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What Would I Do If?

By Sgt. Mike Berry

As police officers, we know what is expected of us and the readiness it takes for handling a potentially dangerous situation1 and/or emergency. We understand about “equipment readiness”2 and we know the importance of “information readiness”3.

Standing at the ready, with a good foundation for a successful mission, we often may lack in one important area – “self-readiness”4. This can sometimes be the most important category in readiness preparation. We ready ourselves by receiving training and updates5. But are we really “ready”?

Of the three readiness categories, self-readiness is the foundation upon which the other two rest. There are three requirements involved in Self-readiness:

  • Physical fitness

  • Continuous training and practice

  • Proper attitude6

The third requirement is the simplest to attain, but often the most ignored.

To improve this, we should ask ourselves “What would I do if?” By asking this question, we can constantly regenerate our preparedness, and by doing so, improve our mental readiness7 and attitude toward the task at hand. This question plays an impact8 on everything we do and can be the determining factor9 between success and failure.

What would I do if?

Imagine all the things that can go wrong in any situation. Think of all the times you have watched a situation change and then change again, never knowing what’s next.

By preparing ourselves with this mental questioning, we can gain valuable time. By gaining time10, we may not only save our own life, but also the lives of others.

Now let’s think of the three “readiness” categories – self, equipment, and information – as the sides of triangle11. With all three we have a solid base. Lacking one we have an opening for mistakes and failure.

Remember the best way for a police officer to maintain a state of readiness is through Practice and Anticipation12. With a lot of P and A, we become the meaning of the word “ready”.

Next time you find yourself asking What would I do if? You’ll know the answer.


1to handle a potentially dangerous situation – действовать в ситуации, представляющей опасность

2 equipment readiness – техническая готовность

3 information readiness – информационная готовность

4 self-readiness - готовность самого сотрудника

5 to receive training and updates – получать современную подготовку и тренировку

6 proper attitude – должное отношение

7 mental readiness – мысленная готовность

8 to play an impact – оказывать влияние

9 the determining factor – решающий фактор

10 to gain time – выиграть время

11 triangle - треугольник

12 Practice and Anticipation (P&A) – тренировка и предвидение

Task 32. Answer the questions and think of the end of the story.

When the detectives arrived, the auction1 was in full swing2. A picture by a famous painter had just been sold. The new owner had paid an enormous sum for it. He did not know that the picture had been stolen from an art gallery in a small European state. The auctioneer3 did not know that either, but the detectives did …


1 auction /LkSn/ - аукцион

2 to be in full swing /swIN/ - быть в полном разгаре

3 auctioneer /"LkSq'nIq/ - аукционист

  1. How did the detectives get the information of the stolen picture?

  2. Who helped them to hold the inquiry?

  3. How did they trace the people who stole the picture?

  4. What did they intend to do at the auction?

Task 33. Practise the following for pronunciation.

culprit /'kAlprIt/ convict /kqn'vIkt/

particular /pq'tIkjVlq/ profile /'prqVfaIl/

scientific /"saIn'tIfIk/ area /'eqrIq/

reveal /rI'vJl/ burglary /'bE:glqri/

clue /klH/ assault /q'sLlt/

invisible /In'vIzIbl/ robbery /'rPbqri/

naked /neIkId/ collate /kq'leIt/

priority /praI'PrIti/ prosecute /'prPsIkjHt/

Task 34. Read and translate the text.