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Pit Stop at the Race Track

Cars in auto races move at very fast speeds around the track. Some of the races are hundreds of miles long. The drivers try to keep their cars near top speed the whole time. Of course, high speeds are very hard on the cars. Often parts break or wear out during the race.

The race driver depends on the other men on his team, the mechanics who take care of the car. Mechanics never race, but they share in the joy of winning. Their job is to make sure the car will last long enough to finish the race. An old saying goes, "To finish first, first you must finish."

This driver is pulling off the race track, into the pit. The mechanics are already running to help. When the driver enters the race again, the mechanics will have put fuel in the car. They'll have changed some of the tires. They'll have checked the oil. Perhaps they'll have added more oil. They'll have repaired any problems in the car. The driver will not have rested long, though - the mechanics will have finished all this work in less than one minute!


Exercise 193

Answer the questions.

  1. Why do race cars break down during races?

  2. Who takes care of the race cars?

  3. What will happen if a car doesn't finish the race?

  4. After the pit stop, will the car need fuel?

  5. After the pit stop, will the car need oil?

  6. How will the tires work after the pit stop? Why?

  7. How will the engine work after the pit stop? Why?

  8. Why do the mechanics move so fast?

Exercise 194

Read the sentences below. Say which action happened first and which action happened next.


  • The mechanics will have worked on the car before the race starts.

  • First the mechanics will work on the car.

  • Then the race will start.

  1. The mechanics will have repaired some parts when the race is over.

  2. They will have put on eight new tires when the race is over.

  3. They will have put out their cigarettes when they start to work on the car.

  4. They will have put in fuel by the time the car leaves.

  5. The driver will have rested for one minute when he starts again.

  6. The driver will have gone 500 miles by the time he stops.

  7. The team will have received a prize when they go home.

Exercise 195

Say whether the two parts of the sentence will happen at the same time or at different times.

  1. The mechanics will work on the car when the race starts.

  2. The mechanics will have worked on the car when the race starts.

  3. They will fix some parts when the race is over.

  4. They will put out their cigarettes when they work on the car.

  5. They will have put on eight tires when the race is over.

  6. They will have put in fuel when the car leaves.

  7. The driver will have rested one minute when he stars again.

  8. The team will get a prize when they go home.

Exercise 196

Combine the pairs of sentences below to make one sentence in the Future Perfect tense. Use time words like before, when, and by the time that. Remember that the verb in the time clause must be in the Present Indefinite.


  • The race will be over.

  • The mechanics will use many new tires.

  • The mechanics will have used many new tires when the race is over.


They will put in some new engine parts.

the day will be done.


The car will use gallons of fuel.

The driver will pull in for the last time.


Everybody will work very hard.

The race will be finished.


They will earn their money.

They will go home.


The driver will drive for ten hours.

The race will be over.


The mechanics will help the driver to win.

The day will be done.


They will receive a large amount of money.

They will go home.

Exercise 197

Write a paragraph about some customs and traditions in the USA, Great

Britain or Russia. Use the Future Perfect.

  • What children will have done to prepare for Halloween in the USA.

  • What families will have done to prepare for Thanksgiving in the USA.

  • What people will have done to prepare for Christmas in Great Britain.

  • What people will have done to prepare for a New Year in Russia.

  • What you will have done to prepare for your birthday, etc.

Exercise 198

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. Use the Future Perfect.

  1. В будущем запасы органического топлива значительно уменьшатся.

  2. Станет ли электромобиль универсальным видом транспорта? - На этот вопрос ответит будущее.

  3. До того как он окончит институт, он изучит французский язык.

  4. К тому моменту, когда вы вернетесь, мы уже закончим ремонт квартиры.

  5. Я думаю, его роман получит всемирное признание уже к концу года.

  6. Они испытают новые строительные материалы прежде, чем начнут внедрять их в производство.

  7. К 2020 году медицинские исследования значительно продвинутся вперед.

  8. Экзамены завершатся раньше, чем начнется практика.

  9. Позднее на этой неделе Миссис Стоун отправит приглашения всем гостям. К субботе все гости их получат.

10. Я закончу мою домашнюю работу ко времени, когда я отправлюсь

гулять с нашей собакой.