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Упражнение 17. Определите, какие действия вероятны, а какие нереальны в следующих предложениях. Сформулируйте предложения, используя нужную форму глагола

Пример: If / go abroad next summer / change / some money into traveler’s check. If I go abroad next summer I will change some money into traveler’s check.

1. If / lose / credit card / inform / the bank immediately. 2. If / need some money / ask / the bank manager for a loan. 3. If / find / mistakes on my bank statement / change / to a different bank 4. If / earn / more money / be able to / save more. 5. If / order / checkbook / get / it before the end of the week?

Упражнение 18. Вставьте глагол из скобок в нужной форме сослагательного наклонения

Пример: Imagining the possibility of brain transplants requires that we (to be) be open-minded.

1. If almost any organ other than the brain (to be) ________ the candidate for a swap, we would probably give our consent. 2. If the brain (to be) ________ to hold whatever impulses form our personalities, few people would want to risk a transplant. 3. Many popular movies have asked that we (to suspend) ________ disbelief and imagine the consequences should a personality actually (to be) ________ transferred to another body. 4. In real life, however, the complexities of a successful brain transplant require that not-yet-developed surgical techniques (to be) ________ used. 5. For example, it would be essential that during the actual transplant each one of the 500 trillion nerve connections within the brain (to continue) ________ to function as though the brain (to be) ________ lying undisturbed in a living human body.

Упражнение 19. Переведите следующие предложения

1. The mains lead of this appliance may be already fitted with a BS 13 A plug. 2. Consider what would happen if an organization had to function without its TPS (Transaction processing system) for even one day. 3. Business managers would like the development process to be more manageable, especially with predictable costs and timing. 4. If you are to have a solid understanding of how organizations operate, it is imperative that you understand the role of information systems within these organizations. 5. The engineer ordered that the motor be repaired immediately. 6. Using an application service provider is not without risks–sensitive information could be compromised in a number of ways, including unauthorized access by employees or computer hackers. 7. If you were asked to read the URL listed above you would say: www dot bbc dot co dot uk forward slash education forward slash webwise. 8. It is hard to think how organizations could have done without telecommunications and networks. 9. Should you start typing, text would be inserted in the space between the characters where the insertion point is. 10. Should this happen, your computer and monitor would continue to run for about seven minutes. 11. It would have been a good result had it not been for a little mistake. 12. In Examples 5.9 and 5.10, if the scores awarded on the test were integers, the distribution of scores would be inherently discrete. 13. When U.S. businessman and former chess champion Maxim Dlugy went on trial last September, his lawyers asked that he be freed on bail of 500,000 rubles ($18,600). 14. This is a very serious case, and we would not have made the progress we’ve made were it not for the support of the president, who has been personally monitoring the pace of the investigation. 15. If Khanty-Mansiisk were a country, it would be the second-largest oil producer in the world after Saudi Arabia. 16. The public as well as those responsible for system operation usually demand that there be a human operator.