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British police service

The police in Britain are organized very differently from many other countries. Most countries have a national police force which is controlled by the central government. Britain has no national police, although police policy is governed by the central government’s Home Office. The organization used to be called the Police Force, but it has now decided to call itself the Police Service. This reflects its desire to be part of modern society – serving people rather then controlling them.

Britain has 52 regional police services, which are responsible for maintaining law and order in their own geographical area. There are county police, city police and combined police services. London has two police services, the Metropolitan Police, often referred to as the Met, which covers Greater London1, and the smaller City of London Police.

The British government pays a sum of money each year to the city and county police services, which covers about half their costs. The rest is covered by local taxation. Police services are run according to a set of rules, so that a single standard of law enforcement is maintained throughout the country. Inspectors of Constabulary are sent out by the Home Office2 to report on the service.

Each police service has a local police authority. This is a committee comprising two-thirds local councillors3 and one-third magistrates4. The function of the police authority is to maintain an adequate and efficient police service. It appoints, retires and dismisses senior police officers (chief constables5 and assistant chief constables), but with the consent of the Home Secretary. It receives an annual report from the Chief Constable and can also require special reports. However there may be reasons for which the Chief Constable may refuse to provide information. In practice, police authorities have very limited powers.

Each regional police service works independently under their own Chief Constable. The Chief Constable is responsible for day-to-day operational control and his powers derive directly from the general law and he is not subject to direction from any other body. This means that each Chief Constable is responsible for all operational and administrative decisions. The police authority cannot give direct instructions on such matters, nor can the Home Secretary.

All police officers are sworn in as constables and have powers to enforce the rule of law and maintain order. The police are not above the law, but subject to it like any other citizen and are answerable for their actions if they overstep their legal powers. They are required to be strictly impartial and to administer the law without fear or favour.

British policemen wear dark blue uniforms that are not military in style, and constables wear tall hard helmets. Their only regular weapon is a short truncheon, which is kept out of sight and may not be used except in self-defence or to restore order.


1Greater London – Большой Лондон (административно-территориальная единица, состоит из Лондона и частей прилегающих пяти графств)

2Home Office – министерство внутренних дел

3councillor – член местного совета (города или графства, избирается на три года)

4magistrate – магистрат (должностное лицо в местных органах власти)

5chief constable – главный констебль (начальник полиции в городе, графстве)

Task 12. Find the English equivalents for the following word combinations; memorize them.

  1. поддерживать правопорядок

  2. поддерживать единую норму правоприменительной деятельности по всей стране

  3. предоставлять информацию

  4. повседневный контроль за деятельностью

  5. обеспечивать соблюдение нормы права

  6. быть ответственным за свои действия

  7. превышать установленные законом полномочия

  8. исполнять закон без страха или пристрастия

  9. в целях самообороны

Task 13. Say whether the statements are true or false; correct the false ones.

  1. Like in many other countries there is one national police service in Great Britain.

  2. British Home Office governs the police policy and sends the Inspectors of Constabulary to report on their activities.

  3. The City of London Police service is responsible for maintaining law and order in the whole of London.

  4. The expenses of British police are covered by local taxation.

  5. There is no single standard of law enforcement in Britain; each police service has its own set of rules.

  6. Local police authorities comprise former police officers of great practical experience.

  7. Police authorities supervise the work of the police, but cannot give direct instructions to the Chief Constable.

  8. Police officers are required to be impartial and to administer the law without fear or favour.