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Topical vocabulary



резюме, өзің туралы ақпарат









ұсыныс, анықтама



қысқартылған, қысқа





to elicit

анықтау, табу


to proceed




қасиет, белгі


to incorporate




жай, қарапайым


оn behalf of

(біреудің) ықыласында, біреудің атынан




Ex.1.Find in the text Kazakh equivalents to the following:

алғашқы ақпарат; ұсыныс, анықтама; өзің туралы ақпарат; қызметке ие болу; қызмет; көп төленетін жұмыс; жағымды әсер қалдыру; қысқартылған, қысқа; кері хронологиялық тәртіппен; жұмыстың соңғы орны; өтініш; білім, жұмыс және тәжірибесін бейнелеу; жұмысқа тұру үшін орындау; мазмұны; анықтау, табу; қасиет, белгі; біріктіру; қарапайым; рұқсат; біреудің ынтасында, біреудің атынан;

Ex.2.Suggest the Kazakh for:

The first piece of information; at the beginning of any interview; the content; roughly; job objective; experience; concise; an inquiry letter, to attract attention; response; to proceeds; to incorporate; in reverse chronological order; it’s permissible; merely; available; on behalf of; permission; to mention; . resume; activity; application; to elicit; merely

Ex.3.Translate the sentences:

1. Компания өкілінен интервью алу үшін сіз түрлі компаниялар мен агенстволарға өзіңіздің резюмеңіз бен өтінішіңізді жіберуіңіз керек. 2. Резюме дұрыс құралған болу керек, себебі бұл компанияның сіз туралы алатын бірінші мағлұматы. 3. Дұрыс құрылмаған резюме – жұмыс табуды жоғалту мүмкіндігі. 4. Сіз нақты күндерін, қызметтер мен жұмыс орындарын көрсетуіңіз керек. 5. Резюме ұзақ болмауы керек, бір беттен артық болмауы керек. 6. Кері хронологиялық тәртіппен сіздің барлық оқу орындарыңызды жазып шығу қажет. 7. Соңғы жұмыс орнын көрсетіңіз де, кері тәртіп бойынша жүріңіз. 8. Әрине, резюме сізге жұмысты ұсынбайды, дегенмен интервьюға шақырылуға көмектеседі. 9. Резюме хатпен бірге жұмыс ұсынушыға жіберіледі.

Ex. 4.Read the dialogues in pairs.


- Are you pleased with your new job, Marry?

- Yes, very much. It is just my cup of tea. I work as a translator at the Research Institute.

- And, what sort of translation are you engaged in?

- Well, I translate articles on chemistry from different American and English magazines.


– My brother has an awful lot of work. He’s so booked up these days.

- Why? Isn’t he going to take a leave?

- Oh, no most of his colleagues are on their vocation and the chief keeps him at work day and night.

- Nothing doing. The coming of the holiday- making season is in the air.


- What are your wages, Bill?

- It depends, you know. I am on piece- work.

- And how much did you earn last month?

- Well, 150 dollars let alone the bonus.

Ex.5. Translate into English.

1. Мен сені бос емес деп ойладым. 2. Біздер операға барғымыз келді дедік. 3. Біз сізді жүзе алатын шығар деп үміттендік. 4. Том біздің жұмасына қанша рет ағылшынмен айналысатыннымызды сұрады. 5. Мен оны үйде қалуға мәжбүр болғаны үшін аядым. 6. Ол тарихи романдарды ұнататынын айтты. 7. Ол достары әлі де шахмат ойнап жатыр деп ойлады. 8. Анам олар түскі тамақтарын ішіп алғандарын айтты. 9. Оның балалардың орманға кеткендігін білмеуі мүмкін емес. 10. Ол жұмысқа кірісетінін айтты.

Ex. 6. Use the required tense forms in the following sentences.

