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Amazing Records

Complete the news stories with will / won'tor with a form ofbe going to.


  • Pete Newman, a 20-year-old Canadian, is going towalk across Canada. He thinks hewillbe able to complete his walk from Vancouver to Halifax in 95 days.

Five French sailor 1 ______sail round the world on a catamaran. They hope that they2 _____complete their trip in only 79 days. If they succeed, they

3 _____set a new world record. Jean Dubois told our reporter, " It4 _____be an easy journey. Our worst problem5 _____probably be seasickness."

Sheila Wood, an 18-year-old student from Penzance, 6 _____travel over 11,000 kilometres around the British coast - in roller boots. She7 _____be the first person to do this. Sheila, who8 _____nineteen next Monday, told our reporter, "The trip9 _____take me about six months. My biggest problem10 _____be loneliness. I'm sure that this adventure11 _____teach me a lot about myself." Before she starts, Sheila12 _____buy several pairs of spare wheels for her boots.

Exercise 90

Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Урок закончится. Мы посмотрим на фотографии в журнале.

Кошка не убежит, если мы её выпустим?

Знаете ли вы, когда закончится этот семестр и начнутся экзамены?

Если ты достанешь билеты на премьеру (a firstnight), ты позвонишь

мне, да?

5. Мы будем заниматься в читальном зале всю первую пару.

6. Не знаете ли вы, когда уходит последний поезд? Думаю, что мы

опоздаем, если он уходит в 11.30.

  1. Если вы будете регулярно поливать цветы, они не завянут.

  2. Боюсь, что у меня не будет времени зайти к вам в воскресенье.

9. Я уверен, что Анна опоздает или придёт в самую последнюю минуту.

10. Мы не будем обсуждать этот вопрос. Обдумайте его еще раз,


11. Наша группа собирается провести выходные за городом.

  1. Интересно, сколько студентов примет участие в соревновании, если

оно состоится в июле? Боюсь, что многие уедут домой.

  1. Как только гости уйдут, я опять сяду за работу и буду работать часов

до трех ночи.

14. Джон продолжит курить. Он не бросит курить.

15. Наша исследовательская группа уже почти готова сообщить о

результатах последнего эксперимента.

  1. Когда мы вернемся из экспедиции, мы пропутешествуем уже почти


  1. Портрет будет привлекать внимание каждого посетителя галереи.

Мы собираемся повесить его на светлую стену напротив окна.

  1. Я уезжаю в командировку в понедельник. Она продлится неделю.

Мария присмотрит за детьми.

19. Я перевожу текст. Не одолжите ли вы мне англо-русский словарь?

20. Не сходить ли нам в театр? Вечерсвободен.

Continuous Tenses Present Continuous

Exercise 91

Mind the spelling of -ing.

Spelling of -ING

End of verb



If a verb ends in a consonant + -e, we leave out -e before the ending -ing.

Exceptions are: be / being and verbs ending in -ee: see / seeing etc.



make - making


If a verb ends in - ie, ie changes to y before the ending -ing.


y + ing

die - dying

lie -lying

If a verb ends in two consonants, we do not double the final consonant.


drink - drinking

ask -asking

If a verb ends in a consonant + y, y does not change before the ending -ing.


hurry - hurrying

cry - crying

If a verb ends in a vowel + y, y does not change before the ending -ing.


play playing

buy -buying

If a verb ends in one vowel + one consonant before the ending -ing, we double the consonant at the end.

If a verb has more than one syllable, (prefer, begin etc.), we double the consonant at the end only if the final syllable is stressed.

if the final syllable is not stressed, we do not double the final consonant.

double consonant

+ ing

sit - sitting

drop -dropping

prefer - preferring

begin - beginning

visit - visiting

If a verb ends in two vowels + one consonant before the ending -ing, we do not double the consonant at the end.

one consonant

+ ing

read - reading

train - training

Write the - ingforms for the following verbs.

1. smile ….. smiling

2. stand .……………

  1. plan .……...…….

  2. rain ……….….…

5. sleep ……..…..…

6. empty …….……..

7. regret …..………..

8. stay ……….…..…

9. quarrel …………..

10. agree …………..

11. hit ………..…..…

12. dream ………….

13. try …………..….

14. die ……..….…...

15. be ….……..……

16. rub ……….…….

17. employ ………...

18. hope …………...

  1. happen ……….

  2. permit …………

Exercise 92

Add – ing to the following verbs, put them in the correct column.

desire, close, help, want, hurry, look, watch, clean, cook, regret, rob, visit, add, push, start, live, end, wait, count, like, travel, tidy, laugh, finish, kiss, post, change, open, die, plan, enjoy, quarrel, fry, raise, mix

dive - ....

lie.. - ….

spend - ....

cry - ....

enjoy -….

cut - ....

beat - ….





























Exercise 93

A:Match the sentences with the pictures as in the example:

Grandpa is sleeping.

Carol is listening.

They are eating.

The cat is jumping.

The women are cooking.

Sally is crying.

Jane is dancing.

1. Grandpa is sleeping.

Father is digging in the garden.

B: Look at the pictures and write sentences as in the example:

1. (talk) 2. (come) 3. (sing)

4. (sit) 5. (wash the floor) 6. (drink Coke)

7. (open the window) 8. (write)

Exercise 94

Look at the picture and the list of verbs, then complete the text.











