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Exercise 15

Underline the correct item.


  • I can only help you if you say / tell me the problem.

  • I can only help you if you say / tell me the problem.

  1. M y mother said / told to turn the oven on at 6 o’clock.

  2. Tom told / said he would be late home.

  3. The teacher told / said us he was pleased with our work.

  4. I like listening to him when says / talks about his youth.

  5. He won’t be punished if he says / tells what happened.

  6. My dentist told / said me to eat less chocolate.

  7. Susan said / told, “Let’s go out for dinner tonight”.

  8. Stop telling / saying lies.

  9. Could you please tell / say me your name?

  10. The little girl said / told her prayers and went to bed.

  11. I really can’t say / tell Jane from Kate. They are twins.

  12. He said / told he would miss us later.

  13. What did you tell / say the police?

  14. Could you tell / say me what time the film starts?

  15. Who told / said you I was married?

Exercise 16

Translate the following sentences from English into Russia. Pay attention to expressions with sayand expressions withtell.

  1. I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

  2. Ruth sad her prayers and went to bed.

  3. Sometimes it is hard to tell one turn from another.

  4. She always says “good morning” to her neighbours.

  5. Don’t keep silent. Say something.

  6. I’d like to say a few words about our company.

  7. Can you tell me the time, please? My watch is some minutes fast.

  8. Yesterday my friend said he would not tell anyone my secret.

  9. Ann said goodbye to me and left.

  10. I can’t tell the difference between two words “velocity” and “speed”.

Exercise 17

Rewrite each sentence in Reported (Indirect) speech beginning as shown. Mind the reporting verbs.


  • “The train stops at every station”, she said.

She explainedthat __________________.

  • She explained that the train stopped at every station.

  1. “Well, yes, if the weather is bad we can’t go”, he said. He agreed that we __________.

  2. “If you cannot come today you simply must come tomorrow”, she said. She remarked that __________.

  3. “I can speak six languages fluently”, he said. He boasted that __________.

  4. “He will, of course, come later”, she said. She thought he __________.

  5. “This is mine”, he said. He claimed it __________.

  6. “This is certainly mine”, he said. He assured us that ____________.

  7. “B-b-but that can’t be right”. He stammered excitedly that ___________.

  8. It is hardly likely that a man in my position would do such a thing. He argued that it ___________.

  9. “I did it”, he said. He confessed that he ___________.

  10. “It was all my fault”. He admitted that __________.

  11. “But that’s not my fault”, he said. He protested that it _________.

  12. “Those are not my finger-prints”, said the accused. The accused denied that those __________.

Exercise 18

Choose the most suitable word underlined.


  • The government spokesperson denied / refused that there is a crisis.

  1. Jane said me / told me there was nothing the matter.

  2. Peter persuaded me / insisted me to stay for dinner.

  3. The director of studies advised me / suggested me to spend more time in the library.

  4. Sheila explained me / warned me not to leave the heater on all night.

  5. The chairperson mentioned us / reminded us that time was extremely short.

  6. Bill answered them / replied them with a detailed description of his plans.

  7. Mike and Sarah announced / reported that they were going to get married.

  8. Paul accepted / expected that he had made a mistake, and apologized.

  9. The manager confirmed / reassured that our room had been reserved.

Exercise 19

Choose a reporting verb and turn the following from Direct into Reported (Indirect) speech.

advised ordered explained asked suggested warned refused


  • “I think you should take more exercise”, the doctor said to me.

  • The doctor advisedme to take more exercise.

        1. “I will not answer your questions”, the actor said to him.

        2. “I really will phone this evening”, he said.

        3. “Do you know, where I’ve put my hat”, he said to her.

        4. “What have you bought me for Christmas?” the little boy said to his parents.

        5. “Go to you room now and do your homework”, the mother said to her son.

        6. “You will be paid a month”, her boss said.

        7. “Would you like me to drive you into town?” she said to me.

        8. “Let’s go for a walk!” he said.

        9. “Please let me come with you”, she said to her mother.

        10. “Let’s play in the garden”, Ted said.

        11. “The Sun is bigger then the Earth”, Mary said to children.

        12. “’Don’t go near the fire because it is dangerous”, she said to Ben.

        13. “Let’s have steak for dinner”, said June.

        14. I promise I’ll write to you as soon as I arrive, “Mary”, said John.

        15. “Please, don’t shoot me!” he said to the robber.