1. Mary (to return ) to the room. Al (to sit) beside the gas-fire and ( to take off) his shoes.2. She realized that he (to try) to tell her how lonely he (be). 3. I thought I (sleep) well, being tired. 4. She asked if Mr. Clean (tell) her where he (live). 5. Darkness (to fall) when he finally (to return) to the hotel. 6. I (to sit) there for about 10 minutes pretending to read, when someone (to sit) down at my table. Your friend is an exchange student in the USA at the moment. You are speaking with him on the phone and your friend Sue is standing next to you. She is very excited - you have to repeat every sentence to her.

Ex. 7. Complete the sentences in reported speech (no backshift). Note the change of pronouns, places and verbs.

Tom: I'm fine.

Sue: What does he say?

  • You: He says that ……

  • Tom: The weather here is great.

  • Sue: What does he say?

  • You: He says that ………..

  • Tom: My host family is very nice.

  • Sue: What does he say?

  • You: He says that …………

  • Tom: I have my own room.

  • Sue: What does he say?

  • You: He says that …………

  • Tom: We have a national park here.

  • Sue: What does he say?

  • You: He says that ……….

  • Tom: We went there yesterday.

  • Sue: What does he say?

  • You: He says that ………..

  • Tom: It was great.

  • Sue: What does he say?

  • You: He says that …………

  • Tom: I'd love to go there again.

  • Sue: What does he say?

  • You: He says that ……….

  • Tom: The teachers at my school are very nice.

  • Sue: What does he say?

  • You: He says that ………..

  • Tom: My English has improved.

  • Sue: What does he say?

  • You: He says that ………..

Ex. 8. Change the sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. Mr Brown said:" I was watching TV last night." Mr Brown said (that) ……………………….. 2. Sandy explained:" I saw the accident at the corner of High Street." Sandy explained (that) …………... 3. Bob said:" We had a wonderful time at Peter’s party." Bob said (that) they …………... 4. The farmer said:" I didn’t see her." The farmer said (that) ……... 5. Will and Tim said:" We were very happy about the present." Will and Tim said (that) ……….. 6. Mr Jones said: As a young boy I collected stickers." Mr Jones said (that) ………………... 7. Peter reported:" We played a lot of tennis last year." Peter reported (that) ………. 8. Mother said:" I have a headache." Mother said (that) …….. 9. The Clarks told us:" We drove right down to Athens last summer." The Clarks told us (that) ………... 10. Helen said:" I’m watching the late night show." Helen said (that) ……………….. 11. Peter said:" They were interested in other countries." Peter said (that) …………... 12. Mr Cooper said:" I take my medicine regularly." Mr Cooper said (that) ………. 13. Mrs Miller said:" I don’t feel better now." Mrs Miller said (that) …………. 14. Sarah said:" My father takes me to school every day." Sarah said (that) ……... 15. He said to the reporters:" I’m a farmer in Cornwell." He said to the reporters (that) …………….

Ex. 9. Read the story and do tasks.

The Adventures of Rick Mansworth Private Detective

 Rick was woken up at 7:00a.m. by his mobile phone. It was the senator calling from Washington.

‘Mansworth, this is senator Bawls. Have you found my daughter?’ ‘Well sir, Prince Yamanie blames the Tehran International Terrorist Sect. They know about your plans to bomb Iran.’

‘Find her Mansworth, I’m not going to negotiate with terrorists, especially the T.I.T.S. Find my baby, my lovely Ophelia. Her life is in your hands.’ ‘Don’t worry senator, I’ll get Ophelia Bawls if it’s the last thing I do.’ Rick got dressed and left The Fez. He took a taxi to the kasbah. He wanted coffee and time to think. He was walking through the bazaar when he heard a girls voice behind him. 

‘Don’t turn around Mr. Rick, keep walking.’ ‘Who are you?’ asked Rick.

‘That doesn’t matter.’ said the girl, ‘Don’t look at me it’s too dangerous, we mustn’t be seen.’

‘But why are you so afraid?’ asked Rick. 

‘It’s Prince Yamanie. His spies are everywhere. They’ll kill me if they see me speaking to you. I know where you can find the American girl. She’s in the palace, on the top floor where the prince keeps his harem.’

‘Why are you telling me this?’ asked Rick. There was no answer, and when Rick turned around the girl had disappeared. That evening Rick knocked on the front door of Prince Yamanie’s palace. The prince was eating, drinking and laughing as always.

