force3 in New York City, for example. Riot squads are specially trained and equipped with shields, water cannon, tear gas and other weapons. Small police forces train all officers in controlling crowds, demonstrations, and civil disorders, drawing officers from other assignments when the need arises.

Police forces are also responsible for a number of activities that do not appear on the organization chart. For example, some police inspect and license firearms, bars, and gaming parlors. Police sometimes operate jails, certify deaths that occur outside medical premises, administer drivers’ license tests or do background checks on government employees.

Finally, police forces in cities that are political centers, for example, London and New York, are called upon to protect important persons.

1 SWAT /swPt/ – группа специального назначения в полиции. (Её участники проходят обучение боевым искусствам, стрельбе из различных видов оружия, пользованию специальным оборудованием. Используется для борьбы с терроризмом, освобождения заложников и для борьбы с особо опасными вооруженными преступниками.)

2acronym /'xkrqnIm/ – акроним (аббревиатура, которая произносится как обычное слово)

3 Task Force /'tRskfLs/ – оперативно-тактическая группа

Task 36. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations; memorize them.

  1. захват заложников

  1. операции по спасению

  1. экипировать щитами, водометами, слезоточивым газом

  2. контролировать поведение толпы

  3. отряды полиции по борьбе с массовыми беспорядками

  4. гражданские волнения

  5. привлекать сотрудников из других подразделений

  6. проводить проверку биографических данных

  7. привлекаться для выполнения какой-либо работы

Task 37. Complete the following sentences.

  1. The largest areas of modern operational policing are …

  2. Administration in police includes …

  3. Special operational units are designed to …

  4. SWAT teams and similar police units are used in …

  5. Riot squads are equipped with …

  6. Riot squads are used for controlling …

  7. In addition to their regular activities the police sometimes …

Task 38. Answer the questions.

  1. What are the main functions of police in any country?

  2. Into what divisions are most police forces organized?

  3. What is the sphere of responsibility of each division?

  4. What are the main duties of patrol officers?

  5. What situations do patrol officers generally handle?

  6. What do they do to prevent crime?

  7. Why do foot patrols make people feel better?

  8. In what way is police success measured?

  9. What do the police do when crimes are committed?

  10. Who is in charge of criminal investigation?

  11. What requirements should a police officer meet to become a detective?

  12. What are the main phases of crime detection?

  13. What are the actions of a police officer at the crime scene?

  14. What are the ways to get information concerning the crime and the criminal?

  15. What special operational units are designed to support regular police work?

Task 39. Speak on routine activities of police officers from different units; use the questions in task 38 as the outline for your story.

Task 40. Translate the texts in writing.
