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Used to – Would – Was going to

Used to


Was going to


past habits or states. It forms its negative with "did" and it is the same all persons. We can use Past Indefinite instead of "used to".

  • She used to walk / walked long distances.

  • She didn’t use to stay in and watch TV.


repeated actions and routine. "Used to" expresses past states or habits.

  • Grandma would always make me porridge for breakfast. (also: used to make)

  • When I was young I used to live in Leeds. (Not: would )


unfulfilled arrangements or unfulfilled plans in the past, or actions one intended to do but did not or could not do.

  • He was going to visit Pam but she wasn’t at home.

Used to - Be used to + ing form / noun / pronoun – Would- Was going to

Used to expresses past habits, regularly repeated actions in the past or past states. It forms its negative with "did" and it is the same in all persons. We can use Past Indefinite instead of "used to".

(Stative verbs are not used with “would”.)

  • She used to walk / walked long distances.

  • She didn’t use to stay in and watch TV.

  • She used to tell me stories.

(also: would tell me…)

  • He used to live in the country.

(not: would – state)

  • He used to have a beard.

(not: would – state):

Would expresses regularly repeated actions and routines in the past. It isn’t used for states.

  • Mum would always make me a big

breakfast. (also: Mum used to make…)

Be used to means “be accustomed to”, “be in the habit of”.

  • She isn’t used to living in tropical climates. (= she isn’t accustomed to living…)

Was going to expresses unfulfilled arrangements or unfulfilled plans in the past, or actions one intended to do but did not or could not do.

  • She was going to move to London but then she decided to stay in York.

  • He was going to visit Pam but she wasn’t at home.

Exercise 13

Fill in: used to, be used to, would or was going to.

Although my friend Tom has lived in the city for three years he still 1… isn’t used toit. He2 ……live in the country so he3 ……living in a more peaceful environment. His first days in the city were so unpleasant that he4 .…..move straight back home, but he found a job and decided to stay. That’s when I met him. He5 ……come into my office with the coffee every morning and he6 ……often stop and talk for a while about what his life7 …… be like in the country. His family8 ……have their own vegetable garden and his mother9 ……prepare wonderful meals. In autumn they10 ……go for long walks and they11 ……collect wild mushrooms and fruit. Tom made it sound so wonderful that, at one point last year, I12 ……quit my job and leave town forever. Bu I didn’t. I13 ……too……the noise and excitement of the city to ever feel at home in the country.

Exercise 14

Translate the sentences using the Past Indefinite,the Past Continuous,the Past Perfectorthe Past Perfect Continuous.

  1. Они покончили с десертом, заплатили официанту за ужин и ушли.

  2. За стеной кто-то смеялся. Смех был такой веселый и заразительный, какого она давно не слышала.

3. Каждый день мистер Пристли ходил в гольф клуб.

  1. К пяти часам он нанес все необходимые визиты.

  2. Пока родители обсуждали семейные новости, дети смотрели телевизор.

  3. Денни работал у себя в кабинете до восьми часов. Потом они поужинали и почти до полуночи говорили о своих планах на будущее.

Спать легли очень поздно.

  1. Когда я приехал на собрание, выступающий только что закончил говорить, и аудитория аплодировала.

7. Он позвонил полчаса тому назад и сказал, что выезжает.

  1. Стояла поздняя осень. Почти все листья уже опали, и последние птицы улетели на юг.

  2. Она выключила свет и сидела в полной темноте.

  3. Он уехал год тому назад и с тех пор не написал нам ни одного письма.

10. Мы спросили мальчиков, что они делают на улице в такой поздний


11. Он не пришел на концерт, потому что мы его не пригласили.

12. Когда она пришла, урок уже начался.

  1. Он стал сильнее после того, как много плавал летом.