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Future Indefinite

Exercise 70

Complete the sentences with I'll + a suitable verb. Mind the use ofI'llfor expressing decisions taken at the moment of speaking.


  • I'm too tired to walk home. I think ____ a taxi.

  • I'm too tired to walk home. I think I'll geta taxi.

  1. "It's a bit cold in this room." "Is it? _____ on the heating then."

  2. We haven't got any milk." "Oh, haven't we? _____ and get some."

  3. "Do you want me to do the washing-up?" "No, it's all right. _____ it."

  4. "I don't know how to use this computer." "OK, _____ you."

  5. "Would you like tea or coffee?" "_____ coffee, please."

  6. "Good-bye! Have a nice holiday." "Thanks, _____ you a postcard."

  7. Thank you for lending me your camera. _____ it back to you on Monday, OK?"

  8. "Are you coming with us?" "No, I think _____ here."

  9. I feel hungry. I think _____ something to eat.

10. The doorbell is ringing. _____ and open the door.

11. I can see you are busy. ____ later.

Exercise 71

Complete the sentences with shall / shan'torwill / won't. Mind the use ofthe Future Indefinitefor expressing actions or predictions, which may (not) happen in the future.


  • Who do you think _____ win the hockey match on Sunday?

  • Who do you think will win the hockey match on Sunday?

  • "_____ it rain tomorrow?" "I hope it _____ rain."

  • "Willit rain tomorrow?" "I hope itwon'train."

  1. I _____ be thirteen.

  2. Our teacher is ill, so she _____ be at school next week.

  3. We haven't got any money, so we _____ go on holiday this year.

  4. I have eaten three pizzas. I hope I _____ be ill!

  5. _____ you be at home tomorrow?

  6. No, we _____. We are visiting Grandmother.

  7. Next year at this time I _____ be in America!

  8. It's raining. Put on your coat, or you _____ catch a cold.

  9. I'm afraid you _____ catch you train. It's already two o'clock.

10. Take your umbrella, or you _____ get wet.

11. I don't think the journey to London _____ be very pleasant.

12. I expect the train _____ be very crowded and hot.

13. Take some sandwiches. There _____ be a restaurant car.

14. Who _____ meet you at the station?

15. _____ there be many people at John's party?

16. Your English is very good. I'm sure you _____ pass the English test.

17. Nick _____ pass his French test. He doesn't work hard enough.

Exercise 72

What do you say in these situations? Write sentences with shall I …?orshall we …?

1. You and a friend want to do something this evening but you don't know

what. You ask your friend. ….. What shall we do this evening?………….

2. You try on a jacket in a shop. You are not sure whether to buy it or not.

You ask a friend for advice. ………………………………………………….

  1. It's Ann's birthday next week. You want to give her a present but you don't know what. You ask a friend for advice. What ………..……………………....

  2. You and a friend are going on holiday together but you haven't decided where. You ask him / her. .………………………………………………………

  3. You and a friend are going out. You haven't decided whether to go by car

or to walk. You ask him / her. ..…………………………………………………

  1. Your friend wants you to phone later. You don't know what time to phone.

You ask him / her. …..……………………………………………………………

  1. "…………………………..…………go? " " Just a minute. I'm not ready yet."

  2. I've got no money. What ……………………………………………………do?

9. What …………………………………….……………………. do on Saturday?

10. Your friend is sick. He needs medical examination. You ask him / her.

……………………………………………………….………….. call a doctor?

11. Your friend remarks that it's really hot and stuffy in the room. You ask him

/ her. …………………………………..………switch on an air-conditioner?

Exercise 73

Mind the use of shall for offers and suggestions.