‘Rick my good friend, how wonderful to see you again. Come and sit down next to me. Are you still looking for the American girl?’

‘Yes, I am.’ replied Rick, ‘Do you have any news for me?’

‘You are unlucky my friend. My contacts tell me that only a female French tourist and a Polish nun are being held by the T.I.T.S. There are no reports of any Americans. I’m sorry Rick.’

‘I’ll keep looking’ said Rick, ‘but tonight I was hoping for some female company.’ 

‘Of course my friend, my ladies are at your service.’ Said the prince with his biggest smile. 

Rick took the hand of a beautiful dark-haired dancer and took her upstairs. He pushed her into the first empty room and locked the door from the outside.  Quickly he climbed the stairs to the top floor and started to check all the rooms. It was a big palace. He found her at last, sleeping and heavily drugged. Rick carried the beautiful Ophelia down to the first floor and unlocked the door where the dancer was.

‘There’s no time to explain,’ said Rick ‘take off your clothes.’ Together Rick and the dancer undressed Ophelia and put the dancers clothes on her. Rick then walked slowly down the stairs with his arm around Ophelia. ‘Ah Rick,’ said the prince, ‘I thought you had fallen asleep up there.’ Rick just smiled and walked past the prince’s table.

‘We both need some air Prince Yamanie. It’s the wine.’

‘Too much?’ asked the prince

‘Not enough’ said Rick, ‘open another bottle!’

‘The prince laughed as Rick left the palace with Ophelia in his arms, still half asleep. But Rick was laughing too as the senator’s private jet took off en route for the U.S. Rick was a national hero and Prince Yamanie became a target for N.A.T.O.’s bombs. 


1. Now change the following conversation from direct speech to reported speech. ‘Mansworth, this is senator Bawls. Have you found my daughter?’ ‘Well sir, Prince Yamanie blames the Tehran International Terrorist Sect. They know about your plans to bomb Iran.’

‘Find her Mansworth, I’m not going to negotiate with terrorists, especially the T.I.T.S. Find my baby, my lovely Ophelia. Her life is in your hands.’ ‘Don’t worry senator, I’ll get Ophelia Bawls if it’s the last thing I do.’

2. Now change the following conversation from reported speech to direct speech. Rick was told not to turn around and to keep walking.

Rick asked who the girl was. 

She said that it didn’t matter, and told him not to look at her because it was too dangerous and that they mustn’t be seen.

Rick asked her why she was so afraid.

She said that it was Prince Yamanie, and that his spies were everywhere.

She said that they would kill her if they saw her speaking to him.

She said that she knew where he could find the American girl, and told him that she was in the palace on the top floor where the prince kept his harem.

Rick asked her why she was telling him that.

3. Write the following reporting verbs in the correct places. Apologised / explained / offered / invited / inquired / joked / ordered ‘Rick my good friend, how wonderful to see you again. Come and sit down next to me,’ he …………

‘Yes, I am.’ replied Rick, ‘Do you have any news for me?’ he ……… ‘You are unlucky my friend. My contacts tell me that only a female French tourist and a Polish nun are being held by the T.I.T.S. There are no reports of any Americans. I’m sorry Rick,’ he ………… ‘Of course my friend, my ladies are at your service,’ he ………….. ‘There’s no time to explain,’ said Rick ‘take off your clothes,’ he ……….. ‘We both need some air Prince Yamanie. It’s the wine,’ he ………… ‘Not enough,’ he …………..‘open another bottle!’

Ex. 10. Put these sentences into the Reported speech.

• "Do you like fish, Mary?", she asked.

• He said, "I've failed my exam".

• "I went to market this morning", she said.

• "Don't lose the money!", she said to her son.

• She said, "I didn't have my eyes tested yesterday".

• "When did you see me?", he asked her.

• The teacher told one of his pupils, "You'll come to harm if you don't work."

• "Don't clean it yourselves!" mother said to the children.

• The boy said, "I couldn't come because of my father's illness".

• "Don't drive so fast", Susan shouted to John.

• "I got up early this morning", he said.

