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Saturday Afternoon

What were Jenny's friends doing at three o'clock on Saturday afternoon?

1. Tom and Ben… 2. Anna…

3. Kate… 4. Mark…

5. Pat and Jane… 6. Barbara…

7. Mike… 8. Lucy…

9. Peter and John… 10. Diana…

Exercise 111

What were they doing?

Jenny went to the party. When she arrived, this is what she saw.

Work with a partner. Study the picture for one minute, then cover it. Take turns to read questions and give answers using the Past Continuous.


  • Who was standing near the window? A boy or a girl?

  • A girl was standing near the window.

  1. What was the girl near the window doing?

  2. How many people were standing near the food?

  3. What was the girl in the corner doing?

  4. What was the girl in the corner wearing?

  5. How many people were dancing?

  6. Was anybody sitting on the floor?

  7. How many people were playing cards?

  8. Was anybody sleeping?

  9. Who was singing? A boy or a girl?

10. Was anybody drinking cola?

Exercise 112

What happened?

Several things went wrong for the Bells and their friends yesterday. Find out what happened. Match the sentence parts and join them with when.


  • Nick was walking to school when the wind blew his cap off.

  1. Nick was walking to school

she spilled the paint.

2. Mrs. Bell was hanging out the washing

the cassette got stuck.

3. Jenny was painting a picture

the wind blew his cap off.

4. Mr. Bell was driving to the station

it started to rain.

5. Mrs. Bell was chopping carrot

their ball broke a window.

6. Nick and Tom were playing football

the lift got stuck.

7. Mr. Bell was going up to the fifth floor

his car broke down.

8. Tom was climbing a tree

the picture went off.

9. Jenny was sleeping

the washing line broke.

10. Amanda was playing her Walkman

the telephone woke her up.

11. The children were watching TV

she cut her finger.

12. Their cat was swinging on the lamp

the branch broke.

13. Nick and Jenny were having a picnic

it fell down.

Exercise 113

Steve Jobs

Read the following passage and chose where to insert these sentences.

  1. Magazines such as Fortune and Business Week were all mocking him.

  2. But it is true that Jobs was still losing money. In the early 1990s he was

going bankrupt at an alarming rate.

  1. Pixar Animation Inc. was also bleeding cash fast.

  2. His two businesses, Next (a computer firm) and Pixar (a computer animation company), were rapidly going bankrupt.

Entrepreneurs can go through long periods of bad luck and fall on hard times. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple, is one of these people. Since enjoying tremendous success in the 1980s he spent 11 years of humiliating failure.

After he was sacked by Apple, he lost millions of dollars by selling his shares at the wrong time. ………………1. Next had spent $180 million of its shareholders' money and had nothing to show for it. ……………… 2 .

For five years, the criticism from the business press was universal and deafening. ……………… 3 . Then a writer called Randall Stross published a book called Steve Jobs and the Next Big Thing which accused him, among other things, of fostering false optimism on successes that didn't exist and having no financial know - how. It was a humiliating attack. ……………… 4 .

By 1995 he had lost $200m out of a fortune of $300m.

Now all that is behind him. Pixar now makes animated movies in partnership with Disney. Toy Story was the third - highest earning animation of all time and the launch of the iMac was a huge success. We haven't heard the last of Mr. Jobs.