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1) Read and translate the text.

2) Make a list of unknown words.

3) Be ready to talk about Harvard’s students emphasizing the details you find most exciting and unusual.

Harvard’s students.

Visitors often ask: Who is the typical Harvard student? The answer is that there is no such person. Each student is a unique individual, and the student body is incredibly diverse. Harvard men and women represent an array of ethnic groups, religious traditions, and political persuasions. They come from every region of the United States and more than 100 countries. They include undergraduates and graduate continuing education, and Summer School students. The range from teenagers to octogenarians; in 1997, Mary Fasano became the oldest person ever to earn a Harvard degree when she graduated from the Extension School at the age of 89. Harvard College students have a remarkable range of backgrounds and academic and extracurricular interests. Two-thirds come from public schools, and about two-thirds receive some form of financial aid.

Despite their diversity, Harvard students as a group do seem to share a few characteristics.

  1. Academic excellence.

  2. Harvard students display their talents in a wide array of extracurricular activities – including music, dance, theater, sports, journalism, and public service.

  3. Harvard students show a real knack for taking what they’ve learned – in school and in life – and applying it to solve problems.

Harvard graduates, especially graduates of business school are in high demand. All consulting firms and investing banks want them to work at their enterprises. But only one third of magistrates after graduating accept their proposals. Others try to continue their study as postgraduates and to earn a doctor’s degree, especially on philosophy. Doctor’s degree is a free access to high academic groups. Annual income of the specialist with a doctor’s degree as a rule covers all the expenses on education.

Ex.7.Think about:

What differences are there between you and Harvard’s student?


The Gumilyоv Eurasian National University

At my university.

I began this academic session as a student of the Eurasian National University named after L.N.Gumiliyev. I'm in the Pedagogical faculty in my first year. It was only a week ago that I took my last examination. It was an English one in which I did very well.

So I passed all the exams successfully and was admitted to the university. Many applicants failed and some were admitted to the part -time department.

When at school, I thought to enter the sciences, but then I changed my mind and decided to take up psychology. I must say the first day at my university was unforgettable. We gathered in the Assembly Hall where the Rector congratulated us on the beginning of the session and wished us success in our academic life. Then the Dean of the Faculty, Doctor of Philology took the floor. She spoke about the subjects we were to study and various departments of the Faculty. She expressed hope that we should attend all the lectures, tutorial and seminars. Each year we must present a course paper to our scientific adviser and make reports in class on psychological themes. At the end of each term we will take several examinations and credit tests. In June, for instance, I will read for my exams in psychology, the history of Kazakhstan and England.

As regards English they will teach us not only to read and translate psychological literature but to speak English as well.

After the inside tour of the college which we made following the meeting my friends and I went to hostel. I am sure I'll enjoy my studies at university.