• She said to me, "Don't worry about it".

• "Do you have to leave so early?", he asked her.

• "Have you had a good sleep", he asked her.

• "What are you going to do tomorrow?", she asked me.

• He said, "I didn't notice the speed limit".

• "We'll get some tickets tomorrow", they told me.

• "I'm leaving", the sailor said.

• "They were here last week", Mr Benson told her husband.

• "He always feels very cold", mother told the doctor.

• " The children went to bed early today", father said.

• "You look smart in these clothes", she told her daughter.

• "Get out of my pub", the landlord said to the drunkard.

• The children asked: "Shall we have to bring our books tomorrow?"

• He asked the secretary: 'How do you feel when the manager asks you to have dinner

with him?"

• He asked her. 'Can you spare me a minute?'

• He said, 'I don't know how long it will take me.'

• I asked mother, 'How much did this book cost?'

• I asked him, 'Did anybody see you?'

• The teacher said: "I want you to do your best, boys.

• Mother said: "Susan, don't leave the door open! "

• Mrs Brown asked Maud: "When did the Mortons sell their house ?"

• David asked his father: "Are you going to London tomorrow ?"

• She said, "I don't think we shall be late if we hurry".

• "I'm not very well today", Susan said.

• "You must send for the doctor at once", Mrs Johnson told her husband.

• "You can go now, if you like", the teacher said to the boys.

• "I think I'll have a holiday on Monday", the manager said.

• "I've finished my work", the workman said.

• "My wife is cooking the dinner", Mr Dickens said.

• "We'll stay here until Tuesday", he said.

• "I think it's going to rain", Tom said.

• "Was Mr Gilbert's operation successful?" he asked

• "I can do this exercise,"he said.

• "I forgot to ask her name," he said.

• "I've already had lunch," he said.

• "I'll retire soon," he said.

• "What did you have for breakfast?" she asked Tim.

• "I'm inquiring about a certain patient," Mr Gilbert said.

• Tom said, "I saw you in town but you did not see me".

• She asked him, "How old are you?"




Text: Kazakhstan.

Grammar: Non-finite form of the verb: The Infinitive.


The young sovereign state and its economy have set out on a new course in which the social organism and the whole complex of politi­cal and economic relations are being completely reorganized. The development of democracy, new property-ownership relations, and the steady move towards a market economy are creating favorable condi­tions for the emergence of a strong national state. As reality demands, the society and economy are more and more assuming an open charac­ter. But at the same time it is vital to take into account the traditions and psychology of the people, as well as the negative effects of the totalitarian regime on the mentality and attitudes of the population, which to some extent are nowadays obstacles in the way of change and more rapid progress.

The President of the Republic, Nursultan Nazarbaev, defining the strategy of Kazakhstan's development, said:

‘Fate has decreed that the time of difficult decisions on the radical re-organization of life should fall to our lot. The totalitarian society created over many years by the Communist regime collapsed literally before our eyes, and without any tangible outside pressure. The main reason for this lay in the fact that...from the very beginning in the for­mer USSR, the Soviet people never really felt that they were the true masters of their lives, their property, their country.”

Remembering that the policy of denationalization of the Soviet period brought the Kazakh nation to the brink of catastrophe and extinction, the government is paying serious attention to the revival of the national culture and language, and to the renewal of spir­itual and cultural ties with the Kazakh Diaspora, forced to leave Kazakhstan at various times in the past century.

The multi-party system is the decisive force in the democratic transformation and consolidation of the multinational society. The adoption of such a system will lead to the emergence of new political activists and leaders.

The most important political aims, and the main condition for the realization of economic reforms, are the preservation of stability in the country and the conclusion of military, political and economic alliances that will guarantee the security and the sovereignty of Kazakhstan,

The advantageous geopolitical position of Kazakhstan, facilitating trade and political ties with both Europe and Asia, can be used for linking Europe, the Central Asian part of the former USSR and other parts of Asia.

The country's internal tasks are closely related to the fact that for the first time in its recent history it has real conditions for all-round development, for the rebirth of the Kazakh nation and other national­ities of the republic.