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Personal identification

The question of personal identity is, of course, a crucial one while detecting and prosecuting a crime. Are the man in the dock and the man who committed the crime one and the same person? To prove this the law has always relied a good deal on the testimony of eyewitnesses, with or without the formality of identification parades; however this testimony may be unreliable.

The personal characteristics, which can be used for identification, are:

  • blood group

  • hair colour

  • voice

  • general appearance

  • the shapes, sizes, and arrangement of the teeth and bones

  • fingerprints.

Any or all of the five categories may be used in proving identity.

Most if not all police forces train their men to describe personal appearance in precise and recognizable terms. Under headings such as ‘build’, ‘complexion’, ‘nose’, ‘gait’, ‘ears’, etc. lists of standard descriptive terms are prescribed.

The ability of the detective to use a description of a person is important. He must be able to take a description given by another, create a mental image of the person described, and recognize the person. It is necessary to pick out outstanding characteristics, peculiarities, mannerism, or anything else unique, then use words which tell what has been observed so that another person who hears or reads the description can visualize the person described. An exceptionally useful item in a description is the national origin of the person. Birthmarks and tattoos are valuable identification points. Both visible and invisible scars and marks should be reported where known. Significant physical habits are important, e.g. walk, voice, speech, etc.

A modern development of this idea is a new device called the Identikit. The Identikit employs a series of over 800 transparent outline drawings of the different possible shapes for the several features, various combinations of these are tried until the witness is satisfied, and the final result can be photographed for circulation. Several million permutations are possible, and many wanted men have been traced with this device.

Task 35. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations; memorize them.

  1. идентификация личности

  2. на скамье подсудимых

  3. совершить преступление

  4. полагаться на показания очевидцев

  5. формальность процедуры опознания

  6. группа крови

  7. отпечатки пальцев

  8. видимые и невидимые шрамы и отметины

  9. портрет, составленный по описанию; фото-робот

  10. лицо, находящееся в розыске

Task 36. Translate the following derivatives into Russian.

1. person (n) – человек, лицо  personal, personally, personality

2. identical (a) – идентичный, схожий  identity, identify, identification

3. rely (v) – полагаться, доверять  reliable, unreliable

4. recognize (v) – узнавать  recognizable

5. describe (v) – описывать description, descriptive, described

6. vision (n) – зрение  visible, invisible, visualize

7. except (v) – исключать  exception, exceptional, exceptionally

Task 37. Fill the gaps with prepositions.

  1. Can we tell for sure that the man … the dock and the man who committed the crime are one and the same person?

  2. In detecting the crime the investigator relies a good deal … the testimony … eyewitnesses.

  3. The testimony … an eyewitness may be followed … the formality … an identification parade.

  4. Several personal characteristics may be used … identification.

  5. Most police officers are trained to describe personal appearance … precise and recognizable terms.

  6. A list … standard descriptive terms are prescribed … several headings.

  7. The picture … the suspect got … the help of the Identikit is photographed … circulation.

  8. A lot … wanted criminals have been traced … the help … Identikit.

Task 38. Make up detailed descriptions of a) yourself, b) your friend,

c) members of your family. Use the following outline:

  • Background: name; occupation; education; family.

  • Appearance: age; height; build or figure; hair; face; eyes; complexion, distinguishing features.

  • Personality: personal qualities; temperament.

Task 39. Give written translations of the texts.