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Text a medical care in russia and great britain.

H ealth is the most important thing in our life. If a person is healthy and strong he can have an interesting life and do a lot of things. A large number of clinics, hospitals, outpatients, nursing centres take care of health. In our country medical service is free, but lately there appeared some medicinal centres which charge for visits. When the person fall ill the doctor examines the patient, takes his temperature, puts him through the necessary tests, listens to his heart, sounds the lungs, takes his blood count, checks his blood pressure and on the basis of all this he diagnoses the case and puts the patient on a sick-list. The doctor makes prescriptions. If the patient follows the doctor’s prescriptions, he must take the medicine regularly. It is necessary to stay away from work and stay in bed. In this case there is more chance of recovering soon and getting over the illness without any complications (after effects).

If you fall ill during your visit to Britain, you must get in touch with a doctor. Under the National Health Service (NHS) this costs you nothing. Explain to the receptionist that you are a temporary visitor to the country and she will give you a special form to fill in.

If you are too ill to move, you may phone his surgery and the doctor will come to your house, but normally you have to go to the surgery for the consultation. Most doctors operate an appointment system, so that it is not necessary to wait long at the surgery before seeing a doctor. When you see the doctor, you describe your symptoms to him and he examines you and makes his diagnosis. Then he decides what treatment you must follow. Usually he gives you a prescription for tablets or medicine, which you must take to a chemist’s shop; most drugs can only be bought from a chemist if you have a prescription from the doctor, but some simple types are available without a prescription, e.g. aspirin, coughs mixture. If you need a special treatment, the doctor will send you to see a specialist at the local hospital, but in Britain you must see the ordinary doctor before you can see a specialist.

A network of health resorts help people to improve their health. Besides, sports help us to keep fit and avoid diseases. But no matter how hard we try to avoid them, sometimes we can’t do it. We often catch cold and infection and fall ill. Then we have to consult a doctor.

Thousands of medical institutions: hospitals, clinics and polyclinics provide medical service to the people in Britain. If a patient has a medical insurance he plays nothing for treatment. There are, of course, a lot of private clinics, dispensaries that charge for visits. Main emphasis in Britain is laid on the prevention or prophylactics. The saying has it that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure». Periodical medical examinations are sometimes practiced, since a through examination helps to nip a disease in the bud, before it has taken root. General examination is also required of persons planning to spend their holidays at a health resort. The all – out effort against epidemics deserve special mention. The health problems facing people in Britain are different, than those in some other countries. Sedentary lifestyles and risky physical behavior are the two greatest causes of adult health roblems. Nearly all children receive immunizations against diseases. Although the government provides some aid to the poor, Britain’s do not have a socialized health-care program. Because health care is expensive, most Britain’s rely on private health insurance to pay medical costs. Poorer people often do not have this insurance.

Health facilities are extensive and modern, except in some rural areas, and the Britain’s is a world leader in medical research and training. The infant mortality rate is 8 per1, 000; life expectancy ranges from 72 to 80 years.

If you have health problems while in Britain, remember you are expected to pay for any treatment you receive, unless you are covered by some form of insurance, either from your country or through traveler’s insurance. If you need special medication, see a doctor for a prescription. Medications, readily available in your country, may be restricted there. You should go to a drugstore, or a pharmacy to shop for medications, although non-prescription drugs are available off the counter in most supermarkets.

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