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Future Perfect

Exercise 187

What will life be like in the year 2100?

Complete the sentences using the Future Perfect.


  • By 2100, the world's population _____ (increase) to around 30,000 million.

  • By 2100, the world's population will have increased to around 30,000 million.

  1. Life _____ (become) more automated by then.

  2. Computers _____ (take over) many of the jobs that people do today.

  3. The earth's supplies of oil, coal and gas _____ (run out).

  4. _____ (scientists / find) other sources of energy?

  5. How _____ education _____ (change)?

  6. _____ (we / find) a way to feed all the people in the world?

  7. People _____ (conquer) new planets of the solar system, won't they?

  8. By 2100 the first men _____ (land) on the planet of Mars.

  9. By the year 2100 people _____ (create) more genetically modified food.

10. By 2100 Russian _____ (become) the language of international scientific


11. Before 2100 many island countries _____ (disappear) under water.


You may not agree with these predictions but you can make your own prognoses. Put them down and then discuss with your groupmates.

Future Perfect or Future Continuous?

Exercise 188

Put the verb into the correct form, the Future Perfect or the Future Continuous.

  1. Don't phone me between 7 and 8. We'll be having (we / have) dinner then.

  2. Phone me after 8 o'clock. We've finished (we / finish) dinner by then.

  3. Tomorrow afternoon we're going to play tennis from 3 o'clock until 4.30. So at 4 o'clock, _____ (we / play) tennis.

  4. Can we meet tomorrow afternoon? - Not in the afternoon. _____ (I / work)

  5. Tom is on holiday and he is spending his money very quickly. If he continues like this, _____ (he / spend) all his money before the end of his holiday.

  6. Chuck came to Britain from the Usa nearly three years ago. Next Monday it will be exactly three years. So on Monday, _____ (he /be) in Britain for exactly three years.

  7. Do you think _____ (you / still / do) the same job in ten years' time?

  8. Jane is from New Zealand. She is travelling around Europe at the

moment. So far she has travelled about 1,000 miles. By the end of the trip,

_____ (she / travel) more than 3,000 miles.

  1. _____ (you / see) Laura tomorrow? - Yes, probably. Why? - I borrowed this book from her. Can you give it back to her?

10. _____ (I / work) here for a year next September.

11. _____ (they / finish) dinner by 8.00.

Exercise 189

Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

  1. Ben and Petty Crawford are on holiday in Europe. They will have been visiting seven countries by the time they get home to Canada at the end of the month.

  2. Go ahead and leave on your vacation. Don't worry about this work. By the time you got back, we will have taken care of everything.

  3. We have been married for a long time. By our next anniversary , we have been married for 43 years.

  4. Tomorrow, after he eats his dinner, John is going to a movie. In other words, he will eaten dinner by the time he goes to the movie.

  5. What else do we have studied in this class by the time the term ends?

  6. I can't go if I hasn't obtained a visa.

  7. By the time they arrive we will have gone home.

  8. By the end of the year we will have not recovered our initial investment.

  9. Let me say good-bye now because I won't see you in the morning. I will have been left already by the time you get up.

10. Before 5 o'clock tea the cook shall have bake an apple pie.


Exercise 190

Complete the dialogues. Fill in the blanks with the future Perfect of the verbs in brackets.




Let's go out tonight.

All right. I have some work to do, but I _____ (finish) it by about eight.




Can I have the book back tomorrow, please? _____ you _____ (read) it by then?

No, I won't. I _____ (not / read) all of it until the weekend.




Are you seeing Julie tonight?

No, I _____ (leave) by the time she gets here.




Have they built their house yet?

No, they _____ (not / build) it until the end of May.

Exercise 191

What do you think the world will be like a hundred years from now? What changes will have occurred between then and now? Use your imagination and make some predictions. Following are some topics to think about:


means of transportation


weapon technology


sources of energy


role of computers in daily life


population growth


long-term solutions to today's political crisis


food sources




extinction of animal species


clothing styles


exploration of the oceans; if the earth's interior


international language


space exploration; contact with beings from outer space


international television; international communication via communication satellites

Note: You may wish to make comparisons among the past, the present, and the future.

For example:

  • A hundred years ago, the automobile hadn't been invented.

  • Today it is one of the most common means of transportation and has greatly changed the way people lead their lives.

  • By the year __________, the automobile will have become obsolete.

  • A hundred years from now, people will use small, jet-propelled, wingless flying machines in place of cars.

Exercise 192

Read the text.