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Future Indefinite or Future Continuous?


Exercise 132

Complete the following dialogue using the Future Indefinite orthe Future Continuous.













Can I phone you tomorrow, Suzy?

What time?

Well, I am not working tomorrow so I 1 'll phone (phone) you at 9 o'clock in the morning.

Oh no! I 2 __________(sleep) then.

OK. I 3 __________(call) you at noon.

Well, I 4 __________(wash) my hair.

Perhaps I 5 __________(come) and visit you in the afternoon, then. What6 __________(you / do) around 3 o'clock?

I 7 __________(get) ready for my aerobics class.

Well, if I phone you at 5, 8 __________(you / be) at home?

No, I'm afraid not. I 9 __________(visit) my aunt in hospital.

When can I see you Suzy?

Phone me tomorrow evening. I 10 __________(not / do) anything then.

Exercise 133

Read the text.

When the Tornado Hits




storm cell

puppies rush

hide chicken



A tornado is about to strike this family's farm. It's moving quickly towards them, but luckily they've already seen it coming. The mother has wrapped the baby in a blanket; the father has called all the children. The two boys are carrying some of the animals: a cat and three puppies. The family is rushing into the storm cellar, where they'll be under the ground.

When the tornado hits, they'll be sitting in the storm cellar. They won't be moving around; they'll be hiding in the safest part of the cellar. The mother will still be holding the baby, but the animals will probably be running around, making noise.

Each person will be listening to the sounds of the storm. They'll hear chickens squawking, and they'll hear the wind blowing. They'll all be thinking about the farm and asking themselves questions about it:

"What will the farm look like when we come out of the storm cellar?'

"Will the house still be standing?"

"Will the barn still be standing?"

"Will all the animals be alive?"

"Will it be raining very hard?"


Exercise 134

Answer the questions.

  1. How soon will the tornado strike the farm?

  2. Will the family have time to reach safety?

  3. Where will they go?

  4. What preparations have they made?

  5. What will they be doing when the tornado hits?

  6. What will they be thinking about?

Exercise 135

Join the sentence pairs below with the conjunctions when or while. Mind the use of the Future Continuous in the main clause and the Present Continuous in the dependent clause of time.


  • They will be running into the storm cellar.

The tornado will be moving towards them.

  • They will be runninginto the storm cellarwhilethe tornadois movingtowards them.

  • The tornado will hit the farm.

They will be sitting in the storm cellar.

  • When the tornadohitsthe farm, theywill be sittingin the storm cellar.

1. The mother will be wrapping the baby in a blanket.

The father will be calling the older children.

2. The boys will be carrying some animals.

The family will be rushing into the storm cellar.

3. The tornado will hit the farm.

They won't be running around.

4. The mother will still be holding the baby.

The animals will be running around and making noise.

5. They will be thinking about their animals.

They will hear the tornado.

6. The wind will still be blowing.

The family will come out of the storm cellar.

7. They will be coming out of the cellar.

The rain will start.

8. They will be looking at the farm.

They will come out of the cellar.

Exercise 136

Share your ideas.Write a short paragraph about some natural disaster that may happen to you, or to someone you know. Describe how you will be behaving and what you will be doing. If you can't think of anything that really may happen, invent a story. Use the Future Indefinite and the Future continuous.


  • Hurricanes, floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters have been studied by people for many years. Some rules and recommendations to avoid danger or to lessen its hazardous consequences have been worked out. What shall I be doing if one day a severe hurricane takes place? ………………………………………………………………………………………


Exercise 137

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. Use the Future Continuous.

  1. Пока ты будешь работать в саду, я буду красить забор.

  2. Доктор будет осматривать пациента минут пятнадцать - двадцать.

  3. Я буду ждать вас у кинотеатра в восемь вечера завтра.

  4. Пока дети будут спать, бабушка приготовит обед.

  5. Через полчаса мама почитает нам сказку.

  6. Что вы будете делать в это время в следующем году?

  7. Мы будем переезжать на новую квартиру.

  8. Когда она придет домой, её родители будут ужинать.

9. Когда начнется гроза, будет греметь гром, сверкать молния, лить

дождь, дуть сильный ветер.

10. Дети будут играть в саду после школы.

11. Если ты простудишься, ты будешь температурить, чихать, кашлять,

лежать в постели и принимать лекарства.