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Упражнение 40. Переведите многокомпонентные термины

1. Top-fold Card option. 2. Fit Text To Path option. 3. Proofreading. 4. Pop-up menu. 5. Plug-in module. 6. Printing defaults. 7. Cross hair cursor. 8. Drag and drop text editing. 9. Style properties. 10. Find wizard. 11. Undo levels. 12. Auto-Backup. 13. Keyboard shortcuts. 14. Remote control switch. 15. High voltage supply. 16. Power-factor indicator. 15. Subtractive color model. 16. Building block approach. 17. Business process reengineering. 18. CD-ROM drive. 18. Charge-coupled device. 20. Off-the-shelf software. 21. Product marketing manager. 22. Removable hard disk drive. 23. Volatile memory capacity. 24. Secondary storage device. 25. Hot test result. 26. Dummy load amount. 27. Zapped circuit board trace. 28. Two letter hotkey sequence. 29. Management information system. 30. Female spanner. 31. Soldering tip. 32. Square bashing. 33. Armstrong steam trap. 34. Nut lockwasher. 35. Development economics. 36. Data protection. 37. Rust protection.

Упражнение 41. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод терминов

1. For someone who needs some help getting started on a job search but doesn’t need the administrative support an outplacement firm offers, a career coach may be the answer. 2. Then there is cyberbusiness – we are promised instant catalog shopping. 3. College campuses provide the perfect venue for guerrilla marketing – which runs the gamut from sidewalk chalking, biodegradable tree postings and stenciling to product give-aways and spray painting logos around campuses – since students by nature are open to nontraditional marketing schemes, say experts. 4. Undertime can take many forms, from hours spent away from the office on errands or shopping to chunks of time spent at your desk surfing the Internet. 5. Watch the cool kids, the alpha consumers, today, and you can see what everybody else will be doing a year from now. 6. While dress-down Fridays have contributed to the casualization of the American workplace, they have also led to upgrading of casual clothes. 7. In California and other balmy states, developers have been demalling old covered shopping centers. 8. The site is run by Adam Hiltebeitel, Hossein Noshirvani, and Mare Jacobson, friends who – like most twentysomethings – yearned to join the get-rich-click set. 9. Office workers don’t have to prop themselves up in a cubicle anymore, pretending they are on the telephone when in fact they are catching some Z’s. 10. Assembly line workers can take their 15-minute break in the nap nook, if one is provided. 11. So the IT industry has a new moniker – the suppliers of this wide variety of offerings will be known as applications service providers (ASPs). 12. Microblogging is the practice of sending brief posts to a personal blog on a microblogging Web site, such as Twitter or Jaiku.

Упражнение 42. Переведите текст, обращая внимание на терминологию

Device helps navigate daily life

Satellite-based navigation gadgets can guide motorists from high above, saving bumbling drivers countless hours and extra trips to the gas station. But directing people on a much smaller scale – such as inside an office – is a much greater challenge. Locator equipment based on Global Positioning System satellites is accurate to about 10 feet – fine for drivers searching for the next right turn but not for pedestrians seeking a front door. And the range of GPS is limited indoors, and it can’t on its own differentiate between a path and a wall. Georgia Institute of Technology researchers are trying to pick up where GPS leaves off. Its System for Wearable Audio Navigation, or SWAN, consists of a wearable computer connected to a headband packed with sensors that help sight-impaired users know where they are and how to get where they’re going. Besides a pendant-sized wireless GPS tracker, there are light sensors and thermometers that help distinguish between indoors and outdoors. Cameras gauge how far away objects and obstacles are. A compass establishes direction. And an inertia detector tracks the roll, pitch and yaw of the user’s head. All the data are crunched by a computer in a backpack, which relays high-pitch sonar-like signals that direct users to their destinations. It also works with a database of maps and floor plans to help pinpoint each sidewalk, door, hall and stairwell.