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Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary exercises

Ex.1. Complete the following sentences:

1. Pharmacy is the science of ... . 2. A pharmacist is a specialist with higher pharmaceutical education who ... . 3. To become a pharmacist one should ... . 4. A pharmacist together with a doctor devotes his life ... . 5. ... of a pharmacist is broad. 6. A specialist with higher pharmaceutical education has the right to be ... . 7. Leading specialists of pharmaceutical factories are graduates ... . 8. A manager is responsible for ... . 9. At present the sphere of action of a pharmacist ... . 10. Young specialists work at ...

Ex.2. Express the following in English:

1. Фармация - это наука о лекарственных веществах, используемых для лечения людей. 2. Фармацевт может готовить лекарства, проверять их качество, распределять и поставлять их. 3. Будущий специалист должен знать различные предметы: химию, фармакологию, фармакогнозию, ботанику и другие. 4. Фармацевт может работать управляющим или его заместителем, рецептаром-контролёром и химиком-аналитиком. 5. Сфера деятельности фармацевта широка. 6. Многие специалисты работают в биохимических, клинических лабораториях в санаториях, больницах, поликлиниках. 7. Я хочу иметь частную аптеку после окончания академии. 8. Рецептар-контролёр берёт рецепты и выдаёт лекарства. 9. Химик-аналитик контролирует эффективность лекарств, их технологию и время хранения. 10. Цель фармацевта - помочь больному человеку использовать прописанные медикаменты лучшим образом.

Ex.3. Look through the text and state what it has to say on the following


1. Your future speciality is pharmacy. 2. A pharmacist protects people’s health. 3. A pharmacist must know different subjects. 4. The sphere of action of a pharmacist is broad. 5. Nowadays the sphere of action of a pharmacist is becoming broader. 6. A provisor works with ill people.

Ex.4. Answer the following questions:

1. What is pharmacy which is your future speciality? 2. What are the duties of a pharmacist? 3. To become a provisor one should achieve knowledge of different subjects, shouldn’t he? What are these subjects? 4. Where can pharmaceutical specialist work? 5. What is a manager responsible for? (a dispensing pharmacist, an analytical chemist) 6. Can you describe the work of a chemical analytical laboratory? 7. The sphere of action of a modern specialist is becoming broader, isn’t it? Where else can he work? 8. What is the aim of a provisor as a medical worker? 9. What are you going to do after graduating from the academy?

Oral Speech Practice Exercises

Ex.5. Practise reading the following flashes of conversation:

A - Why did you choose pharmacy as your future speciality?

B - My parents are medical workers and I always wanted to bring people

health, to help them to recover.

A - After graduating from the academy which do you prefer: to work at a

pharmacy or some other place?

B - Sure at some clinical or biochemical laboratory. Making analysis was

always interesting for me.

A - I’ve heard Nelly had graduated from the academy 2 years ago. Where does

she work, I wonder?

B - She has got a private pharmacy somewhere in Rostov region and sells all

kinds of medicines and things of medicinal care.

A - What are you going to do after graduating from the academy? Any plans?

B - I think I shall study further, I want the right to have my own business and

work at a private chemist’s shop.

Ex.6. Comprise the similar flashes of conversation using words and word

combinations from the text ‘My Future Speciality’.

Ex.7. Prove that:

  1. A pharmacist is a medical worker.

  2. A pharmacist must know different subjects.

  3. The sphere of action of a pharmacist is broad.

  4. Your desire is to work at a chemical analytical laboratory.

Ex.8. Read the text and be ready:

to answer the questions below;

to give a short summary of the text B.

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