It is Christmas Day. Mr. Huston 1 is drinking tea. Mrs. Huston2 ______the Christmas dinner. The boys3 _____Christmas carols. Grandfather and Grandmother4 _____on the sofa. Grandmother5 _____to the boys singing but Grandfather 6 _____ . The girls7 ____their presents. The dog8 _____ at the girls. It is very cold. It9 _____outside and so the Hustons10 ____at home tonight.

Exercise 95

Complete the sentences. Use the verbs in brackets in the Present Continuous.


  • "Where are Ken and Kate?" "They're _____ (wait) outside."

  • "Where are Ken and Kate?" "They're waitingoutside.

1. "_____ (Sally / have) a shower?" "No, she _____ (wash) her hair."

2. You _____ (not / watch) the TV at the moment. Why don't you switch it off?

3. "_____ (you / enjoy) yourself?" "Yes, I _____ (have) a great time."

  1. "What _____ (Maria / do) these days?" "She _____ (study) English at a

school in London."

  1. Ben and Patty are in London on holiday. They _____ (stay) at a small hotel near Hyde Park.

  2. Prices _____ (rise) at the time. Everything _____ (get) more and more expensive.

  3. Your children _____ (grow up) very quickly.

  4. Sue _____ (look for) a job at the moment.

  5. You _____ (spend) a lot of money these days.

10. Computers _____ (become) more and more important in our lives.

11. "You _____ (work) hard today." "Yes, I have a lot to do."

12. I _____ (look) for Christine. Do you know where she is.

13. You _____ (make) a lot of noise. Could you be quieter? I _____ to


14. Why are all these people here? What _____ (happen)?

15. "Are you ready Ann?" "Yes, I _____ (come).

Exercise 96

Put the verb into the correct form. Sometimes you need the negative. (I'm not doing etc.).


  • I'm tired. I _____ (go) to bed now. Good night!

  • I'm tired. I'm goingto bed now. Good night!

  • We can go out now. It _____ (rain) any more.

  • We can go out now. It isn't rainingany more.

  1. "How is your new job?" "Not so good at the moment. I _____ (enjoy) it very


  1. Catherine phoned me last night. She's on holiday in France. She _____

(have) a great time and doesn't want to come back.

  1. I want to lose weight, so this week I _____ (eat) lunch.

  2. Angela has just started evening classes. She _____ (learn) German.

  3. I think Paul and Ann have had an argument. They _____ (speak) to each other.

  4. Mary is a stewardess. She is required to wear a uniform at work. But today

is her day off. She _____ (wear) it.

  1. It rains a lot in this city, but it (rain) right now. The sun _____ (shine).

  2. "What are you doing? (you, work) _____ on your English paper?" "No, I _____ (study) I _____ (write) a letter to my parents.

  3. "Those boys _____ (water-ski), aren't they? " "You 're mistaken. They _____ (water-ski), they _____ (windsurf)."

10."Do animals dream?" "I don't know. I suppose so. Animals _____ (be, not)

very different from human beings in lots of ways. Look at my dog. She

_____ (sleep). Her eyes _____ (be) closed. At the same time, she _____

(yip) and ______ (move) her head and her front legs. I _____ (be)

sure that she _____ (dream) right now. I'm sure that animals _____


Exercise 97

Make questions. Give short answers to yes / no questions.



What are you writing?

A letter. (I'm writing a letter.)



Is Dmitri reading a book?

No, he isn't.(Dmitri isn't reading a book.)




Yes, __________ (Anna is eating lunch.)



Where ______________________________________________

At the Red Bird Cafe. (She's eating lunch at the Red Bird Cafe.)



____________________________________________________No, __________ (Mike isn't drinking a cup of coffee.)



What _______________________________________________ A cup of tea. (He's drinking a cup of tea.)



____________________________________________________ No, __________ (The girls aren't playing in the street.)




No, __________ (The girls aren't playing in the street.)



Where ______________________________________________

In the park. (They are playing in the park.)



Why _______________________________________________ Because they don't have school today. (They're playing in the park because they don't have school today.)


A: B:


Hi, kids _____________________________________________ No, __________ (We aren't drawing pictures with our crayons.)

Oh? Then what ______________________________________

Maps to our secret place in the woods. (We're drawing maps to our secret place in the woods.)

Exercise 98

Make questions with where, when, why, and what.


A: B:

What are you writing?

A letter. (I'm writing a letter.)


A: B:

____________________________________________________ Because I'm happy. (I'm smiling because I'm happy.)


A: B:

____________________________________________________My grammar book. (I'm reading my grammar book.)


A: B:


Because we are doing an exercise. (I'm reading my grammar book because we're doing an exercise.)


A: B:


In the back of the room. (Roberto is sitting in the back of the room.)


A: B:


Downtown. (I'm going downtown.)


A: B:

____________________________________________________Because I need to buy some shoes. (I'm going downtown because I need to buy some shoes.)


A: B:


Blue jeans and a sweatshirt. (Akihiko is wearing blue jeans and a sweatshirt.)


A: B:

____________________________________________________ Yoko is helping Ahmed. (Right now Yoko is helping Ahmed with an exercise on present tenses.)


A: B:

____________________________________________________At the moment. (He is taking a shower at the moment.)